If you keep diesel clean and without water in it, it will last for years and years. I've burned diesel that was more than 10 years old and it worked fine. If it gets water in it, bacteria will grow and make a slimey mess that will plug your fuel system, but i've never had that happen.
I keep some diesel around, and i can't see any difference on how my diesel motors run between old or new diesel in anything i run it in. Thing about diesel motors, i can put used motor oil in it, or about any other kind of oil in it, and everything i own, runs just fine! None of my diesels are high tech puterized, and i plan to keep it that way just to keep the problems to a mininum...
With diesel haveing the MOST BTU's of energy per gallon, and with it lasting so well, it's easily the best choise for an extended power outage IF you feel you have to have power.