The boys mother is an illegal. Federal judges ordered her deported 2X in 1996. She chose to further show her contempt for our laws and hid instead. Father also illegal and was in jail during the trial. After living here for 15 years she STILL refuses to learn or speak english and uses an interpretor when she whines to the liberal media. She didn't even want her son buried here, but she refuses to leave as ordered AGAIN. Far as I know she's still in lou. The libby media and local pot stirrers kept pointing out the plight of the poor woman. She never watched her son, turned him out into the streets in the morning and left him. Neighbors said that he would simply walk into their homes when he was hungry or needed cleaned up, he knew who to go to when he needed help or got hurt. The mother said she didn't think it necessary to watch him since this was America. Fact is that had she obeyed our laws instead of ignoring them and disrespecting us she might have had a living son today. Not sure but I believe news said she had more kids back home, can't remember where though. I feel sorry for the boy, but not her. POWDERMAN.