I agree on some. If we had stayed out of WWI, Germany would have won, or at least had a cease fire with England and France. Russia might still have gone communist, but Germany had occupied Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belorus, and the Ukraine. They would have gotten their independence. Germany had a Parliment in WWI, and was democratic. They wouldn't have gone into a depression in 1924 trying to pay back war debt to the Allies, thus kept their economy in tact and Hitler would have never come to power. The Austria-Hungarian Empire would still exist. Turkey would probably still have Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and maybe Kuwait. Palestine and Jordan would exist independent of Turkey, if the cease fire started after England liberated Arabia, Palestine and Jordan, Kuwait might have been liberated. Lots of ifs.
In WWII, had England had a Cease Fire treaty with Germany before we got involved, and before they invaded Russia, we might not have gotten involved. Had we not cut off scrap iron shipments to Japan, they might not have attacked us, and eventually conquered China. They might have made a deal with Germany who occupied the Netherlands and northern France at the time, to take control of Vietnam and Indonesia without a fight.