I like to see a Christian as president also..but if Romney is the nominee..we won't have one in the oval office, no matter which way the wind blows (IMO). Still, we have to weigh which one is better for the country and which one is the more conservative.
At this point it doesn't look like any shoo-in for Ron or Newt and the next president will very likely re-align the Supreme court, so we as voters still have to do our best for our country. Obviously, that comes down to ABO.. anybody but Obama.
Lucky... Don't be surprised when polls don't match the vote, there are all kinds of reasons for that. Just keep in mind however; this clown in the oval office has appointed 32 'czars' to sidestep congress, and he has done many things to tromp on the constitution. If he has done all that while having to face a re-election...just what do you think he will do when he no longer has to face another vote by the people ??
There still is a reason to vote this tyrant out..I want to keep my guns and have my grandchildren enjoy at least some of the freedoms we have enjoyed.
Our time to move against the Rinos is not during the general election, but long before that. Pick an acceptable candidate..Get out, campaign, contribute and help every way you can. ...But come general election day, even if your first choice doesn't get chosen..don't sit home and pout.
Get out and vote for the most conservative choice; Don't throw the baby out with the bath water !