hornet nest or mud wasp nest can be found in most areas where you might hunt, ya just gotta keep an eye out for it. End of one season, I found one, cut it off the branch and proceeded to carry it out of the woods. Now yes, I did check to hear if there was any "buzzing" sound from the nest, even laid it down for awhile to bag a few squrriels. Well, on the way back to the truck, I found out that there were plenty of them MAD devils in it, and they were just slightly unhappy with me. Got it in the back of the truck and drove home, where I smoked out any more unwanted. Still laugh about it and I'm amazed that I didn't get stung, I was covered with them! Well I did try the nest material for patching. I wasn't overly impressed with it, but liked the idea of using a natural souce for patching when there is a need.