Author Topic: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight  (Read 2156 times)

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2012, 05:19:57 AM »
ASSOCIATED PRESS   Thursday, January 19, 2012 - 1:19 p.m.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The latest state jobs report shows Wisconsin lost 3,900 private sector jobs in December 2012, marking the sixth straight month of losses. The state has lost 35,600 jobs during the last six months of 2011. Jobless claims sank by 50,000 to a  seasonally adjusted 352,000 in the week ended Jan. 14

How them policies working out?

Curious at how many of the Dec jobs were seasonal? You know like temporary jobs for the Christmas jobs.

Offline scootrd

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2012, 05:58:44 AM »
ASSOCIATED PRESS   Thursday, January 19, 2012 - 1:19 p.m.

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The latest state jobs report shows Wisconsin lost 3,900 private sector jobs in December 2012, marking the sixth straight month of losses. The state has lost 35,600 jobs during the last six months of 2011. Jobless claims sank by 50,000 to a  seasonally adjusted 352,000 in the week ended Jan. 14

How them policies working out?

Curious at how many of the Dec jobs were seasonal? You know like temporary jobs for the Christmas jobs.

That was my whole point.. The drop was Christmas employment.
Wisconsin has had 6 straight months of Job loss.. Walkers policies  and tax giveaways to Corps were to help promote corporate growth in the state. The corps said thank you very much crony , pocketed the savings , and continue to leave the state . Walker now left with a "budget crises" tries to shore up the shortfall on backs of middle class. Wheres the Job growth?  Joerns Healthcare leaving the state for Mexico is just the latest example of that failed policy. I don't have the answer but tax giveaways to Corps don't work. They take the incentives, continue to off-shore , create no new jobs, and leave state resident middle class holding the budget shortfall bag.

But instead of discussing the issue.. others would just like to deflect , change subjects, cite typo's. The Policy does not work.  Time to try something new. 

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Offline Casull

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2012, 07:17:12 AM »
Time to try something new.

If that something is "taxing the rich", it's not new, but rather very old leftist malarkey that doesn't work.
Aim small, miss small!!!

Offline magooch

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2012, 07:22:24 AM »
Okay, try borrowing your way out of debt and spending yourself rich at the same time.  That is the stupid liberal way that has been tried time and time again and never, never works.
If jobs and corporations are leaving Wisconsin, it is probably because they've had enough liberalism and are afraid that the unions and liberals will be coming back with a vengence.  Why don't the liberals start their own companies and corporations and agree to real high taxes and regulations and see how long they can stay in business?  Show everyone how it is done.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #34 on: January 21, 2012, 01:57:50 PM »
  These W Cheeseheads who are cheering the possible recall of Scott Walker...are somewhat reminiscent of the guy who stood on the deck of the Titanic and said;
      "Ooh! ...There's an iceberg, I'd like to see one close up..I hope we run into it !"
  I,ve seen guys who were union mechanics start their own repair shops and union heavy equipment operators start their own construction companies...
   Guess what!  They didn't rush in to get the union to come and picket their new businesses..they didn't demand a union card from potential employee... I wonder why ?
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Offline Doug B.

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2012, 02:05:06 PM »
We hit the iceberg the day "Governor" Walker took office. Our ship is sinking, although surprisingly slower than the Titanic. It won't take long and this state will hit bottom. We're well on our way.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2012, 02:06:36 PM »
At this point it appears as though "Governor" Flopper needs all the help he can get. While the recall petitions were being delivered to the Wisconsin Accountability Office, where is Scott? He is in New York state "drumming up money" from his corporate buddies, a $2500.00 a plate dinner. What voter, whether Republican OR Democrat can afford that kind of cash closer to home, in Wisconsin? Can anybody disagree it's a corporate fundraiser? Can you say big money? This politician is again buying his Governorship.........well o.k. trying to defend it.

The Accountability Board has hired 30 temporary workers to help review the signatures and plans to hire another 20. Its hiring has been slowed because it has had trouble locating job seekers in the Madison area who did not sign the petitions to recall Walker. This according to Kevin Kennedy, The Accountability Board's Director, also a Republican.

It would appear to me that he is running scared, and for good reason. This "Governor" has divided the ranks and they will ultimately be reunited.

...And Furthermore...Rise up proletariat, you have nothing to lose, but your chains  ;) ;D
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2012, 02:11:03 PM »
    " Working Men of All Countries, Unite!"    Those were the last words Marx wrote in the Communist manifesto.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline jimster

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #38 on: January 21, 2012, 04:09:23 PM »
Article 4 section 4 is supposed to guarantee every state has a republican form of government, which basically is supposed to protect the individual from the mobs they call democracy on one side, and the government on the other side.  The individual is stuck in the middle and forced to pay through the nose when unions make their contracts with state employees and use government as a tool.  These democratic mobs of people will become larger as more people become dependent on the individuals money and property.  It's pretty easy to find a majority of people these days that want a lot of other people's stuff.  I don't care if 9 people out of 10 demand "democracy"...they are wrong, democracy sucks, and it takes away the freedom of the individual.
I would bet 9 out of 10 people I say this to would not get it and they would say I'm nuts.  But they are ignorant and will lose their individual freedoms if they haven't already.  Many of our states have lost the republican form of government which we were guaranteed,  The unions have done much to hurt the individual by latching on to the public sector, and the people that constantly scream for democracy are dooming the individual and the nation. 
I don't really want anything to do with the state employees unions, their contracts, or the government, I am individual.  Where are my individual rights and who is representing me? 
Wisconsin may very well choose to be bankrupt and bilk the individual, after's a majority.  They will get what they deserve in the end. They all do.

Offline scootrd

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #39 on: January 21, 2012, 05:55:59 PM »
The state budget, under the Wisconsin constitution, must be balanced.
GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) looked at the Walker 2011-13 biennial budget to see if Walker lived up to his promise to balance the budget using GAAP. GAAP shows the state is left with a deficit of $3 billion by 2012-13 under the Walker budget.

The governor's office has now asked Wisconsinites to judge his promise based on the next budget -- for 2013-15.
So Walker did not live up to his promise and has essentially kicked the can down the road.

Walker exasurbated the "Budget Crises" by handing millions in special interest spending to his corporate pals and now he's  having to take loans the state was ready to pay off and borrow more money on them. In addition to not disclosing how much more this will cost the taxpayers in the long-run, Walker has not released how much the Wall Street firms and bond lawyers will profit off this deal.

Flawed failed policies.
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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #40 on: January 22, 2012, 05:33:41 AM »
Don't you have to have a whole bunch of people, unions, and public employees that WANT to do with less so a budget can be balanced? Seems to me everyone fights this at every turn, not just in Wisconsin, but all over the U.S.  We have people in Michigan that want to kick our governor out of office because he is cutting things, I don't keep up on Wisconsin like I do here, but how much different can it be? A mob of people demanding spending is pretty hard to balance anything. I think to do what we have to do, you'll see a lot or recalls...mob rule is hard to deal with. Nobody wants to give up their entitlements or what's in their union "contracts" won't have a balanced budget, the individuals who pay taxes are getting to be an endangered species. That's the way it is in this state. 
The Senate has not produced a budget of any kind in over 1000 days....where are the petitions? And when and if they ever do, it won't be balanced.

Offline scootrd

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #41 on: January 22, 2012, 06:10:31 AM »
Don't you have to have a whole bunch of people, unions, and public employees that WANT to do with less so a budget can be balanced? Seems to me everyone fights this at every turn, not just in Wisconsin, but all over the U.S.  We have people in Michigan that want to kick our governor out of office because he is cutting things, I don't keep up on Wisconsin like I do here, but how much different can it be? A mob of people demanding spending is pretty hard to balance anything. I think to do what we have to do, you'll see a lot or recalls...mob rule is hard to deal with. Nobody wants to give up their entitlements or what's in their union "contracts" won't have a balanced budget, the individuals who pay taxes are getting to be an endangered species. That's the way it is in this state. 
The Senate has not produced a budget of any kind in over 1000 days....where are the petitions? And when and if they ever do, it won't be balanced.

I agree with all you wrote .. but continuous Tax breaks and incentive Givaways to large corps, receiving nothing in return but loss in state revenues, less jobs,  and larger budget gaps ... while asking middle class to suck it up once again is not the way forward. The well is dry.. you cannot Just cut your way out of this, either at state or federal levels and most (if not all ) legitimate economists agree . What is needed is less cronyism and more equitable tax reforms ensuring Corps, the wealthy and middle class all pay their equtable fair share. 

"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
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Offline magooch

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #42 on: January 22, 2012, 06:54:06 AM »
The only problem is that "fair share" is far from fair from the point of view of the producers.  The price of admission should be the same for everyone--that's fair.

Offline Hooker

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #43 on: January 22, 2012, 07:12:49 AM »
Wisconsin was in big trouble when Walker took over. Did the Cheeseheads think it would be a walk in the park to fix what a Union puppet government took years to screw up? Look around Wisconsin at states where they don't rely on a unionized work force. Those states may not all be booming but they are stable. So y'all put Walker in an found out that he didn't have magic wand and that it was going to be a painful battle to fix things.
So now y'all want to go back to the same old death by doing nothing while the unions rape and pillage your state and murder your children's future.
I have visited y'alls wonderful state many times I see a lot worth fighting for but, I guess I was wrong about the folks there. I had the impression that they were hard working fighters.
I guess the good book was right again.
Proverbs 26:11
As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly 


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Offline jimster

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #44 on: January 23, 2012, 02:57:40 AM »
My question is...who are the people going to REPLACE Walker with?  ;D
The people who are trying to kick him out must have someone in mind.... ;)
Here in Michigan they are also trying to kick our governor out for trying to cut back government and their unions.  They want to replce him with someone who won't do any of this. 
I have to figure Wisconsin is no different....they are all the same. got to keep spending no matter what, anyone who trys to slow it down gets the boot by the "mob"...
This is all rather funny...there is no fix because nobody wants any pain...and there has to be lots of pain, if not now, when it all crashes down in the end.  And it will.

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #45 on: January 23, 2012, 05:52:24 AM »

This is all rather funny...there is no fix because nobody wants any pain...and there has to be lots of pain, if not now, when it all crashes down in the end.  And it will.
I agree
I am hopeful there is a fix, But everyone needs to share the pain equitably, stop bailing out Wall street , stop providing huge tax incentives to corps, stop providing huge tax breaks to  wealthy "Job creators" (where are the Jobs??). Stop subsidies of all kinds.

And Stop Gutting the middle class telling them to suck it up yet again and again to make up for the cronyism giveaways.
The middle class well is Dry.

I believe It needs to start with True tax reform.  All corps , wealthy , middle class alike,  need to pay their equitable fair share. close all loopholes , restructure the whole darn tax system.

In my opinion walkers approach was lopsided and he (or any state for that matter) is not going to cut his way to a balanced budget.  True Tax reform is the only solution.


"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #46 on: January 23, 2012, 07:48:02 AM »
Ya, I got all that to answer my question, who do you have to put in there instead of Walker?  You have a name?  What are they prepared to do?  What will the unions and the mobs LET them do?
So who is it?...let's check on this person right away, might see the real truth on what's going on if we get the name of Walker's replacement...that might tell us a lot.  Matter of fact, it probably would tell the whole story on what's REALLY going on.

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #47 on: January 23, 2012, 08:48:19 AM »
Jimster asks;
  "   What will the unions and the mobs LET them do? "
           Unions....mobs; what's the difference ?
    Here's a case in my area.  Read dfown to about the 5th or 6th paragraph..   There you will see a man named Jeff Peterson, who I worked with some 20 years ago.  Nice lad at the time..a bit smart-alecky.. but generally OK.  He left the job and went to work for the union and was a union "tough guy".
   See what it got him..he is facing a max of 20 years.  Last time I actually saw him to talk to, was during the presidential election cycle; he had anti-McCain stickers all over his SUV.
   He was being investigated and was possibly already indicted when Obama was elected.  Word is, he figured when Obama was anointed, his troubles were over.  Doesn't look like it.....too bad, he has a family..
   The Democrats and the unions both demand..but do not return loyalty..when the chips are down.. "Use 'em and dump 'em".
   I doubt the Republican "establishment" is any different !
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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #48 on: January 26, 2012, 10:05:42 AM »
That was my whole point.. The drop was Christmas employment.
Wisconsin has had 6 straight months of Job loss.. Walkers policies  and tax giveaways to Corps were to help promote corporate growth in the state. The corps said thank you very much crony , pocketed the savings , and continue to leave the state . Walker now left with a "budget crises" tries to shore up the shortfall on backs of middle class. Wheres the Job growth?  Joerns Healthcare leaving the state for Mexico is just the latest example of that failed policy. I don't have the answer but tax giveaways to Corps don't work. They take the incentives, continue to off-shore , create no new jobs, and leave state resident middle class holding the budget shortfall bag.

But instead of discussing the issue.. others would just like to deflect , change subjects, cite typo's. The Policy does not work.  Time to try something new.

 Give me a break Scooter... Just snap your change policy, snap your fingers and BANG - great economy and jobs for everyone (aside from the lazy liberals who just want to suck off the dole)???   Doyle had what? 8 years and just destroyed the State, Obama has wasted trillions and it is worse off than when he took office 3 years ago.  Time to try something new, LOL... You liberals have no clue whatsoever. 
Kestrel Aircraft is opening a plant in Superior that will bring 600 great jobs to Wisconsin.  The mine that is being discussed today would bring thousands of great jobs to the state and billions into the economy is being fought tooth and nail by the liberals. Do you know why??? No, not environmental issues, those are being dealt with... Because you liberals don't want to Walker's plan to work, to hell with the State's future, you cant allow Walker's plan to work...
You predicted that Barrett would win the governor's seat, and that the union's would win the collective bargaining battle.  Wrong. Wrong. And you will again be wrong about Walker being defeated in re-call.  Must be getting frusterating for you liberals....

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Offline Lon371

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2012, 10:21:36 AM »

This is all rather funny...there is no fix because nobody wants any pain...and there has to be lots of pain, if not now, when it all crashes down in the end.  And it will.
I agree
I am hopeful there is a fix, But everyone needs to share the pain equitably, stop bailing out Wall street , stop providing huge tax incentives to corps, stop providing huge tax breaks to  wealthy "Job creators" (where are the Jobs??). Stop subsidies of all kinds.

And Stop Gutting the middle class telling them to suck it up yet again and again to make up for the cronyism giveaways.
The middle class well is Dry.

I believe It needs to start with True tax reform.  All corps , wealthy , middle class alike,  need to pay their equitable fair share. close all loopholes , restructure the whole darn tax system.

In my opinion walkers approach was lopsided and he (or any state for that matter) is not going to cut his way to a balanced budget.  True Tax reform is the only solution.


I am thinking you are a little confused, maybe not a bad thing. Reading what you wrote, I am thinking you are becoming a Conservetive ;)  good for you.

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2012, 10:21:48 AM »
What's with all the posturing in this thread?  The people of Wisconsin get to vote for their own Reps, Senators, and Governor.  They will eventually decide who stays and who goes.  They will eventually decide if they prefer a more open free market based on individual accomplishment and capitalism or a more protective and government overseen system that offers more security and less reward for achievement. 
Its not my job to decide how they will vote, and I can't understand getting stirred up about it.  Let them figure it out for themselves.  Most of us will still be alive when the dust settles...

Offline scootrd

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2012, 10:26:00 AM »
You predicted that Barrett would win the governor's seat, and that the union's would win the collective bargaining battle.  Wrong. Wrong. And you will again be wrong about Walker being defeated in re-call.  Must be getting frusterating for you liberals....

First I didn't predict Barrett ,
Second I wouldn't consider losing 2 additional seats as winning for walkers side.
Third I would hazard a guess in this next recall cycle they will lose the majority. 
Fourth if the number of signatures delivered holds up to validation,  Walker may be trouble as the number is just shy of the  1.1 million votes that got him elected.
Fifth not frustrating at all , I enjoy watching democracy in action, and we will just have to see what Wisconsin want's. 
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2012, 11:00:36 AM »
You predicted that Barrett would win the governor's seat, and that the union's would win the collective bargaining battle.  Wrong. Wrong. And you will again be wrong about Walker being defeated in re-call.  Must be getting frusterating for you liberals....

First I didn't predict Barrett ,
Second I wouldn't consider losing 2 additional seats as winning for walkers side.
Third I would hazard a guess in this next recall cycle they will lose the majority. 
Fourth if the number of signatures delivered holds up to validation,  Walker may be trouble as the number is just shy of the  1.1 million votes that got him elected.
Fifth not frustrating at all , I enjoy watching democracy in action, and we will just have to see what Wisconsin want's.
  Scoot says;
     " Fourth if the number of signatures delivered holds up to validation,  Walker may be trouble as the number is just shy of the  1.1 million votes that got him elected".
  Are those signatures all registered voters ?  If not, they don't have a lot of meaning..
 BTW:  Are Mickey Mouse and Adolph Hitler registered voters ?  Must be..because the govt accountability gang are saying so. :P   
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #53 on: January 27, 2012, 03:56:47 AM »
  Scoot says;
     " Fourth if the number of signatures delivered holds up to validation,  Walker may be trouble as the number is just shy of the  1.1 million votes that got him elected".
  Are those signatures all registered voters ?  If not, they don't have a lot of meaning..
 BTW:  Are Mickey Mouse and Adolph Hitler registered voters ?  Must be..because the govt accountability gang are saying so. :P

That is how dilusional liberals are, they think that 1.1 million voters signed that petition. LOL! Wisconsin has a serious problem with voter fraud (voter ID will help this), so when there is no validation when signing a petition Lord only knows how many of that total are bogus.  My guess is that 25% will be tossed and another 10-20% should be, but will be allowed to slide.  I'm hoping they will allow the public to access the database that is being prepared with all the signatures so we can object to forgeries.
In a recent poll by Marquette University Walker beat all likely challengers. He even beat Barrett by 6% more than he did before, so all this hub-bub about Walker being in trouble is b.s., typical liberal hype.

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If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Buckskin

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2012, 08:37:10 AM »
Yes, he is well liked outside the union crowd... And fortunately for him the unions shot their wad during last years recalls and have to preserve their warchest for ZerObama's campaign. 

To say that I am enjoying this would be a massive understatement. ;D

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Offline Doug B.

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #56 on: January 31, 2012, 04:38:16 AM »
Yes, he is well liked outside the union crowd...

Yes, and it appears as though the only place this joker ("Governor" Walker) can muster up bucks to defend himself is from the "outside the union crowd" in states other than his own.

How could this be? I personally know many Wisconsin residents that supported him initially, and now have there names/signatures on recall petitions. I am just one of them, and am not afraid to admit it! At least I had the common sense to see the light of day.

This deceitful man is on a downward slide, and for the sake of Wisconsin, it is a very good thing.
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Offline Buckskin

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #57 on: January 31, 2012, 05:17:29 AM »
Yes, he is well liked outside the union crowd...

Yes, and it appears as though the only place this joker ("Governor" Walker) can muster up bucks to defend himself is from the "outside the union crowd" in states other than his own.

How could this be? I personally know many Wisconsin residents that supported him initially, and now have there names/signatures on recall petitions. I am just one of them, and am not afraid to admit it! At least I had the common sense to see the light of day.

This deceitful man is on a downward slide, and for the sake of Wisconsin, it is a very good thing.

You're right. Let's go back to the $1,500,000,000 deficit and let the unions run everything again...   Seems like a lot of your fellow petition signers  ARE afraid to admit it, as they are begging the GAB not to release the petitions for public viewing. LOL, typical liberals making a lot of noise then hiding in the shadows.
And by the way, you should step out from your union crowd, I know nobody, zip, zero, nada - who voted for Walker and have stopped supporting him.  I do know a few private union fellows who now support him because he did what was right, and they see the public unions as being a protected sector for too long.  Those who want to live on the public dime will never change so I really don't care what they think, they are a waste of skin imo.

"I have tried to live my life so that my family would love me and my friends respect me. The others can do whatever the hell they please.   --John Wayne

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Re: Wisconsin Recall deadline - midnight
« Reply #58 on: January 31, 2012, 07:51:22 AM »
   Much voluntary blindness going on here..
A) Walker takes leadership of a government brought to the brink of ruin.
          ...the lefties insist he should have the mess cleared up in a few short months.
B) Obama takes leadership of a government with serious debt problems, he has had 3 years to act..he did, has doubled the debt and wants the limit raised again and again..
   ..But the lefties say he is doing just fine..
    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D   :P
  ........Keep us posted, Buckskin !               
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)