Article 4 section 4 is supposed to guarantee every state has a republican form of government, which basically is supposed to protect the individual from the mobs they call democracy on one side, and the government on the other side. The individual is stuck in the middle and forced to pay through the nose when unions make their contracts with state employees and use government as a tool. These democratic mobs of people will become larger as more people become dependent on the individuals money and property. It's pretty easy to find a majority of people these days that want a lot of other people's stuff. I don't care if 9 people out of 10 demand "democracy"...they are wrong, democracy sucks, and it takes away the freedom of the individual.
I would bet 9 out of 10 people I say this to would not get it and they would say I'm nuts. But they are ignorant and will lose their individual freedoms if they haven't already. Many of our states have lost the republican form of government which we were guaranteed, The unions have done much to hurt the individual by latching on to the public sector, and the people that constantly scream for democracy are dooming the individual and the nation.
I don't really want anything to do with the state employees unions, their contracts, or the government, I am individual. Where are my individual rights and who is representing me?
Wisconsin may very well choose to be bankrupt and bilk the individual, after's a majority. They will get what they deserve in the end. They all do.