As Bill said, consistent repeatability (accuracy/precision) is a product of the firearm, the ammo, the trigger jockey, etc, and all are more critical with handguns by design. They all play large rolls in the end product. And like him, as a very serious handgun hunter and fairly serious competitor from the mid 60's, I was very experienced and successful at both with a long list of handguns on many different platforms. So to expect more you have to do more... buy/build handguns that are capable to start with, match ammo to them and practice, practice, practice your shooting techniques with each one of them until it becomes second nature. As for "holds", its an individual thing where some shooters will do better with one hold than another simply because they will have more confidence with one than another. Which one you have to find out yourself by trying them all. Not in one day, but over time switching between them. All said and done, many handguns can match rifles to surprising ranges in confident hands.