Author Topic: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue  (Read 581 times)

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Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« on: January 17, 2012, 06:52:00 AM »
The article claims94% of all fed tax income goes to war spending--BUT THIS ISN'T TO BE DISCUSSED,,,, except war spending is 443% of collected Corporate Taxes...huh!?...Now you know why they're coming after your Social Security and
For Default, Louis Freeh Blocks Regulators On MF Global »
WAKE UP AMERICA! - The Real U.S. Budget Problem: Defense & War Spending Equal 94% Of All Federal Income Tax Revenues.

What's missing from the debt-ceiling discussion, albeit nothing new to DB readers, is [size=100%][/size][size=inherit]spending[/size] on wars and the pentagon.  It's not even being mentioned as a possibility in any of the competing debt plans, despite the following undeniably depressing and disgusting facts:
From Reddit:
I thought this kind of puts things in perspective.  In 2010, the US government collected $898 billion in federal income tax revenues.  The same year, we spent $847 billion on useless wars and national defenseThat means that 94% of all federal income tax revenue is equivalent to what we spend on the Pentagon.  Who out there thinks it was [size=100%][/size][size=inherit]money[/size] well spent?
Also, just to piss you off a little bit more - defense spending is equivalent to 443% of what we collect in total corporate taxes.
One more link you need to see:---
The hidden cost of war in Afghanistan...

Short video on the unseen and often uncalculated costs of war.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2012, 02:15:01 PM »
I'd be worried but that article is pure BS
Defense spending is only about 17-20% of our tax revenue and about 10- 13% of our GDP.
Funny things happen to number when some folks have a political axe to grind or fiction to sell.
I'm all for getting out of the war business but we don't need some manure peddler to muck up the facts.
Google it if you don't believe me.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2012, 02:36:53 PM »
This article is pure nonsense.
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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2012, 03:13:11 PM »
Even using the articles own numbers, defense spending is only 23% of the total budget.  Way to twist things, eh?  No axe to grind here! LOL

Just goes to show that figures lie and liars figure - not to mention there are lies, damn lies, and statistics ::)

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #4 on: January 17, 2012, 03:33:10 PM »
This gives "fuzzy Math" a new and comical meaning.
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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2012, 06:15:03 PM »
Yes and we spend 889% more on defense than we derive in income from all the Christmas tree farms in Washington State!!!!.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2012, 03:48:24 AM »
Everyone knows, it's been the case for years, that compared to entitlement spending, ALL of the remainder of the budget, including defense is just a drop in the bucket.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 05:14:53 AM »
Even using the articles own numbers, defense spending is only 23% of the total budget.  Way to twist things, eh?  No axe to grind here! LOL

Just goes to show that figures lie and liars figure - not to mention there are lies, damn lies, and statistics ::)

Just a Shooter
Yup! To be fair, it has been often stated that: statistics don't lie, but statisticians do.
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2012, 01:42:26 PM »
 Wait until the Iran conflict starts. How much more will that take away from the SS accounts. Wait did I read there is no SS funds. Doesn't all the SS tax go straight into the general fund? And isn't the general fund already way over its budget? But thats ok I guess, we need the new stimulus approved.

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2012, 03:43:47 PM »
Even using the articles own numbers, defense spending is only 23% of the total budget.  Way to twist things, eh?  No axe to grind here! LOL

Just goes to show that figures lie and liars figure - not to mention there are lies, damn lies, and statistics ::)

Just a Shooter
Yup! To be fair, it has been often stated that: statistics don't lie, but statisticians do.

..Well, if you click on the links in Post #1, I won't have to do research for you... ;) :D ...take a look.
Thanks for your kind offer to do research for me, but after seeing the results of your research on "another topic" :-X .  I have to graciously decline.  ;D
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2012, 04:08:33 AM »
Even if you cut out the charts "discretionary" spending and "other" spending, whatever that is, you have $1 trillion in cuts, which just about balances the budget. We can cut the defence spending by just closing unnecessary bases in Europe, bring home most troops, and put them one the border.  Having them in America is cheaper than having them overseas and they can watch our border.  I think a strong Navy is all we really need.  90% of the worlds people are within range of our aircraft carriers, but we still need at least a strong Navy.   

Offline OldSchoolRanger

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2012, 05:03:14 AM »
OSR et al....the original post was bashing don't be defending him..... ;) ;D ;)
TM - I do believe the original post was pertaining to your claim that;
"Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue"
Most posters disagreed with your "facts".  I don't believe anyone (OSR et al...) posted a defense of Barry on this thread, especially me.  Nice try, but no buttons pushed.  Now, if you don't mind, I'll leave this thread to you.  Have a nice day!
"You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts." - Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan

When you allow a lie to go unchallenged, it becomes the truth.

My quandary, I personally, don't think I have enough Handi's but, I know I have more Handi's than I really need or should have.

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Defense/War spending = 94% of All Fed Income Tax Revenue
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2012, 05:33:10 AM »
Problem is, we have signed on to a treaty not to allow space based weapons.  So has Russia.  Don't think China or India has, but it would only take a hand full of EMP bombs above North America to knock out the power grid as is and about 1/2 of all vehicles.  Food would become short, especially in the inner cities, without adequate transportation.  Grocery stores only have about a 3 day supply of food at any one time.  Same with fuel deliveries to various stations.  If trucks have electronics and they get knocked out.  Also do trains have electronics?  Most airplaces are EMP proof, as they can withstand a lightning strike.  The reason for only about half the vehicles being knocked out is parking buildings, garages, and some if the engine is off might not burn out.  I don't want to cut out most of the defence spending, but I am sure there is a LOT of fat. 
I say cut all foreign aid, discresionary money, no welfare or aid for illegals. Require drug testing to get any type of federal aid, welfare, food stamps, even student loans.  Talk about solving part of the drug problem.  Raise the retirement age for people under 40 to 70.  Stop taxing our manufacturers, and replace it with tarriffs on foreign goods.  Get rid of the Education, Commerce, EPA.  Allow drilling, pipelines, and mining on American soil and offshore.  We need abundant cheap energy to keep the economy going.  Alternatives will become available as time goes on, always has.  Coal in the 1800's was replaced with oil in the 1900's.  Eventually this will be replaced with hybrids, flywheels, solar, wind, and algae oil. 
There are several ways to avoid an economic catistropic event. 
Cut government spending.
Cut government regulation.
Cut certain taxes.
Grow the economy.
Go back to a gold standard with money. 
Cut welfare spending, require welfare receipiants to go to a trade school or get an associate degree as long as they are on it.
Get independent of foreign energy.
Balance the trade deficit, of which half is in energy.
It will and may take a combination of all this to work.