Author Topic: Obummer, NO to pipeline may cost us over 100,00 jobs and $billions in revenues.  (Read 3485 times)

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Offline scootrd

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The myth of billions hidden in Carabean  or Swiss banks is a myth.  In the 70' and 80's it was done to hide  over seas profits from the IRS. 

You may have missed the latest current events .
Romney just released his tax returns. Guess where he's parked his monies? 
yep Netherlands, Ireland, Switerland, Cayman, and Bahamas . Cha-ching

Even the president mentioned in State of the union.
he is not going to allow this type of tax avoidance anymore for corps and individuals who hide their monies overseas.

Mitch Daniels in redress also spoke about closing the unfair tax loopholes that have existed for so long.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline ironglow

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The myth of billions hidden in Carabean  or Swiss banks is a myth.  In the 70' and 80's it was done to hide  over seas profits from the IRS. 

You may have missed the latest current events .
Romney just released his tax returns. Guess where he's parked his monies? 
yep Netherlands, Ireland, Switerland, Cayman, and Bahamas . Cha-ching

Even the president mentioned in State of the union.
he is not going to allow this type of tax avoidance anymore for corps and individuals who hide their monies overseas.

Mitch Daniels in redress also spoke about closing the unfair tax loopholes that have existed for so long.
  From 2008 through 2010 the annointed one had the whole of reps, senate and oval office..why didn't he close the loopholes ?  Shucks no ! How else is he going to reward his campaign fund bundlers ?  Besides George Soros makes so much money that way, he wouldn't allow Obama to close HIS loopholes.
  Nice try at deflection though you lefties..  the fact is, in this Obamanation of an economy, Obama has denied untold thousands of jobs for "the working people" when he nixed the pipeline.  Nothing new..he did the same for our gulf coast oil workers when he sent the drilling rigs plus $2, 000,000,000 of our money to help Soros' Brazilian oil ventures...and when he took the aircraft contract away from a California based firm...and gave it to Soros' Brazilian aircraft company !
     I understand Jeff Dunham owns Achmed also !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dixie Dude

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For you guys information.  I design and inspect pipelines.  This pipeline would create jobs in engineering, drafting, surveying, welding, equipment operators, cathodic protection engineers, landscapers, then when finished pipeline operators.  These all average about $80,000 a year.  Also the oil would come from Canada and North Dakota, where the money would stay at home, not given to some Arabs.  As far as taxing the rich, you can take EVERY PENNY EARNED FROM EVERY MILLIONAIR AND BILLIONAIR IN AMERICA AND STILL IT WOULD ONLY BE ABOUT 10% OF THE FEDERAL EXPENSES.  IT WON'T WORK.
Now, my wife earns money on the stock market by SPENDING our EARNED money that has ALREADY been taxed on stock to earn some extra money.  We PAY 15% capital gains taxes on this money earned.  IF WE LOSE MONEY, the govenment surely doesn't pay us back.  IT IS RISK taking.  This is how MOST Billionaires make their money, but the dividends and or the sale of stock for spending cash.  I certainly don't want to take a RISK if I have to pay 30%.  This is class warfare plain and simple.  Now a doctor or lawyer can make $300,000 + but has to pay 28% tax on earned income.  However, If he decides AFTER PAYING INCOME TAX, to invest say $50,000 in the stock maket, he has to pay the 15% Capital gains tas.  Did you know if you bought a 3,000 sq. ft. home 30 years ago for $100,000 and sell it for say $400,000 and downsize to retire, and buy a $200,000 home, you have to pay capital gains on $200,000.  Did you know that the 1% threshold is $342,000 income a year.  That is not much to be part of the 1% er's.  This is nothing but class warfare.  I say lower the income tax to match. 
TAXING the rich will not get us out of trouble, CUTTING the budget is the only way forward.  As Ron Paul said, we need to cut $1 trillion in one year period, no foreign aid, no bailouts, make any government benefits have a manditory drug testing, send the illegals home period, they violated the law.
Did you also know, Alabama's unemployment droped to 8.1% from almost 10% after implementing the illegal immigration law.  We are now lower than Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, and Mississippi.  Hmm, they were taking some jobs.  We dropped about 1.6% in 3 months.  Faster than the national average and faster than the neighboring states.  Now, just enforceing the immigration laws, would probably lower the unemployment about 1% nationwide.  Also building the pipeline and allowing drilling offshore, and on government leased land, would lower it another 1%.  Mmmm, we would be coming out of the Great Recession.

Offline powderman

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For you guys information.  I design and inspect pipelines.  This pipeline would create jobs in engineering, drafting, surveying, welding, equipment operators, cathodic protection engineers, landscapers, then when finished pipeline operators.  These all average about $80,000 a year.  Also the oil would come from Canada and North Dakota, where the money would stay at home, not given to some Arabs. 

DIXIE DUDE. Good post Sir. The above statement is EXACTLY why imam obama is against it, because it would be good for America. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Dixie Dude

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You can complain all you want about "big oil", but fact is, they provide a lot of good paying jobs, drilling, welding, building pipelines, refining, and transporting.  Only low paying jobs are the ones selling it at the pumps.  Next, you have 200,000,000 vehicles using diesel or gasoline, not counting the trains and planes using diesel and jet fuel.  Now, if we import 60%, we can cut that way down developing our own and using more natural gas.  These vehicles are not going away, and will be here for 15-20 years.  We need fuel NOW.  We have no viable alternative, even with hybrids.  China controls 90% of the lithium mines making the hybrid batteries.  So going to electric just makes us buy from them instead of the Arabs. 

Offline ratherbefishin

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I am  a Canadian with strong links to the US[my wife is an Amercan citizen] Canada has a huge supply of oil-albeit in the tar sands but with modern technology and the price of oil ,viable to produce .These Athabaskan tarsands   possably hold MORE oil than is controlled by ALL of the Arab states.What I can't figure out is-WHY would the US turn their back on a reliable, large source of oil from a FRIENDLY country,right next door, immune from political interferance and available by pipeline-which is probably the safest way to transport it from a environmental point of view?
I will tell you WHO is investing in the Canadian tar sands-AND wants the oil- CHINAand if the US DOESN'T  want it-trust me-the Chinese DO

Offline lakota

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The myth of billions hidden in Carabean  or Swiss banks is a myth.  In the 70' and 80's it was done to hide  over seas profits from the IRS. 

You may have missed the latest current events .
Romney just released his tax returns. Guess where he's parked his monies? 
yep Netherlands, Ireland, Switerland, Cayman, and Bahamas . Cha-ching.

And I am sure the liberal media darling Warren Buffet has never done anything of the sort. I love how some rich guys get a "pass".
Hi NSA! Can you see how many fingers I am holding up?

Offline yellowtail3

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An alternative view, always something useful to consider (unless one is a one-trick pony/ideologue interested only in gotcha talking points):

Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline Dixie Dude

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The pipeline will not only bring in Canada's tar sands oil, but also the Bakan oil from North Dakota.  Canada buys a lot from the US, but how much do the Arabs buy back with our dollars?  The environmental reason is only a political pandering.  There are enough natural gas, oil, and gasoline pipelines already in the US to reach to the moon twice, about a half million miles of pipelines.  Hardly a failure.  In my line of work we install cut off valves every mile, so the amount of damage a leak can cause is a ruse.  Far, far less that a tanker spill as it can be valved off quickly.  A leak is very unlikely to occur on a new pipeline for about 50 years.  They are also pigged with x-ray pigs every year to find potential corrosion or wall thining areas.  I have one natural gas pipeline we checked recently that is about a 5 mile stretch that was installed in 1955, and it has never had a leak.  It is coated with 1/2" thick material on the outside.  We also keep milivolts of electricity on the line (not enough to spark) that monitors for any break in the coating, by shorting out.  We have instruments to find the shorts, and excavate and recoat the area to seal.  They are kept in good condition with high tech equipment.  Every now and then you have a bad operator who doesn't do a good job checking things, but my company does. 

Offline yellowtail3

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  • Oh father of the four winds, fill my sails!

Interesting, thanks for posting. Didn't some dimbulb with a 300 winmag shoot a hole in some pipe in Alaska a while back?
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline ironglow

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Ratherbefishing says;
  " .What I can't figure out is-WHY would the US turn their back on a reliable, large source of oil from a FRIENDLY country,right next door, immune from political interferance and available by pipeline-which is probably the safest way to transport it from a environmental point of view?
  Yes; why would an American president put the screws to perhaps hundreds of thousands of jobs (direct and peripheral) ?
  Answer:  because that is exactly what China, Russia, Hugo Chavez, George soros and the Muslim tyrants want him to do !!!
   ...And why would be be trying to force a giant commercial agreement between our best neighbor and Communist China ?
  ..Don't know, but you can rest assured Hugo chavez and Ahmadinijad are just loving it..helps keep the US at their "mercy" ..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ratherbefishin

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The US is Canada's BIGGEST TRADING partner[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA shares much of the SAME VALUES as the US[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA has a SIMILAR POLITICAL SYSTEM as the US[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA has COMMON INTERESTS with the US[unlike the Arabs]
but seems that the US  governement would RATHER buy ARAB OIL

Offline ratherbefishin

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Doesn't Obama ''get it''?-once CHINA starts buying CANADIAN OIL[they are already heavily buying into Canadian Oil sands companies] the US can take its sweet time, delay approval of the pipline while they ''study'' it ad nauseum-and IF they get around to approving it-the OPPORTUNITY is GONE -because CHINA will ALREADY HAVE DIBS ON IT....

Offline Dixie Dude

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Pipeline in Alaska is above ground to keep from melting the permafrost.  Pipeline from Canada to Texas will be underground, except a pumping stations.  Big difference.  Above ground is also more exposed to atmospheric corrosion and has to be heated in winter.  Installing underground you can get below the frost line.  The pipeline in question will stop at Oklahoma and tie-into a line there which is going to Texas refineries.  Right now railroads are using every available tanker car bringing out oil from North Dakota to Texas.  Pipeline is much safer. 

Offline BUGEYE

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The US is Canada's BIGGEST TRADING partner[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA shares much of the SAME VALUES as the US[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA has a SIMILAR POLITICAL SYSTEM as the US[unlike the Arabs]
CANADA has COMMON INTERESTS with the US[unlike the Arabs]
but seems that the US  governement would RATHER buy ARAB OIL
obama AND his constituents couldn't care less about our relationship with Canada.
you do not fit in with his agenda.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline ratherbefishin

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even if Obama  and his constituents couldn't care less about CANADA[which we are getting the message loud and clear] WHY would any sane person turn their back on a large,stable,source of oil from friendly country right next door,and in doing so-keep thousands of people who could  work,and want to work-not working?Makes absolutely no sense to me....and as I said-we've got oil to sell-LOTS of oil-and while we would PREFER to do business with our next door neighbours-are GOING TO SELL IT.And what Obama DOESN'T seem to ''get'' is once  the pipeline to the Pacific is built-the oil -AND the jobs will NOT be going south-even if they DO decide they want it.

Offline BUGEYE

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even if Obama  and his constituents couldn't care less about CANADA[which we are getting the message loud and clear] WHY would any sane person turn their back on a large,stable,source of oil from friendly country right next door,and in doing so-keep thousands of people who could  work,and want to work-not working?Makes absolutely no sense to me....and as I said-we've got oil to sell-LOTS of oil-and while we would PREFER to do business with our next door neighbours-are GOING TO SELL IT.And what Obama DOESN'T seem to ''get'' is once  the pipeline to the Pacific is built-the oil -AND the jobs will NOT be going south-even if they DO decide they want it.
It's called communism. a small number of people who want to control the masses. and the blacks,gays,illegals,union members and assorted democrats are his bigggest helpers.
real men don't want that.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline Dixie Dude

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TM, I have to disagree with you on that last statement.  Our pipelines ARE NOT subdidized.  Largest we ran since I have been with my company was from Mobile Bay up to west Alabama to tie into existing cross country pipeline.  We get 1,400 psig of natural gas out of the wells in Mobile bay, filter it, and shoot it straight up west Alabama.  We had to obtain easements and ROW's, took about 2-3 years, obtain contractors, and install it.  Sorry, I can't buy that.  Pipelines may cost up front a little, but are cheap to operate, much cheaper than sending by railroad.  Railroads have a tendency to slow up permits crossing their ROW's.  Now, we have to do environmental permitting, which can hold up a pipeline.  Permitting has increased about 5 fold since Obama has been in office.  It is rediculous.  We now have to obtain a permit if we disturb over 1 acre.  You also have to get state highway permits to cross them, county, and city streets if you cross them.  It is very time consuming.  Sometimes drilling is subsidised, but very little if any pipelines.  If you saw a map of the US with oil and gas pipelines, you would be amazed.  Like I said, if you strung them end to end, they would reach to the moon twice.  The reason drilling is sometimes subsidised, is years ago, they might have drilled 10 wells before one was good.  Accuracy is much better today, but drillers can run out of money, especially if they hit dry wells, that is why the government started subsidising them.  Again, if the pipeline is built, the railroads would be hurt with their tanker business.  Railroads are also unionised.  A lot of pipeline construction companies are not union.  Most are small to medium sized outfits and they travel around the country and Canada installing pipelines. 
Refineries usually stink, and no one wants them in their back yard.  You would still have to build the pipeline to transport the finished gasoline or diesel to the existing pipelines for transporting either way.  The finished product is far more dangerous in a leak than the crude.  More environmentally dangerous. 

Offline powderman

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What I can't figure out is-WHY would the US turn their back on a reliable, large source of oil from a FRIENDLY country,right next door, immune from political interferance and available by pipeline-which is probably the safest way to transport it from a environmental point of view?

Simple. It's not America that doesn't want it, obama doesn't want it because it would be good for America in all ways, almost everything he does is to weaken or destroy us, this is just another nail in our coffin. Anybody who supports him helps drive the nails. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline mechanic

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Not only are we losing opportunity for oil....How about the military contract recently awarded to EMBRAER  in Brazil, after American supplier Beechcraft spent millions on the research and design....then were not allowed to bid?
BTW, Embraer is 20% owned by Soros.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline yellowtail3

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  • Oh father of the four winds, fill my sails!
BTW, Embraer is 20% owned by Soros.

Smart investor; Embraer has built very good aircraft for quite a while now.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline mechanic

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BTW, Embraer is 20% owned by Soros.

Smart investor; Embraer has built very good aircraft for quite a while now.

I agree, but why the hypocritical hype about American factories the state of the union speech? 
Why not award contracts to American companies?
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline powderman

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I agree, but why the hypocritical hype about American factories the state of the union speech? 
Why not award contracts to American companies?

See my post # 53. POWDERMAN.  :o :o
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline ironglow

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Interesting, thanks for posting. Didn't some dimbulb with a 300 winmag shoot a hole in some pipe in Alaska a while back?
  Just FYI;
  I doubt a 300 win mag ios going to punch a hole through that pipeline, certainly not a conventional round either soft nose or FMJ..  That piope is at least 1" thick..possibly more.  I doubt anything less than a .50 cal armor piercing would do it.   
   Still, as Dixie Dude said, shutoffs every mile and fluid doesn't compress, so once punctured the pipe doesn't keep spraying until long as the valves are closed in good order.
   I have family in AK and was sent some photos of that spill, and although there was more spill than I expected, there was not so much but what could fairly easily be cleaned up .
  Curiously, as I recall that hole was on the rounded upper half or quarter of the pipe, where any normal  round fired from the ground would almost HAVE to ricochet off.
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline ironglow

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BTW, Embraer is 20% owned by Soros.

Smart investor; Embraer has built very good aircraft for quite a while now.
  Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Hawker-Beechcraft, Fairchild, Northrup-Grumman, Gulfstream  and the reat of these United States companies do a fair job at aircraft also;  so why give the contract to a Brasilian company...(other than to make Soros richer) ?
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline scootrd

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Ok so the 100,000 dollar question  -  How many Jobs would the pipeline actually create?

We have heard 100,000 (as in this threads initial subject line suggests) to folks bantering about 250,000 , congressional leaders touting off the cuff rhetoric of 10's of thousands jobs.

CBS money watch wanted to know so they went to the source  - 

Excerpt .......

Subsequent analysis suggests that Keystone's job-creating potential is more modest. The U.S. State Department calculated last year that the underground pipeline would add 5,000 to 6,000 U.S. jobs. One independent review of Keystone puts that number even lower, with the Cornell University Global Labor Institute finding that the pipeline would add only 500 to 1,400 temporary construction jobs. The authors of the September report also said that much of the new employment stemming from Keystone would be outside the U.S.

Transcanada itself cast doubt on its employment forecast when a vice president for the company told CNN last fall that the 20,000 jobs Keystone would create were temporary and that the project would likely yield only "hundreds" of permanent positions.

Another reason for the discrepancy appears to stem from what that 20,000 figure really means. As Transcanada has conceded, its estimate counted up "job years" spent on the project, not jobs. In other words, the company was counting a single construction worker who worked for two years on Keystone as two jobs, lending fuel to critics who said advocates of the pipeline were overstating its benefits.

read in full here

"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline scootrd

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GE Paid Zero taxes because of huge losses the year before.

Also Bunk. (well sort of)

GE is now under investigation. GE not only paid Zero but actually reported less than zero and are claiming a rebate. They claimed / transferred all corp profits overseas, and kept the monies in overseas accounts then claimed /transferred all corp losses to the  the US to take advantage of these tax loopholes for multinational corps. And GE was not alone .. remember Bank of America, the folks we bailed out ...yep also a zero tax abuser.

The corporate tax rate is 35%. But an examination of 280 of the nation's largest corporations suggests that many aren't paying anything close to that. The real tax rate paid by a slew of major corporations averages closer to 18.5%. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released their bi-partisan report in November 2011, The study looked at 280 companies in the Fortune 500 that were profitable for all three years between 2008 and 2010. The results: 111 companies paid effective tax rates of less than 17.5% over the three-year period; 98 paid a rate between 17.5% and 30%; and 71 paid more than 30%. The average rate was 18.5%. Some companies paid zero. And 30 actually owed less than nothing in income taxes over the three years. (like Bank of America, utility Pepco Holdings, and GE).

The fact is whether we are talking the individual Romney's of the world or the fortune 500 GE's of the world the only reason to have off shore Benedict Arnold accounts (all perfectly legal under existing Tax law but still disgusting), and claim all your profits overseas and all your losses in the US is for the sole purpose of Tax avoidance . Period.

Two separate and unequal Tax systems.  Tax Reform is what is needed and a Romeny presidency will never provide as it would affect his personal and corp cronies bottom line. Our Tax code has been written by high paid lobbyists paid for by the uber wealthy. They don't want it messed with , and will do anything to defend it and keep it status quo.
"if your old flathead doesn't leak you are out of oil"
"I have strong feelings about gun control. If there is a gun around I want to be controlling it." - Clint Eastwood
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote." - Benjaman Franklin
"It's better to be hated for who you are , then loved for who your not." - Van Zant

Offline mcwoodduck

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Ok so the 100,000 dollar question  -  How many Jobs would the pipeline actually create?

We have heard 100,000 (as in this threads initial subject line suggests) to folks bantering about 250,000 , congressional leaders touting off the cuff rhetoric of 10's of thousands jobs.

CBS money watch wanted to know so they went to the source  - 

Excerpt .......

Subsequent analysis suggests that Keystone's job-creating potential is more modest. The U.S. State Department calculated last year that the underground pipeline would add 5,000 to 6,000 U.S. jobs. One independent review of Keystone puts that number even lower, with the Cornell University Global Labor Institute finding that the pipeline would add only 500 to 1,400 temporary construction jobs. The authors of the September report also said that much of the new employment stemming from Keystone would be outside the U.S.

Transcanada itself cast doubt on its employment forecast when a vice president for the company told CNN last fall that the 20,000 jobs Keystone would create were temporary and that the project would likely yield only "hundreds" of permanent positions.

Another reason for the discrepancy appears to stem from what that 20,000 figure really means. As Transcanada has conceded, its estimate counted up "job years" spent on the project, not jobs. In other words, the company was counting a single construction worker who worked for two years on Keystone as two jobs, lending fuel to critics who said advocates of the pipeline were overstating its benefits.

read in full here
Like anything you can warp statistics.
There are the conbstruction jobs, that are tempory jobs
then there are permament jobs.
I think both numbers are correct.
Building the pipeline will employ a large number of people for a while.  We are talking over 1,000 miles as the crow flys.
maintaining and opperating the pipe line will create jobs that will last as long as the pipeline.  Not to mention the extra shifts at the wells, and the refineries.  The truck drivers needed to move those refined fuels.
Now those are direct jobs.  Let's talk about the added jobs due to the cheaper fuels that create larger profits and diposible incomes. 

Offline mcwoodduck

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GE Paid Zero taxes because of huge losses the year before.

Also Bunk. (well sort of)

GE is now under investigation. GE not only paid Zero but actually reported less than zero and are claiming a rebate. They claimed / transferred all corp profits overseas, and kept the monies in overseas accounts then claimed /transferred all corp losses to the  the US to take advantage of these tax loopholes for multinational corps. And GE was not alone .. remember Bank of America, the folks we bailed out ...yep also a zero tax abuser.

The corporate tax rate is 35%. But an examination of 280 of the nation's largest corporations suggests that many aren't paying anything close to that. The real tax rate paid by a slew of major corporations averages closer to 18.5%. The Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy released their bi-partisan report in November 2011, The study looked at 280 companies in the Fortune 500 that were profitable for all three years between 2008 and 2010. The results: 111 companies paid effective tax rates of less than 17.5% over the three-year period; 98 paid a rate between 17.5% and 30%; and 71 paid more than 30%. The average rate was 18.5%. Some companies paid zero. And 30 actually owed less than nothing in income taxes over the three years. (like Bank of America, utility Pepco Holdings, and GE).

The fact is whether we are talking the individual Romney's of the world or the fortune 500 GE's of the world the only reason to have off shore Benedict Arnold accounts (all perfectly legal under existing Tax law but still disgusting), and claim all your profits overseas and all your losses in the US is for the sole purpose of Tax avoidance . Period.

Two separate and unequal Tax systems.  Tax Reform is what is needed and a Romeny presidency will never provide as it would affect his personal and corp cronies bottom line. Our Tax code has been written by high paid lobbyists paid for by the uber wealthy. They don't want it messed with , and will do anything to defend it and keep it status quo.
But what thye are doing is legal.  They take advantage of the tax laws and do the social engineering and as you mentioned cronyism that congress wrote into the tax law.  Again reasons to go to a Progressive flat tax rate and any time there is a deficit, rates are cut automaticly by double the over spending percentage.  Also as we hit a deficit in the bugdet all congressional salaries and pensions are cut in half.  Every Congressional staff member takes a 25% pay cut.  Any non congressional department gets a pay cut of 3 times the deficit rate. 

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While the pipeline is under construction, it will employ hundreds of people in all aspects.  Not to mention the hotels, restaurants along the route that would benefit from the constrution workers.  After that, it is a mater of maintaining the pipeline.  You have to have annual leak detections, annual corrosion inspection for anything shorting on the main.  You have to have technicians to watch pressure gauges and be on call for any emergencies.  You have to have dispatch on call, you have to have supervisors for these workers.  Permanent good paying jobs.  Without it, there is ZERO jobs along the route.  Problem is, where this pipeline is going is in RED states.  Hmmm.