I read a good share of the screed posted. Some of it made good sense..common sense and Biblical sense. Sure, we are to care for the helpless and poor, historically the worthwhile churches did just that and many still do. Unfortunately, government has hogged up nearly every bit of available capital which charitable people heretofore gave through the churches, to the poor.
This leftist movement is nothing new, Rauchenbush and others in the 19th century, when they had lost their faith..and started what has become known as the "social gospel", replacing the Great Commission with a PC thought process.
Somehow, they didn't realize that proper evangelization followed by discipleship training would take care of many problems, including the needy.
I normally refrain from judging another's status with God and I won't now..but position of these birds I do question.. They start out the 4th paragraph with a statement which declares;
" See, it wasn’t just Jesus’ birth, death, and resurrection that matter."
Anyone who can dismiss Jesus' sacrifice so easily, loses credibility. Then to accept the abomination of "gay marriage" (read Romans ch1) and consider abortion as acceptable (Prov 31:8,9) Why should we pay them any heed ?