I never thought that the combined stink of skunk, wet bear/dog, or something detiorating smelled like Sulfer (brimstone), and if these are interdimentional creatures from a place that smells like burning Sulfer then I'm loadin' up my stuff with silver boolets and dunkin'm in a bit of Holy water, just to be on the safe side ... Of course, if these are just plain ol sneaky, seldom seen and never caught ordinary Bigfeet who can find just about any hole in the ground that connects with a large cave system then we prolly won't ever catch one.
We have a cave system nearby that has been a popular public tourist attraction for about 150 years but just last month they finally had a set of 'cavers' (spelunkers, I think) go in to map sections and routes not seen before, and they never went in all the way. Now, if it takes us that long just to map out one part of a cave and then discover other parts we never knew about what is to say that these creatures have not used them or another cave system for who knows how long....... Someone once floated the idea that the Manmouth Cave System could extend beneath the entire American continent, from north (and northern America) right on through the south (South America that is) as well as east to west and if that is in any way accurate at all then we would have a real dickens of a time finding one, or more......... I think......