Savage: thanks. I do own a PT1911 in 38 Super and I have never been happier with any other out of the box 1911 in 38 Super. This baby eats everything I can load, including semi-wadcutters, hollowpoints, flat nosed slugs and of course the ubiquitus round nose. Tomorrow I plan on testing out some of John Taffin's loads for the Super using 158 gn cast, gas checked swc slugs as well as some plain based Keith slugs. These loads are accurate from his pistol and I'm hoping for the same results. Actually, since his groups with those slugs were 1" or so at 25 yds I would be extremely pleased with double that at that distance with those loads, which I would consider pretty dang good for a out of the box Super.
The Taurus pistols are so nicely priced, and are available. Your wife may wish to know that in comparison with my Springfield Gov't Model 45, the Taurus is lighter, has a better grip (imo) and is a hoot to shoot; easier to shoot too.
From a reloader's perspective the Super has tons to offer. It is a way serious caliber that with jacketed bullets can equal or exceed the 357 Sig and the 9x23 Winchester; with 158 gn jacketed slugs the 38 Super can equal the 357 magnum from 4' or shorter barrels. And you have 10 shots with the Taurus. You aren't stepping back or down with the 38 Super comparing it to a 45. The Super was developed to overcome the 45s lack of penetrability (on car bodies at the time which were much heavier steel than they are now), and it is easy shootin'.
When I saw the first CDNN adds for the Taurus PT1911 I jumped on one of the blued versions and have not looked back since.