You can't fix stupid, and that comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. This kind of thing has been going on since the beginning of the human race. Some mothers get away with it, some don't. This mother just got caught.
When I was five years old. My mother said she had to get away from us kids. She had me 5, Jim 3, and David under 6 months or somewhere about that age. Dad was a trucker and was gone most of the time. One day the baby was crying and would not shut up. She rubbed his gums with Paragoric, (an opiat that was available over the counter back in 1954. She was in a frenzy, (today I realize she was suffering from post partum depression). Anyway she slapped me around, then shoved me in a closet along with Jimmy. She threatened to beat me within an inch of my life if I made any noise or let Jimmy make any noise to draw attention to the fact we were home alone. She then put the sleeping (drug induced stuper) baby in a box and set him in the floor. She gave me the bottle of Paragoric and told me if he woke up to rub some on his gums till he went back to sleep. Jimmy and I spent the night locked in that closet with the baby. She left, never knew where she went. Jimmy and I would drift off the sleep, but would wake up when the baby started crying. I would almost go into a panic, because I knew I would get a beating if the woman up stairs (landlord) came down to check on us. So I made sure the baby did not cry much. It's a wonder I did not Over Dose the baby and kill him. I just did what I was told. Sometime during the night Jimmy started whimpering, I rubbed some of the paragoric on his tonge and inside his mouth, it shut him up and he went to sleep. When we were finally let out of the closet, we were fixed lunch, it was midday. That was just one of many times something like that was done by her during my childhood. Many times as a child growing up I wished the state would come and take me away. They never did, and I survived. Ran away from home and joined the Air Force. Found out what a normal life was.