If everyone was responsible and did the right thing companies would not need to drug test, but irresponsibility seems to be a spreading disease. How can we expect companies that serve the public to not drug test, when they are liable for public safety. Like natural gas companies, truck drivers that haul heavy loads or hazardous materials. Or bus drivers, pilots, or cruise ship captains. If one of these types of employees has an accident because of drug use, it could cause injury, and loss of life to others. I'm glad that there is drug testing for certain jobs, because I don't trust everyone to do the right thing and be responsible while on the job where they could endanger me or others. How you you like a drugged up school bus driver taking your kids to school? Or flying in a plane with a smoked up pilot in the cockpit? Or a drugged up truck driver hauling a highly explosive or toxic chemical. Certain companies have to drug test their employees, for their own protection, and the protection of the general public. It would be insane for them not to.
Dixie my nephew got a job for the gas company I work for, but lost it when his back round check revealed a prier DUI, and for a fight he was involved in more than a year before. It has been made known anyone caught using illegal drugs, its instant termination.