I have been considering maybe a belt. Two layer, 1.5" . I would like to order everything from one place as I'm a thinking that I will have to order off of the internet.
Phew! That ain't an easy one there hoss... uh, Long!
As a novice myself, having recently experienced what you're going through, let me offer the following.
First thing, sit you sef down, open a bottle (or two) of that wine a you'rn, and run through how you going to make that belt. If you say to you sef "Sef, how do I do that," look it up or ask. Most of your questions would be answered by doing this, but just in case lets say I want to make a lined belt. All this stuff is available from Tandy BTW, but there are other suppliers.
Buy the buckle you have decided to use.
Buy a leather strap of the appropriate width. They are 8-9 Oz.
Buy lining leather of the appropriate weight. Say 2-3 or 3-4 Oz or what ever you want.
note: You can buy a belly pretty cheaply, but the leather is hit and miss. So you buy a side...
Buy Glue and glue the liner to the belt
Buy leather knife and trim liner to match belt.
Note: An Exacto works fine for the thin stuff but it takes a pretty hefty blade to cut thick leather!
Buy a stitching groover and groove belt for stitches.
Buy a spacing wheel tool and lay out position of stitching holes.
Buy an edge beveler and bevel edge of belt.
Buy a 1/16 in. drill bit.
Buy a Dremel tool with drill press accessory and drill stitching holes. OR!
(so I don't get flames) an awl and punch the holes...
Buy an appropriately sized punch and punch holes for buckle tongue or hook.
Buy the stamps needed for the design you selected.
Buy a hammer to hit stamps with and stamp the belt.
Buy snaps or rivets or Chicago screw
(whatever) and make appropriate modifications to the buckle end of the belt. Don't forget the keeper.
Buy some leather cleaner and clean leather.
Buy the dye you selected and dye the belt. I use an Air Brush to get an even coat of dye.
Buy a stitching pony.
Note: I made mine
Buy a pack (or more) of straight needles.
Buy the appropriate color thread and stitch the liner to the belt.
Buy a slicker/creaser.
Buy some Gum Tragacanth and finish the edges of the belt.
Buy a finish and finish the whole belt.
I think that's everything...
You can go to the Tandy site, look all this stuff up and get your own prices, I'm tired!