Good point: what constitutes a conservative? I could call myself a helicopter, doesn't make me one does it.
For me, conservative relates to constitutional restriction on the federal government's usurpation of rights expressly protected for the people and the States. For me, conservative means that they fiscally willing to live within their means, debt adverse. For me, conservative means that when dealing with other sovereign nations, we restrain ourselves from engaging in activity requiring blood and money that has no direct impact on our nation or her interests. For me, conservative means that we seldom enter into alliances with other nations, and when we do, we take it very very seriously, so as not to lose our sovereignty in the process. For me, conservative means our social policies do not interfere in the operations of the religious institutions and moral agencies to which the vast majority of our country belong. It means religious plurality, not extinction or establishment. It means opportunity to fail, and suffer the consequences, or succeed, and enjoy the fruits. It means willingness to contribute, to sacrifice for the nation, in public service. It means government restrained from messing up any of the preceeding statements.
I grew up in the young republicans in Arizona, under Goldwater's and Reagan's influences, so maybe we're not "conservative" by someone else's standards.
Nope we ain't ..
There is no room in the ever shrinking Republican tent. If your not a far right extremist out on the fringes republican , they don't want you anymore. I agree with all your above statements, and the older I get I find myself leaning more Libertarian on some social issues(strike one) and have always been fiscally conservative (how about one equal and fair tax system for all? (strike two) on others, and I don't want morality legislated from Govt (oops strike three). So judging by the narrow standards New radical Republicanism have put in place today as a benchmark, I am apparently not welcome under the republican tent anymore.
My head spins first Republicans are for : and now Republicans are against. Talk about an Identity crisis .
Financial disclosure It was a Republican Idea.
Prominent Republicans have often made the case for transparency. Then , "Republicans are in favor of disclosure," Sen. Mitch McConnell 2000. Now , Boehner and republicans voted no last month on the Disclose Act
Cap and trade It was a Republican IdeaThen , John McCain of Arizona co-authored a pioneering cap-and-trade bill and introduced it in 2003, 2005 and 2007.
Now , McCain calls his own peice of legislation a Job killing Cap and TAX system.
Immigration Reform: It was a Republican IdeaThen , Republicans wrote the comprehensive immigration reform in 2006. McCain, McConnell, Graham, Snowe, Bennett, other republicans all pushed for it. Now , All of a sudden they are against all the provisions they were fighting for in the Act.
Individual insurance mandate.
It was a Republican IdeaThen , In 1993, Republicans pushed an employer mandate.Conservatives and Republicans favored the requirement that all or most people buy basic health insurance. Like cap and trade, it was concieved by free Market conservatives as a way to avoid harming the private sector incorporated personal responsibility and the immorality of freeloading. Now,
Republican governors and attorneys general are suing the federal government over the individual mandate in the new health law, saying it is unconstitutional. Romney says the Federal Govt has no right to impose such a plan on all states.
Then , Republicans used to be the ones pushing for reductions in future Medicare spending. In 1995, for instance, Republicans proposed cutting 270Billion over seven years. In 1997, McConnell and McCain were among the Republicans who voted for Balanced budget act that cut Medicare by 115 Billion over 5 years. In 2008 McCain Proposed medicare cuts of 1.3 trillion over 10 years. Now , McCain leads the fight against the Democrats plans to trim Medicare by $500 billion over the next 10 years.
These folks have all lost their mind, Republican party has a major identity crises , they have been hijacked by radical new extremist republicans. The older mature republican statesmen have become truly dyslexic, and now are only trying to protect their own jobs in this radical shrinking republican tent turned upside down world.
Jimmeny Crickets - Pick a policy , make a stand and stick with it. - idgets the whole lot of 'em
Dems and republicans alike. Ron Paul is the only one running who has stayed consistent with his
message and policies. Like him or not up to you , but at least he walks the walk.
You Need to stand for something , or you will fall for anything.
Sorry Rant over.