Hey jvs:
Another tid-bit, the "SOROS" cycle,, is the climate cycle and is repeated every 6585 days or about 18 1/2 years the climate repeats itself,, thats where the almanac gets it's long range weather forecast, the almanac is accurate about 66% of the time, by the way thats about equal to the metorologist accuracy. I thought that that was interestering.
I always keep notes on planting dates and rainfall as well as harvest amounts in the almanac each year just for information, it works for me.
I have found that I can plant corn earlier than beans, squash cukes ect. and okra, for people who like it, it needs warm soil to germinate. I have even soaked seed in water the night before planting, especially okra.
OK I'll leave it alone for now, but I do enjoy farming/gardening.
Good growing, I ALWAYS say a prayer for a good harvest and blessing when I plant because He is the one who makes everything grow.