When I was on active duty, we went to South Korea for a short deployment. We were very limited to what we could on this tiny base, Run, play cards, or drink beer(after hours of course). The only animals that were on the base were phesants(spelling) and these squirrels with tufts on their ears like a lynx. Well when the platoon decided they were going to go to Souel (10 hour drive)for some R&R me and a few other NCO's decided we didn't need to go baby sit. One of the guys was an old COONASS from LA and the other was a guy from WI. We set out to get us some squirrels, we built a box trap and baited it with apples. The first one we got chewed his way out before we could get to him, after a few minor repairs and improvements we were ready to trap again. A few hours later he was back for more, this time he wasn't so lucky. We had all the intentions of eating them, but since he was the only on we caught and there was 3 of us it wasn't hardly worth the trouble. But it sure was fun!
I have a picture of that squirrel, I will have to get it scanned and post it on here, 3 of the proudest Marines you ever saw . Kinda like getting a medal or something.
Semper Fi
P.S. We never could get close to the phesants, now tht would have been some good eaten!