My brother and I took 36 water jugs to the range today. Some were "dressed" in varying layers of cloth. .45acp Glock (the small one) shooting 330 grain Golden Sabers, against my LC9c Ruger shooting Winchester 127 grain +P+. Here's what we learned.
In a 7-shot rapid fire drill, no difference in rounds on target in the same amount of time.) I was certain the heavier recoiling .45 would slow the Glock, but it did not.
Both the 9mm and the 45 will penetrate into the 4th water jug. His .45 showed expansion to about .75. The 9mm expanded to about .55. Not much difference until you look at both fired slugs in your hand. The expanded .45 is huge in comparison.
We also shot into some pine pieces of 2x4 blocks, taped together. 9mm penetrated just a tad more.
At a man-size steel plate at 150 yards, the 9mm dropped less requiring less holdover.
My final decision is to get a .45acp. A bullet that big with that much expansion and which penetrates the same as a +P+ 9mm, is the gun for me.
What say you?