Author Topic: End of the World as we know it.....?  (Read 6523 times)

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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #60 on: February 20, 2012, 05:13:33 PM »

Next one everyone points to, Katrina ... in which no armed Active Duty troops were employed. A handful of AD troops did go afield, unarmed, in support of Army Corps of Engineers, and around affected bases. The disarmament in NO was done by police officers under guidance from the mayor. Even the NG in that area, while armed, did not participate in disarmament ... its all in the record. No TITLE 10 troops were used to violate Posse Comitatus folks.

TeamNelson if what you say is true, how do you explain this. Especially from 5.30 minutes to 6.25 minutes into the video, where a armed national guard man admitted they shot Americans. In the beginning of the video an eye witness said Blackwater was there before FEMA? Why were Israeli solders there? There are a lot of unanswered questions about Katrina that have to be answered before I can even think about trusting the government or it's military even a little bit. There are a lot of good American men who are true patriots in the military. That is why I fear we may soon be facing the bloodiest civil war in the history of the world.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #61 on: February 21, 2012, 12:07:56 AM »
Ill still say you have to keep this within the realm of this post. this is nothing to do with kent state or even a war. What this will entail is people starving and willing to do ANYTHING to get food and water and more then willing to shoot one of the amercian soldiers if they have it themselves. I will also probably entail the goverment trying to disarm the civilian popuation to keep it under  control just like they did during katrina. Now tell me this. Are you going to turn over all your guns and ammo. Im sure not. What do you think is going to happen when you say no. Do you think some soldier will reach down in your yard pick up a dandiliion and put it in his helmet. I doubt it. To be honest im not worried to much about it. I figure as big as this country is, when it falls apart our troups will have all they can handle doing a couple big citys at a time and sure wont have time for trapesing around in the sticks. Believe one thing though, they WILL be involved and if were under democratic leadership they will probably be involved before there even actually needed. The democrats are ALLWAYS looking for a way to disarm us and sure arent beyond using a crisis as an excuse to do so and sure arent beyond using troops to get it done.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #62 on: February 21, 2012, 05:58:03 AM »
TeamNelson if what you say is true, how do you explain this. Especially from 5.30 minutes to 6.25 minutes into the video, where a armed national guard man admitted they shot Americans. In the beginning of the video an eye witness said Blackwater was there before FEMA? Why were Israeli solders there?

LF, in the absence of corroborating evidence to this video, we'd have to assume that this video is truth, and the substantial pile of records generated by non-governmental organizations and federal record is false. But for the purpose of your question ...
- "Armed National Guard man." The National Guard is not Title 10, not Active Duty unless individually temporarily assigned to a Title 10, is not under Federal authority otherwise. They are a state agency under the control of their respective Govenor. They are residents of the state in which they operate. They are also not subject to the rigorous training provided to Title 10 folks on morals, ethics, law of war, rules of engagement, etc. The NG has a history of being a rabble of unorganized militia, lacking the discipline associated with regular troops, and prone to excesses while in uniform. They have improved their reputation through service in OIF and OEF, where they are embedded with active duty troops and subject to the same levels of training and discipline.
The fear in this thread is that a President will order Title 10, Active Duty troops, to disarm citizens. Under Title 10 we are subject to the following (in addition to Posse Comitatus):
   10 U.S.C. § 375. Restriction on direct participation by military personnel  The Secretary of Defense shall prescribe such regulations as may be necessary to ensure that any activity (including the provision of any equipment or facility or the assignment or detail of any personnel) under this chapter does not include or permit direct participation by a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps in a search, seizure, arrest, or other similar activity unless participation in such activity by such member is otherwise authorized by law.  Elsewhere in Title 10, "law" is defined as the Constitution or legislation passed by Congress. BTW, I learned all this being a Title 10 troop, in our training. I say again, no armed Active Duty Title 10 troops were employed in Katrina response. Bases affected by the disaster employed armed MPs to provide security and traffic control to the land within their base responsibility, and active duty personnel were loaned to the Army Corps of Engineers to assess and advise structural and civil works issues.
If NG troops fired on their own neighbors, since the NG is pulled from local civilian population, then they either did so under orders from the Govenor, or in violation of orders to the contrary ... the latter being most likely.
- alleged presence of Blackwater in NO.
Blackwater is not a military organization, nor has it ever operated with military authority. They are a contracting agency, servicing Defense and other Federal contracts, which very well may have included FEMA contracts, or even State contracts with Louisiana. I do know that there were dozens of private corporations who rushed to the scene before FEMA for various reasons, most of whom did so without contracts. They were opportunists hoping to carve a niche early to get $ from the government. I was involved with Katrina relief as part of operational coordination for Baptist Relief efforts, and participated in meetings with Federal and State authorities. Blackwater was never represented at those meetings, and if they were under contract, they should've been at those meetings for coordination. Beyond that, you have an eyewitness who says they were there. Kanye West claims the government slowed their response time because NO is a black town ... I don't believe that to be true either.
As far as "IF what I say is true." The fact that we defended Iraqi and Afghani right to keep and bear automatic weapons is a matter of public record. The fact that we undergo training and discipline to keep us from being the robots many here fear, is also a matter of public record. The observation by senior leadership that our present generation of troops is the least likely in history to autmatically execute orders given without reservation or thought is again, a matter of public record if you read military periodicals. What I'm saying is true. What I'm hearing in this thread is a hodge podge of ill informed mythology feeding fear.
Lloyd Smale makes a cogent argument in that in this end of the world scenario, the RULE OF LAW will break down, and constitutional controls will be irrelevant. In said scenario, my commission will have expired, and all of our oaths will no longer be valid. What individuals chose to do at that point will be entirely up to them, and there may be some who will knowingly drift to service in a future unconstitutional government attempting to exert authority. That is something else entirely than the fear expressed here.
And as also been stated in this thread, before such a thing happens there will be a civil war, and the majority of those presently in uniform will stand with the citizens in opposition to an unconstitutional tyrant. The same conflict of interest is in effect in Iraq and Afhganistan and it has divided their own troops ... I would expect our own troops, men and women I believe to be of higher moral character than any Iraqi or Afghani I've met, to be just as divided.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #63 on: February 21, 2012, 06:08:02 AM »
thanks TN.  I have never lost faith in our military.  we have three members in our extended family and they'll tell you real quick that they would NOT shoot a civilian except in self defense.
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #64 on: February 21, 2012, 09:20:52 AM »
I have no doubts as to how good of men our military has. Ive been there done that. Not to beat a dead horse to death but i guess in my senerio it may start out as self defense. Like i said what if the army marched into your town on orders to disarm you. Are you going to give up your guns? Im not!! So theres a good possibility shots might be fired first by either side. Do you think soldiers will refuse to obey the orders of the superiors to go into your town to disarm you or to inforce martial law?
 Believe me after the first soldier gets hurt or killed all bets are off on any possibility of them not shooting civilians. Im sure for the most part theyd NEVER shoot a child or a women but your sure going to be fair game if you dont march to there tune. Like was said this senerio is very possible. They tried disarming the civilians in katria allready. What happens to to a looter. No doubt in a bad enough situation the miltary will fire on looters. Are your troups that you claim wont shoot civilians going to draw the line there? the police do it now. So how long does it take for someone running to be mistaken for a looter? Whos going to make that determination?
Beleive me many who claim they couldnt take a life do when its needed. I guess i cant see how you figure a man capable of taking another mans life makes the determination hes not going to do it because ones an american and ones an arab. What about a canadian, mexican ect.  there all human beings. Wheres the line drawn. Bottom line there isnt one and in a situation like this who is the civilians to them? In the military you will find that most soldiers first think of there own saftey then the man standing next to them, then the entire squad or company, then if a far 4th everyone else.  If im a soldier and your standing there with a gun your sure not a civilian anymore your someone that can kill me!!! Ill take a break from this post now since it obviously is stirring up emotions. Hopefully nothing like this will ever happen but if it does youd better keep your eyes open and trust NOBODY!! 
thanks TN.  I have never lost faith in our military.  we have three members in our extended family and they'll tell you real quick that they would NOT shoot a civilian except in self defense.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #65 on: February 21, 2012, 09:32:59 AM »
I can't recall any looters being shot by cops.  store owners might have shot some.
as for military, I think very few in command would obey an order to go into a city and disarm the people unless there was some kind of big hostage situation going on.  even Generals would have to explain to their wives why they massacred innocent people.
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Offline teamnelson

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2012, 10:29:58 AM »
lloyd, in order for troops to be deployed into a city they'd have to be mobilized and briefed of mission before hand. If that were to happen today, it would die on the vine. Its too obviously wrong.

You may recall that many cried out for the US Military to be called in for Katrina, and the DOD said it was illegal. Only the Coast Guard had an active mission, and some individuals with special skills were deployed in support.

And 9/11, not a single Title 10 troop was put on the ground in NYC to cordon off the site, and even the Pentagon used its normal security procedures ... when many in congress were calling for troops to ring the capital in defense. Again, DOD said it was illegal.

So if we didn't deploy a division of Marines in response to 9/11, or to Katrina, what do you suppose would be the level of event it would take for congress to pass legislation authorizing the activation and deployment of military troops on US soil? And how quickly do you suppose that would happen? The JCS and DOD, would have to get authorization from the Armed Services committee to use live rounds outside of a training environment - its the law in the US, no Title 10 troops can have live rounds in a firearm unless on a range under safety protoccol, or when manning a security post.

My point is, the level of complexity and hoops and ladders to jump through and climb is enormous, and would take a lot of time, during which everyone in the US would know it was coming and why. That's assuming robotic compliance from the Chairman of the JCS down to PFC smith with an M4 in his hands ... and that's the worst assumption fo the whole thing.

And all this is after the 2A is repealed. For a President to have the ability to actually revoke the 2A and order troops on US soil to implement would mean a whole lot of other things had already happened to our legal and political system, things which take time and would not be easy, and would be so well covered in the information age, that PFC Smith would already know how controversail taking American's guns away would be.

But your Governor can call up the National Guard and put them on your block after declaring a state of emergency, so if there's a significant enough event, the scenario you fear may happen ... but not with Title 10 troops. It'll be your neighbors, and the other 1 weekend a month, 2 weekends a year troops from your local home town who drill at the local NG post who have not been trained and don't know better, that might fire when fired upon.

I'll use NC as an example, the Governor there has had it written in state policy that in the case of emergency, citizens are not allowed to possess firearms. So in the wake of a bad hurricane, she could call up the NC National Guard to check vehicles or homes for weapons. And I guarantee that if an NC National Guardsman came by Jacksonville (outside of Camp LeJeune) or Fayetteville, or any other town outside an Active Duty base, that the people most likely firing back on the NG will be active duty servicemembers and their families.
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Offline gypsyman

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2012, 12:22:01 PM »
If the crapola really hits the fan, last people I'm worries about would be our troups. Factor in all the illegals,druggies,street criminals, and just plain weirdo's, and they'll be way to busy than to worry about people hunkering down in their homes. The way I figure it, the first 2-4 days, they might be able to contain it, IF, they can get mustered in time. Things will escalate within the next 2-3 weeks, to udder chaos, and I doubt there are enough police/troups to keep things under control. It will be up to the local neighborhood ''malitia's'' to protect themselves.Street gangs will form up, and it will boil down to the strongest will survive. Not sure where I read it, but somewhere, some one predicted that at the end of 6 month's, minimum of at least 1/2 the population in this country would be dead, or starving to death. Not sure how close that will be, but I really don't think it is to far off the mark. gypsyman
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #68 on: February 22, 2012, 01:04:11 AM »
teamnelson i totaly agree with you in that it will be the national guard that supplys the soldiers at least at first. Gysyman you are correct too in that they will be very busy taking care of the seady element but that alone tells me that after a while dealing with people like that there going to be hardened and your not going to want to even look like you have mischief on your mind. to them it isnt going to take long before neighborhood malitias look the same to them as street gangs. Both will be out there trying to survive and will probably do about anything to accomplish it. I agree it wont last long. In a crisis like this the military will fall apart when the goverment has no  way to feed  or pay therer troops. thats alot more likely to be the straw that breaks the camels back then having to shoot someone. Im sure most soldiers, especially the ones with familys are going to look at the way people are being forced to live and realize there at least getting food and are going to be willing to do about anything to stay on that chuckwagon for as long as it lasts. JUST LIKE YOU they will be willing to do about anything to insure there kids get fed.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #69 on: February 22, 2012, 02:05:07 AM »
look at it this way when times get that bad everyone will be forced to be in a group/gang to protect themselves and aquire food . The military will be a good group to be in  ;)
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #70 on: February 22, 2012, 04:29:46 AM »
 ;) you bet it will. theyll even have more guns and food then I do
look at it this way when times get that bad everyone will be forced to be in a group/gang to protect themselves and aquire food . The military will be a good group to be in  ;)
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Offline Mxpe78a

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #71 on: February 22, 2012, 05:05:19 AM »
"Civil disobedience is descriptive of people rebelling against things they disagree with, that doesn't mean the civilians are wrong it means that they disagree with what the government dictates.
If the civilians are right and the military supports them then the traditional values are served.
At this point bring in international forces such as the UN forces that are being authorized by the current administration and the enforcers of the "martial law" commands are from such forces things change. The gun line may not reflect our traditional values."

Good post ear.
Remember ruby ridge and Waco if you don't think the government and military won't fire on people that don't follow the party line. Remember what homeland security thinks of the right.

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #72 on: February 22, 2012, 07:29:07 AM »
"Civil disobedience is descriptive of people rebelling against things they disagree with, that doesn't mean the civilians are wrong it means that they disagree with what the government dictates.
If the civilians are right and the military supports them then the traditional values are served.

ABSOLUTELY!! If more of the fathers, grandfathers, uncles and just plain MEN would talk to their young people who chose to enter military service as a means of HONOR, PATRIOTISM, etc. then you'd be prepping the battlefield so to speak, and find yourself well supported by the military on such a day.
Quote from: vajohn
Remember ruby ridge and Waco if you don't think the government and military won't fire on people that don't follow the party line.

I have to combat error everytime I see it. There were no military involved in WACO or RUBY RIDGE. Yes, its a distinction worth noting, it was the Federal Government and their agencies which fired on civilians at both sites. None of the agents there were under a Title 10 Oath. The Title 10 Oath is dividing line between the military and the other agencies.
Quote from: vajohn
Remember what homeland security thinks of the right.
Yep, the Department of Homeland Security, is another Federal Agency established unconstitutionally and therefore with none of the checks and balances emplaced to protect people from its tyranny.
 Since you brought it up, you do remember what one of the profiles of a domestic terrorist were? Combat veterans. Heck, I'm an active duty officer and chaplain and I think I scored a 90 on the profile. DHS fears our military ... maybe you shouldn't.
Hate to beat the horse, but its clearly not dead in the minds of many people. The military is still bound by the Constitution, restricted and restrained, and that restriction plays an active role in our daily lives.
None of these other federal agencies are mentioned are bound by the Constitution.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #73 on: February 22, 2012, 08:34:42 AM »
TeamNelson:  I heartily admire and respect you and the other folks who've gone overseas in harm's way.  You, as you said, have helped secure the rights of the Iraqis and Afghanis to have their AKs.  But while you've been busy over there, OUR leaders have been chipping away at OUR rights listed in OUR Constitution, especially the Second Amendment and the "free exercise" part of the First.  I hope you're right about our military, but I don't trust our leaders.
I also think you're creating artificial distinctions between groups of the military.  They're all American "soldiers"...generic term...whatever component they serve in.  And someone who gets beaten, shot, or bayonetted by PFC Harvey Joe Bob Sweeney from the Tupelo Tigers Battalion of the Mississippi NG won't say, "Thank goodness he didn't violate Posse Comitatus."  You're making distinctions that have no practical difference.
 When we're looking at the scenarios discussed in this forum, I fear that order will break down, even among the ranks.  I pray that you're right and I'm wrong.  My experiences have taught me differently.
Also, if there weren't military at Waco, who was driving the armored vehices that plowed through the buildings?

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #74 on: February 22, 2012, 09:14:18 AM »
Texas National Guard.

There is a difference between NG and AD, by law and it does in fact have to do with Title 10 and Posse Commitatus. The NG is Governor controlled; a progressive dictator in the WH can't tell the Teupelo Tigers anything without the Governor's consent. And the Governor can send them in without Obamas consent. They fall under different legal guidelines.

Every instance offered has been NG, not one active duty unit involved. But I'm on the DHS list, hmm?
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #75 on: February 22, 2012, 09:17:46 AM »
You know, Obama may be wanting to DECREASE the military manpower.  This would allow him to EXPAND Homeland Security, ATF, etc, so he can use them to do his dirty work.  Military are required to defend the Constitution.  Other Government departments may not have to. 

Offline teamnelson

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #76 on: February 22, 2012, 10:18:11 AM »
You know, Obama may be wanting to DECREASE the military manpower.  This would allow him to EXPAND Homeland Security, ATF, etc, so he can use them to do his dirty work.  Military are required to defend the Constitution.  Other Government departments may not have to.

Give that man a cigar!
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #77 on: February 22, 2012, 10:37:54 AM »
TeamNelson, the the majority of people appreciate your service and don't believe you would fail to uphold the constitution.
right now there's a lot of unrest and uncertainty about the future. some people aren't thinking.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #78 on: February 22, 2012, 10:45:21 AM »
If you go back and look at the tape at the top of the page closely, you will see that the "journalist" used a trick to get the guardsman to insinuate that they had fired in civialians. The questions were hypothetical and the guardsman was saying why he hated the duty that he had been called to do.

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #79 on: February 22, 2012, 04:46:52 PM »
TeamNelson:  I appreciate your service to your country.  Been there, done that, '66-'86, retired Regular. If I gave any indication that I was thinking you were "a soulless automaton who'd shoot Granny for a pack of smokes if Obama told me to", then I apologize.  I don't recall even implying that about you. 
FWIW, I still abide by the part of the oath that I first took 45 years ago, to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.  Obviously, you do, as well. 
I am making the case that there are some out there, in uniform, who will do whatever they're told, whenever orders are given.  Again, I'm not accusing you of being one. 

Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #80 on: February 23, 2012, 01:07:34 AM »
I too served my country so i feel i do have the right to state my opinions just like you do.
You know, Obama may be wanting to DECREASE the military manpower.  This would allow him to EXPAND Homeland Security, ATF, etc, so he can use them to do his dirty work.  Military are required to defend the Constitution.  Other Government departments may not have to.

Give that man a cigar!

Why does Obama want to cut 500,000 title 10 active duty troops, mostly ground combat, out in 8 years; And at the same time wants to establish a national security force to employ thousands of America's youth ... If he could just order us robots to take your guns? Seems he learned something from his ConLaw class at Harvard. DD is barking up the right tree.

Why did my overseas vote along with tens if not hundreds of thousands of ballots from forward deployed troops not get counted in the election Obama won?
Why does he constantly insult, snipe, hamstring and undermine the military if he's counting on us to roger up for the slaughter of American gun owners?
Just did my taxes, thanks to him my agi was the same as 2010 while my tax burden was higher, and my costs are all up. Do you think it's some sort of reverse psychology? He's abusing us to make us loyal?

I feel pretty beat up by my country after giving quite a bit which some of you fellas know about; it's insult to injury when y'all go on to tell me I'm a soulless automaton who'd shoot granny for a pack of smokes if Obama told me to. I'm done.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #81 on: February 23, 2012, 08:52:45 AM »
I too served my country so i feel i do have the right to state my opinions just like you do.

Of course you have a right to state your opinion, regardless of your service, and thank you for it!
I'd like to inform that opinion if you will allow it, as your opinion is directed at me and of me, as representative of the million or so active duty service members presently in uniform, and I've been doing this for some time.
I don't know what your present profession is, but let's say you are a farmer. And let's say that when I was a teenager I worked on a farm for a few years, so I had some reasonable understanding of what farming entails. But then I went on to say that farmers are greedy, taking subsidies from the government, driving expensive trucks, living in nice homes, and just all around leeches on society. That would be my opinion, and I would have a right to state it, and there are many that might share my view. You would be livid most likely, and probably not just sit there and listen to it without attempting to correct my opinion because my opinion is a direct insult to your chosen profession. You'd probably say something along the lines of, sure you may have worked a farm at one point, but this is my livelihood, my lifelong profession, and you really don't know they way things actually are. I might tell you an anecdote of a guy I know who is a greedy farmer, and say if he's like that then why shouldn't I imagine y'all are like that? You'd probably reply that he's just one, and there are thousands of farmers who aren't like that at all, and in fact the Farming Commission publicly censured that guy and struck his name from the roles.
The difference though is that I'm not worried about the farmers in america attacking me in my home. So your opinion, which you are entitled to, reflects a very dangerous concern especially if its ill informed.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #82 on: February 23, 2012, 02:04:46 PM »
TeamNelson, the the majority of people appreciate your service and don't believe you would fail to uphold the constitution.

I would say all here, not most!
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Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #83 on: February 24, 2012, 01:11:11 AM »
teamnelson theres probably NOBODY on this fourm thats more patriotic then me or apprecitates what you and your fellow soldiers do for us daily. Dont ever doubt that or doubt that i feel there the best trained most dedicated troops in the world. I will say this though. I was in the miltary myself. I spend 8 years in. I was an E6 when i got out. Was i an expert on all fascets of the military. HELL NO! Unless you have few stars on your shouldes your not privy to anything but what you need to know to do your job.
You surely have no idea what the goverment and the military have for a plan i crap really did hit the fan. You are doing no more them me. Guessing! Take your comparison involving farmers. Anyone that has a few acres of crops and horse anymore calls themselves a farmer. Are they just as knowlegable as someone that has the biggest dairy farm in wisconson. I doubt it. Is an E5 a military expert because hes on active duty and im not because i spent twice as much time as him in the miltary but my service was 20 years ago. Nope, bottom line is neither of us are any kind of an expert on how the miltary really works. Thats about like saying because a auto worker in detroit puts a fender on a ford every day hes an expert on how cars are made and what fords plans are for the future. Or because i was a lineman for 25 years i can tell you whats going to happen to the electrical grid if a major emp hits. Sorry but i dont have a clue!
 I have no idea what your rank is in the military or what you do. Maybe you are a colonel in military intelegence. If so i appologize. As to my consern being dangerous. The only dangerous consern is one that hasnt been planned for. Me like most here will go into any senerio with my eyes open and a lack of trust of anyone but my own family. 
Id like to hear one way in which my post could be taken as dangerous. Id dont recall telling anyone to rebel, fight or even talk back to a soldier or police officer. Again to end this i want to thank you no matter what your rank is or what your job is because its guys like you that have prevented a life like were just speculating on from allready being here.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #84 on: February 24, 2012, 03:34:08 AM »

Id like to hear one way in which my post could be taken as dangerous. Id dont recall telling anyone to rebel, fight or even talk back to a soldier or police officer.

Lloyd, you have not fomented revolt; sorry, that's not what I intended to imply. The reason I stay at Graybeard and very seldom venture anywhere else on the internet is because of great Patriots like yourself - thank you for keeping the faith in your great nation!

There are other men who are not like us; men who have not served perhaps, men who are skeptical of government but with a different heart. These are dangerous men who are merely looking for an excuse to foment revolt, and they cling to anyone or anything else that may serve their cause. As I look across the internet, I find them on gun boards, survival boards, conservative boards ... there are more of them than is healthy, and they are in the main ignorant. They fear military on their doorstep and are easily whipped into a frenzy, and are more likely to be the cause of the fracas. I would not give them an ounce of kerosene to go with their matches if I could help it.

I think its every patriots responsibility to keep their government in check. We should question it at every turn - constitutionally the people are the check and balance to an overreaching government, and the 2A is the means of last resort. And part of that responsibility is to sift through the chaff of any situation, and find the wheat. I may be passionate in my response ... I will try to temper that. We should be concerned, the national guard has been used against citizens, the government has expanded its reach and created agencies that encroach more and more, with threat of arms (TSA comes to mind). The military remains the oldest, and only constitutionally established, bulwark against a tyrannical government. Its in our oath. Taken literally, it places us in front of the people, defending them from unconstitutional enemies foreign and domestic, and not against them. My concern is for all those other agencies, with no constitutional authority who have no covenant with the people. Those are the ones I fear.

As for me, I have been many things in uniform since 87, to include intelligence and special operations with Army and Marines. I am presently a Chaplain, midgrade officer, who has served both on the front lines in combat with infantry, and recently again in national intelligence because of my prior experience. I completed War College, and I am currently serving a carrier. My job is to keep track of the heart and soul of our young folks, their ethics and morals, why they serve.

I don't want to get overly anecdotal ... in Iraq, we detained over 2,500 men in the space of a few months. We hit that area like a steam roller, bermed and cleared house to house every city in our sector, and rolled up anyone who failed a gunpowder test. We paid for it dearly, but we halted the momentum of the enemy, and left that sector pacified with very minimal civilian impact. I actually asked frequently if they thought anything like what we did would ever happen in the US (i.e. house to house, arrests, cordon and searches, etc.) Every single Marine I asked, regardless of rank, said Hell no, we're Americans. They can't articulate Title 10 or the Constitution, they just know its something we don't do at home. I wish I had it on video to post on youtube to counteract some of the conspiracy theory videos made.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #85 on: February 24, 2012, 03:59:58 AM »
What we have today is not the military of Viet Nam. Back then we had a bunch of draftees from every walk of life, most all hated being "in". A good share were on drugs, and it was winked at because discipline had totally broken down. I suppose those types infested the military for years afterwards, but years and years of volunteer recruits, and good leadership has remade what a lot of us remember. I remember the press could go out anytime they wanted and find some crybaby soldier to badmouth the military were I was in. During the latest wars that didn't happen.

This is the greatest nation in the world, lets not let a bunch of liberal naysayers convince us otherwise. We have some hard work to do politically, but the military is not part of the problem.

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #86 on: February 24, 2012, 04:03:27 AM »
What we have today is not the military of Viet Nam. Back then we had a bunch of draftees from every walk of life, most all hated being "in". A good share were on drugs, and it was winked at because discipline had totally broken down. I suppose those types infested the military for years afterwards, but years and years of volunteer recruits, and good leadership has remade what a lot of us remember. I remember the press could go out anytime they wanted and find some crybaby soldier to badmouth the military were I was in. During the latest wars that didn't happen.

This is the greatest nation in the world, lets not let a bunch of liberal naysayers convince us otherwise. We have some hard work to do politically, but the military is not part of the problem.
well said.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #87 on: February 24, 2012, 04:28:07 AM »
I stay at Graybeard and very seldom venture anywhere else on the internet

And we here at GBO are all the better for that!
There are other men who are not like us; ... I find them on gun boards, survival boards, conservative boards ...

Ain't that the truth!  If you want to see paranoia in it's rawest form, check out those other forums!  Our discussions here are the soul of reason compared to some.  Shoot!  I've still got web gear sets, K's of rounds of ammo and hundreds of magazines in my man cave!  And that's from around Y2K!
I may be passionate in my response ... I will try to temper that.

You are still one of the most reserved and articulate men I've ever seen, even when you are in the "throws of passion!"  I wouldn't worry about it.
the government has expanded its reach and created agencies that encroach more and more, with threat of arms ...

A couple of weeks back I heard Obama say "If congress won't act, I must."  I hope I quoted that correctly.  But I am amazed at the lack of outcry about that statement.  It scares me to death!
Those are the ones I fear.

Amen Brother!

I completed War College,

Now I've been off active duty and out of the reserves for over thirty years and I know things change, but in my day the War Collage was a requirement for 0-6 and usually reserved for promotable 0-5's ...
And I don't think anything is more disheartening and demoralizing to our military then to suffer criticism and neglect from the very country (people) he serves.
Former Captain of Horse, keeper of the peace and interpreter of statute.  Currently a Gentleman of leisure.
Nemo me impune lacessit

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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #88 on: February 24, 2012, 04:29:39 AM »
great post teamnelson and what makes it great is that youve been there and done that. Something not many on here can say. I guess in all of this what i fear most is someone like the president we have right now who hates the fact that free men in this country have the right to be armed not only for hunting but for self defense and to protect this counry. I fear that with all this homeland security bs that it will give him an open door to march into town and try to disarm us in any kind of a crisis. When in fact it will be the armed civilians that save this country if theres any hope for it.
As to the Viet Nam vets ill say this. Unless you were there you dont have a clue! If you got your opinion of our troops watching liberals on tv telling about them shut up. this was my era. I had freinds die there and know many who fighted there. Sure one or two of them took a few hits off a joint. Who here hasnt? To say they were a bunch of druggie draftees that didnt give a crap is about as ignorant of a statement as a guy could make. they were patriots just as much as the guys in there now! They loved there country and most i knew were proud to be defending it and many of those draftees gave there live for your sorry ass. Why dont you consider going to your next viet nam veterans meeting and spout that bs and youll see what kind of reaction youll get. As far as decipline  just go ask anyone thats been in for 30 years what the disipline was like then and what its like now in the military that has to be politicaly correct in everything it does. Compare boot came then to boot camp now!  I gurantee you one thing. Ive been around vets all my life. Im a member of the viet nam vets, the american legion and the vfw and ive never hear ONCE in all these years ANY VET badmouth the vets of ANY era!!!!

Id like to hear one way in which my post could be taken as dangerous. Id dont recall telling anyone to rebel, fight or even talk back to a soldier or police officer.

Lloyd, you have not fomented revolt; sorry, that's not what I intended to imply. The reason I stay at Graybeard and very seldom venture anywhere else on the internet is because of great Patriots like yourself - thank you for keeping the faith in your great nation!

There are other men who are not like us; men who have not served perhaps, men who are skeptical of government but with a different heart. These are dangerous men who are merely looking for an excuse to foment revolt, and they cling to anyone or anything else that may serve their cause. As I look across the internet, I find them on gun boards, survival boards, conservative boards ... there are more of them than is healthy, and they are in the main ignorant. They fear military on their doorstep and are easily whipped into a frenzy, and are more likely to be the cause of the fracas. I would not give them an ounce of kerosene to go with their matches if I could help it.

I think its every patriots responsibility to keep their government in check. We should question it at every turn - constitutionally the people are the check and balance to an overreaching government, and the 2A is the means of last resort. And part of that responsibility is to sift through the chaff of any situation, and find the wheat. I may be passionate in my response ... I will try to temper that. We should be concerned, the national guard has been used against citizens, the government has expanded its reach and created agencies that encroach more and more, with threat of arms (TSA comes to mind). The military remains the oldest, and only constitutionally established, bulwark against a tyrannical government. Its in our oath. Taken literally, it places us in front of the people, defending them from unconstitutional enemies foreign and domestic, and not against them. My concern is for all those other agencies, with no constitutional authority who have no covenant with the people. Those are the ones I fear.

As for me, I have been many things in uniform since 87, to include intelligence and special operations with Army and Marines. I am presently a Chaplain, midgrade officer, who has served both on the front lines in combat with infantry, and recently again in national intelligence because of my prior experience. I completed War College, and I am currently serving a carrier. My job is to keep track of the heart and soul of our young folks, their ethics and morals, why they serve.

I don't want to get overly anecdotal ... in Iraq, we detained over 2,500 men in the space of a few months. We hit that area like a steam roller, bermed and cleared house to house every city in our sector, and rolled up anyone who failed a gunpowder test. We paid for it dearly, but we halted the momentum of the enemy, and left that sector pacified with very minimal civilian impact. I actually asked frequently if they thought anything like what we did would ever happen in the US (i.e. house to house, arrests, cordon and searches, etc.) Every single Marine I asked, regardless of rank, said Hell no, we're Americans. They can't articulate Title 10 or the Constitution, they just know its something we don't do at home. I wish I had it on video to post on youtube to counteract some of the conspiracy theory videos made.
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Re: End of the World as we know it.....?
« Reply #89 on: February 24, 2012, 05:06:17 AM »
When I first came in, my SgtMajors were Vietnam Vets, "lifers," as was my instructor at the Armorer's course ... and really through the 1st Gulf War there were still many in service who came in during Vietnam. They'd been rode hard, and put up wet ... their service had taken a toll, and our nation did not help them much. A toll very similar to that taken on the young men and women who have come in service since 2003, but thankfully our nation seems more grateful. After my first OIF tour in 2006, my wife arranged for us to spend a week in Texas at a retreat for wounded veterans, funded by a charitable organization and coordinated by Vietnam Vets. Our "leaders" were 2 highly decorated SF Vietnam Vets, and a Nurse who served in Vietnam. They were committed to ensure that we did not have to suffer what they did upon return. Words cannot describe how meaningful that experience was for me ... I've since joined the MOPH, and plan to be active in the VFW and USO when I retire. I stand on great shoulders.
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