I never carry both in my coat at the same time. By both fitting in the breast pocket I simply meant I can choose to carry either one there. Usualy it's my P-32 with my PF-9 on my belt and only then if I'm not expectimg to take my coat off such as in a long car ride, shopping or outdoor activities. About the only time I remove my coat is if I go into a restaraunt or to see a doctor. Then, knowing that before hand, I carry accordingly. The P-32 then goes into a pocket holster in my front pants pocket. A shirt hides the PF-9 on my belt in a restaraunt and it stays in my car if seeing a doctor. I have unexpectingly gone into restaraunts to eat, whim of the moment, and like you I simply slip into the restroom and switch the P-32 from my jacket pocket to my pants pocket. I like carrying my two firearms in differant places and mannors so that if I can't reach one I can reach the other.