hmm.. scope option I wont have with mine- just the bead front sight like most of these..
Been torn, and still am,really, between getting the .45/.410 barrel for this, or keeping this as-is, and trying to find a .45 carbine barrel/or full carbine someday,or just grabbing a .45/.410 if one ever pops up around here again. Also been debating a Handi-even though I have no actual
need for one, a Handi in .30-30, or .444 M.
But where I am, even though semi-rural, terrain and inhabitants limit safe shooting distances to around 25 yards- to -50 yards max. So one of those rifles would be way over-kill for anything Im likely to shoot, and not run the risk of hitting a neighbor with a miss or -through-shot or ricochet...
So, if the Sluggers work out in my tests, those might actually be ideal for the likely game I may need to safely hit within my range limitations. I guess I'll find out this week, when Im off work to try and test em!
The ammo holder I made will be my prototype- I'll test it out for a bit, and see what/where I need to improve things, and see how well it holds up under use, then I'll decide if to make some for folks, if requested.
At present, my usually on-gun loads are the #4 and #6 shot, and the 3x 000 shells. If the sluggers work out, I'll break it down to 3 of each= shot, 000, Sluggers.
And I like that ability of one simple, rugged, reliable, long gun being able to handle such a wide variety of critters-just by loading the appropriate shell.