Axehandle, sorry it took me a couple days to throw you an answer. Many,many, many years back, Veral made me a mold for my .375. Still have, no I will not sell it.

But, can give you some info!! Veral built me a 240gr-LFN- and throws a 238gr. bullet, with my mix.(Been a few years, but I remember the mix being 70%ww and 30% lino) I made it hard, as I used the gun in IHMSA match's, and wanted to keep from any possibility of leading in an 80rd. match. Wouldn't make it that hard now, as it's not really neccessary. I use a Fed 210m primer, and 18gr of H4227. Veral made the mold a .379 dia. bullet, and I size it to .378. Sounds big, but that is what Veral suggested with the demensions of my DW. Oh yes, if memory serve's me correctly, I have a 1-16 twist in the gun, which was an option DW offered at that time. Gun originally came with either a 1-18 or 1-20 twist. I also put one of the 1-16 twists in my .357sm, which, I stupidly sold to a friend of mine 10 or 12 years ago. Anyway, hope this helps. gypsyman