Some people didn't grow up in the south in the 50's and 60's. Lots of things were exploited by the news media and liberal blacks. Easy for northerners to condem the south, but a few isolated cases of bad things happening weren't the norm for MOST of the south. I was there when the two high schools were integrated into one. We had no problems, no fights, and blacks were elected to the student council even being a minority. Just because some people started stuff in Selma, or Mississippi, doesn't mean it was widespread. Like I said, blacks would have suffered less with a transition to the sharecropping system, and then when mechanization took over, the same things would have happened. Also, the south would not have been destroyed. Georgia before the Civil War had the highest GDP of any state in the nation. It wasn't until the '60's that it finally went back to what it was before the Civil War. The north burned, destroyed, and looted many southerners homes and treasures, thus destroying the ability to rebuild quickly. We had no Marshall plan to rebuild us. Had to start over from scratch. Northerners are hypocritical snubbing their noses at southerners. My wife is from Wisconsin, she has quickly learned there are two classes of blacks today. The ones who try to succeed, get and education and move up in society, and those who have their hands out for freebees, and are dependent on government, and blame the whites for their condition. The second ones say the first ones are "white" inside. No ammount of education will help, if they don't want to learn and drop out of school. Government is the problem here, not society or the people in general.