I got me one!!
I went to a local gun show yesterday, a friend who displays at most of the shows had one. The ONLY one in the whole building!
After I drooled on it for a few minutes, he said that I needed to get it and take it home with me. I told him that I only had about $50.00 on me, that I planned to pick up some powder and a few misc. items. He said "Pay me the $50.00 down and take it home with you. Pay me the rest later, this will be the only one for a good while, perhaps a couple of months." How can you resist an offer like that?
So I now have a cute little SR22 that shoots excellent! It is surprisingly accurate. I had it fail to feed 2 times out of about 100 shots, but that seems to be going away (new magazine I guess). I shot a mix of different ammo through it, including Winchester subsonic ammo that ran perfectly!
The trigger has just a tiny bit of creep in it, just a little "click" just before it breaks. The safety mechanism/decocker takes a bit of getting used to, you can't carry it "cocked and locked" like you can a Colt 1911. When you put it on "safe" it actually decocks the hammer, and disengages the trigger. Then you put the gun back on "fire" and carry it with the hammer down. You can then cock the hammer or just pull the trigger for the first shot. Also, it is worth mentioning that the "safety" is upside down from what I'm used to, UP is "Fire", DOWN is "Safe". I guess that we'll need to think of it as a "De-cocker", not a "Safety".
All in all, I just love it! It's compact, light, and very accurate. It carries well in the back pocket. My wife has even forgiven me for bringing it home once she got her little hands around it!