Well, the Communists back in the 50's said the only way they could conquer America was:
1) Take over one of the political parties.
2) Take over the entertainment industry.
3) Take over the press.
4) Take over the education systems.
5) Encourage sex, alcohol, and drugs among teens to loose their morals.
6) Breakdown the family.
7) Encourage class warfare.
They were told to go to school to get degrees in education, journalism, drama, law, and encourage alternative lifestyles. Looks like they succeeded.
Here is an article from "Real Clear Politics" about the so called loss of the middle class.
http://www.realclearmarkets.com/articles/2012/03/08/the_misleading_tale_of_income_inequality_99555.html The problem is lots of single parent families and singles who do not have the "combined income" to accumulate wealth that a married couple can have. There is no real difference in incomes from the mid-80's until now, just more single heads of households with less household income. I was told when I was young that two can live cheaper than one. Lot's of truth to that. Two people earning $10 and hour each can live cheaper by having only one set of bills. Kid's getting married later, more people living single, or even if they "live together", they keep their expenses seperate and are more selfish about their spending, (more for themselves and what they want to do). The breakdown of family as encouraged by the way the Feds administer welfare and food stamp help, Holywood's lifestyles that they show and encourage, free sex, rampant drug use, liberal press, liberal lawyers and judges, and the loss of the Democratic party to the far left loonies. There is no such thing as a conservative Democrat anymore, they all switched to Republican back in the 80's and 90's.
Well back to preparedness, we must prep, because hyper inflation is coming, and the bankrupcy of the Federal government. The Yellowstone area has risen 3" a year the last three years and has had over 200 minor earthquakes around it. The New Madrid fault is overdue for a quake. God can lift a finger and rain havoc on the US and those not prepared like Joseph.
Breakdown of family?