I found a few good readings about the 9x23 win. The 9x23win with a 125gr bullet goers about 1,600fps. The 357mag with a 125gr bullet goes about 1,597fps. they claim. So overall the 9x23win is sort of equal to a 357mag revolver being the 9x23win is an auto 1911. As where the 10mm auto is equal to the 41mag.
Here's the readings about the 9x23win.
www.burnscustom.com/9x23/9x23WhereAreWe.php3They did say the springfield in 9x23win has an extra third locking lug. To me this 3rd lug would be stronger and maybe an upgrade to handle the increase in power.
I really liked shooting the 9mm Largo (is a 9x23 in lower power). The tad more power is what i liked. With the bigger magnum revolvers i'm like hanging on to a gators tail. Sometimes i like the stout loads. For me shooting the loads beyond max i won't do or talk about anymore. I kind of settled down from my tim allen days sort of speak arg, arg arg. ppppooooowwwweer rules. But i liked the flames.
But really i'm interested in the 38super, the 9x23win, the 9x25dillon and the 10mm in a 1911 style were i can. I would like to maybe get one new caliber.
Ok you guys kept me hooked on the 45acp for all these many years and i agree its time for a change to something else. So the 9x23win would be a 9mm largo with a tad more bark right?