Author Topic: 9X23  (Read 898 times)

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Offline WD45

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« on: February 20, 2012, 06:09:00 AM »
How many of you all shoot 9x23 ( not 9x23 largo ) out of their 38 super. Seems that this can be a hot topic on other forums as to wether you can or can not, should or should not.. you get the picture. With the power that the 9x23 gives it makes me wonder why it has not been more popular.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: 9X23
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 01:06:39 AM »
You can shoot a .38 super out of a 9x23 but not the other way.
The 9x23 is a very high pressure round---I like it and it shoots easier than one can believe.
The .38 super is a lot of fun also.

Offline Mikey

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Re: 9X23
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 01:40:08 AM »
most of my 38 Super loads run into the 9x23 pressure ranges and my preferred 38 Super loads are definately at the 9x23 level.  Much of my plinking with the 38 Super is at the upper end of the 38 spl loadings or the lower end of the 357 magnum.
The two rounds are nearly case identical, excepting the rim.  I can shoot 9x23 brass in my 38 Super but sometimes extraction is weak, so I just use Starline 38 Super +P brass.
Some of the older reloading manuals put the 38 Super accuracy loadings for the 125/130 gn jacketed bullets right at the 9x23 level.
Can you shoot the 9x23 from a 38 Super - yes.  Should you - up to you.  If you intend the 9x23 to be a steady diet in a 38 Super I would add a heavier spring.  I don't know if the 9x23s come with a supported barrel but the 9x23 brass is thicker and stronger at the web than the 38 Super and can handle the increased pressures.  As for accuracy - with fast moving 115 - 125 gn slugs they are supposed to be accurate but I don't know about using cast - don't know what the twist is.  jmtcw.

Offline WD45

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Re: 9X23
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2012, 02:12:14 PM »
Thanks for the input. Such a shame it seems only a couple commercial loads out there and it's pretty much roll yer own for ammo. You see articles now about coonan's incredible 1911 style 357 mag but it's been there all this time in the form of the 9x23.

Offline williamlayton

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Re: 9X23
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2012, 02:29:26 AM »
I have to agree---the 9x23 is, to me, the ultimate carry gun.
I know about big heavy bullets and knock down---I also agree.
Based on overall performance---where you have to do with what you have at the time---the 9x23 covers a lot of bases.
It is easy shooting--accurate and flat shooting---it will do a lot of things well.
The .45 for up close and personal is the best at this range---but over-all the 9x23 covers more bases.

Offline 1911crazy

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Re: 9X23
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2012, 08:01:36 AM »
I found a few good readings about the 9x23 win.  The 9x23win with a 125gr bullet goers about 1,600fps.  The 357mag with a 125gr bullet goes about 1,597fps. they claim.  So overall the 9x23win is sort of equal to a 357mag revolver being the 9x23win is an auto 1911. As where the 10mm auto is equal to the 41mag.
Here's the readings about the 9x23win.
They did say the springfield in 9x23win has an extra third locking lug.  To me this 3rd lug would be stronger and maybe an upgrade to handle the increase in power.
I really liked shooting the 9mm Largo (is a 9x23 in lower power).  The tad more power is what i liked.   With the bigger magnum revolvers i'm like hanging on to a gators tail.  Sometimes i like the stout loads.  For me shooting the loads beyond max i won't do or talk about anymore.  I kind of settled down from my tim allen days sort of speak arg, arg arg. ppppooooowwwweer rules. But i liked the flames.
But really i'm interested in the 38super,  the 9x23win, the 9x25dillon and the 10mm in a 1911 style were i can.  I would like to maybe get one new caliber.
Ok you guys kept me hooked on the 45acp for all these many years and i agree its time for a change to something else.  So the 9x23win would be a 9mm largo with a tad more bark right?