Author Topic: Obama and his muslim brotherhood in America.  (Read 208 times)

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Obama and his muslim brotherhood in America.
« on: February 20, 2012, 12:33:52 PM »

Islamists succeed in influencing FBI to scrub 1,000 presentations and curricula on Islam and White House veiled siding with Muslim Brotherhood take over of Middle East Countries.
What can you do? Forward this information to friends. They need to know what is happening to America.
Islamists succeed in influencing FBI to scrub 1,000 presentations and curricula on Islam and
White House veiled siding with Muslim Brotherhood take over of Middle East Countries.
Many God-fearing American’s are erroneously using population calculations to determine how long it will take for America to be Islamized.  They contend that given current birth rates it will take a few decades before there are enough Muslims to rule over America.

Nothing could be further from the truth given President Barrack Hussein Obama’s extreme support for Islamists.  The freedom that Americans enjoy is rapidly moving into jeopardy as Obama strips the FBI of their tools to counter Jihad.  The strength internationally that this administration has given to the Muslim Brotherhood is historic.   No president has ever made easy so many countries turning to Sharia and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Florida Family Association is providing the following excerpts from The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

Islamists succeed in influencing FBI to scrub 1,000 presentations and curricula on Islam.

It was just revealed two days ago that FBI Director Mueller secretly met on February 8 at FBI headquarters with a coalition of groups including various Islamist and militant Arabic groups who in the past have defended Hamas and Hizballah and have also issued blatantly anti-Semitic statements. At this meeting, the FBI revealed that it had removed more than 1000 presentations and curricula on Islam from FBI offices around the country that was deemed "offensive." The FBI did not reveal what criteria was used to determine why material was considered "offensive" but knowledgeable law enforcement sources have told the IPT that it was these radical groups who made that determination. Moreover, numerous FBI agents have confirmed that from now on, FBI headquarters has banned all FBI offices from inviting any counter-terrorist specialists who are considered "anti-Islam" by Muslim Brotherhood front groups.

The February 8 FBI meeting was the culmination of a series of unpublicized directives issued in the last three months by top FBI officials to all its field offices to immediately recall and withdraw any presentation or curricula on Islam throughout the entire FBI. In fact, according to informed sources and undisclosed documents, the FBI directive was instigated by radical Muslim groups in the US who had repeatedly met with top officials of the Obama Administration to complain, among other things, that the mere usage of the term of "radical Islam" in FBI curricula was "offensive" and 'racist." And thus, directives went out by Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Mueller to censor all such material. Included in the material destroyed or removed by the FBI and the DOJ were powerpoints and articles that defined jihad as "holy war" or presentations that portrayed the Muslim Brotherhood as an organization bent on taking over the world—a major tenant that the Muslim Brotherhood has publicly stated for decades.

Islamists succeed in influencing White House veiled siding with Muslim Brotherhood take over of Middle East Countries.

Months into the Arab Spring, we realized that the Western powers, and the Obama Administration have put their support behind the new authoritarians, those who are claiming they will be brought to power via the votes of the people. Well, it is not quite so.

The Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic Nahda of Tunisia, the Justice Party of Morocco and the Islamist militias in Libya's Transitional National Council have been systematically supported by Washington at the expense of real liberal and secular forces. We saw day by day how the White House guided carefully the statements and the actions of the US and the State Department followed through to give all the chances to the Islamists and almost no chances to the secular and revolutionary youth.

Click here to read the full report at The Investigative Project on Terrorism.

What can you do?  Forward this information to friends.  They need to know what is happening to America.  Encourage them to sign up to receive Florida Family Association email action alerts which give them an opportunity to fight back.  More people are needed to oppose this threat to America’s freedom.
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.