Author Topic: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..  (Read 645 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« on: February 26, 2012, 12:38:15 PM »
  No secret..Liberals hate our military..except when their pansy butts are endangered...  The Prez & congress, who have voted themselves an exempt-from-Obamacare, gold plated medical plan, have decided to stick it to the military.  Here's their latest scheme, right out of chicago gangland politics;
In this week's edition:
DoD FY 2013 Budget Provisions Devalue Military Service
VA, DHS Budgets for FY 2013Atten
Doc Fix Agreement
FRA Co-Sponsors House G & R Caucus
Happy 71st Birthday, USCGR
FRA NHQ Closed for Presidents' Day

DoD FY 2013 Budget Provisions Devalue Military Service

The Administration released its proposed FY 2013 budget this week, including plans to drastically increase existing TRICARE Prime enrollment fees, implement new fees for TRICARE Standard and TRICARE-for-Life beneficiaries, and increase pharmacy co-pays. FRA's National Executive Director (NED) Joe Barnes and Healthcare Advisor Bob Washington met with TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) leadership for a briefing on these and other changes to the Military Health Service (MHS) outlined in the budget.

These proposals are in addition to the 13-percent TRICARE Prime fee hike imposed for this year and, if approved, would be tiered based on the beneficiary's retired pay.

TRICARE Prime family enrollment fees, which were recently increased to $520 per year for all beneficiaries, would increase in FY 2013 to between $600 and $820, based on retirement pay. The fees will continue to increase annually until FY 2017, when beneficiaries will pay between $893 and $2,043 per year. 

TRICARE Standard and Extra families would see a new annual enrollment fee of $140 in FY 2013, which will gradually increase to $250 by FY 2017. After that, the annual fee will be indexed to healthcare inflation. 

A new enrollment fee would also be implemented for TRICARE-for-Life (TFL) families beginning in FY 2013. The new tiered fees will range from $35 to $115 per year and will be increased through FY 2016 to between $150 and $450 based on retired pay.

Individual annual enrollment fees for Prime, Standard, and TFL would be half of the family fee indicated above. After FY 2017, the fees will rise based on healthcare inflation. Additionally Senator James Webb (Va.), chairman of the Senate Armed Services' Military Personnel Subcommittee, met with FRA staff and other members of the Military Coalition at FRA Headquarters today to further discuss the Administration's budget proposal.

Pharmacy co-pays would also rise according to the plan, with brand name retail prescriptions ($12 for a 30-day supply) and home-delivery ($9 for a 90-day supply) both increasing to $34 by FY 2017. The cost for generic medications obtained from retail pharmacies is slated to increase from $5 to $9 over the next five years.  Non-formulary retail prescriptions would be eliminated and non-formulary mail-order co-pays would gradually increase from $25 to $66 by FY 2017. There will be no pharmacy co-pays for generic home-delivery until FY 2017, when it would be set at $9. No co-pays will be required for prescriptions filled at Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs).

FRA strongly opposes these drastic increases and believes they will substantially erode the value of military retired pay. Further, FRA believes these budget proposals devalue military service.

The budget also calls for a commission to study and propose changes to the military retirement system. This BRAC-like process bypasses the expertise of the Senate and House Armed Services Committees and subcommittees and only allows Congress an up-or-down vote on the commission's recommendations. The budget also requests a 1.7 percent increase in active duty and Reserve pay that is equal to the Employment Cost Index (ECI), and makes deep cuts in Army and Marine Corps end strength over five years.

Members are strongly urged to visit, where they can send a pre-written e-mail message regarding these proposals to their elected officials.

VA, DHS Budgets for FY 2013
Chris Slawinski, FRA's National Veterans Service Officer, and Director of Legislative Programs John Davis attended a budget briefing on the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) FY 2013 budget this week.  Unlike the Defense budget, the Administration's VA budget request includes a 10.5-percent increase ($140.3 billion) over the current fiscal year and also contains $54.5 billion in advanced appropriations for VA health care in FY 2014. Funding for non-VA outpatient care is increased by almost 14 percent over the FY 2012 budget. The increased funding is in response to estimates that more than one million current active duty personnel will become veterans over the next five years.

The budget also addresses a number of other VA priorities, including efforts to reduce the backlog of unresolved disability claims and reduce unemployment and homelessness among veterans. 

In related news, the U. S. Coast Guard's FY 2013 budget, which is part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) budget request, is reduced from $8.6 billion for the current fiscal year (FY 2012) to $8.3 Billion for FY 2013. The plan also calls for manpower reductions of 1,000. FRA is concerned about the budget plan and will share its recommendations with the service's oversight committees in the coming months.

Doc Fix Agreement
A vote is expected today on a conference report to legislation (H.R. 3630) that will again postpone cuts to medical reimbursement rates for Medicare and TRICARE providers.  Lawmakers are expected to extend the "doc fix" through December 31, 2012, delaying a 27.4-percent cut in reimbursement rates for physicians seeing Medicare and TRICARE patients. FRA continues to advocate a permanent resolution that ensures TRICARE and Medicare patients have continued access to quality health care services.   

In addition the legislation will extend the Social Security payroll tax cut for employees, and extend unemployment benefits for certain unemployed citizens. 

FRA Co-Sponsors House G & R Caucus
As part of its strong support of Sea Services Reserve Component personnel, FRA joined with other military and veterans' organizations in cosponsoring the 15th annual House Reserve Component Caucus Breakfast on Capitol Hill this week. Representatives Duncan Hunter (Calif.) and Tim Walz (Minn.) cochair the bipartisan caucus and attendees included caucus members, OSD officials, Reserve Component senior enlisted leaders and members of key military associations, including FRA.

The keynote speaker was acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs David L. McGinnis, who was sworn in as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs on April 8, 2009. He stated that there are 73,900 members of the Reserve Component currently serving, all of whom enlisted or re-enlisted since 9/11/01. According to McGinnis, each understands that the Reserve force has changed from a strategic reserve for the active duty military to an operational reserve that requires at least one-year deployment for their six-year enlistment. He also congratulated the U.S. Coast Guard on its 71st anniversary this week.

Happy 71st Birthday, USCGR
FRA helped recognize the Coast Guard Reserve's 71st birthday by co-sponsoring a special Capitol Hill ceremony today with the National Capital Council of the Navy League.  Admiral Robert Papp, Commandant of the Coast Guard, spoke at the cake-cutting ceremony along with VADM Dirk Debbink, Commander of the Navy Reserve Force.  Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Reserve Force Mark Allen also attended, along with Navy Reserve Force Master Chief Chris Wheeler.

FRA NHQ Closed for Presidents' Day
FRA National Headquarters will be closed on Monday, February 20, in observance of Presidents' Day.  The office will reopen at 8:00 am (EST) on Tuesday, February 21.
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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2012, 01:05:24 PM »
There he goes again, buying our loyalty. At this rate, he won't be able to move fast enough to get his National Security Force in place so he has some loyal muscle.

Obama, July 2, Colorado Springs, CO: We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2012, 01:58:54 AM »
  TeamNelson I'm glad to see you are on the side of God and our constitution. I hope the military is full of people like you. TSA is moving to the NFL, streets and targeting the shopping malls next. I think that's his National Security Force.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under" -Ronald Reagan

“So this is how liberty dies; with thunderous applause.”  Padme Amidala

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 02:14:08 AM »
The people most hurt by this:
- retirees with high medical costs, probably Vietnam, Korean war vets and their wives/widows.
- medically retirees from OIF/OEF like the 400 or so combat wounded from my infantry battalion tour ... my SgtMajor who lost both legs.
- thousands of PTSD patients.
- active duty families with Exceptional Family Members: handicapped or terminally ill.

I wonder if we offered to vote for Obama if they'd give us an exception too?
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2012, 02:46:45 AM »
The people most hurt by this:
- retirees with high medical costs, probably Vietnam, Korean war vets and their wives/widows.
- medically retirees from OIF/OEF like the 400 or so combat wounded from my infantry battalion tour ... my SgtMajor who lost both legs.
- thousands of PTSD patients.
- active duty families with Exceptional Family Members: handicapped or terminally ill.

I wonder if we offered to vote for Obama if they'd give us an exception too?
  NAH !  You have to be at least a $100,000 fundraiser or a "bundler" to get an exception.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2012, 03:40:34 AM »
When the 'Rome' fights and funds their extended perpetual wars primarily with a printing presss,,,expect the 'farmers' back home and everybody else's, including The Guard, costs of life going up...just a fact of life......This Tricare plan is pretty much socialized HC...the costs seem significantly lower than what the subjects  ,,,errr "civilians" are paying for HC....i.e. if they have any HC at all. Moreover, I dare say the mil's rising HC costs are significantly lower than 'civilians', and in proportion to wages.  (I love that word 'civilians' some real bite to it.) Heck, everybody loves increasing wages without increasing costs...but HC Corps got to eat too!!.. ;)   In any case, nothing will ever ever be right in America until they figure out HC rights once and for all....until that time consider it just one of the 'shackles',
  Tricare for the military is not an unearned "entitlement".. it is very much an earned benefit.  ...Certainly moch more earned than the plush plan for congress and some public employee unions.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2012, 01:01:08 PM »
  Tricare for the military is not an unearned "entitlement".. it is very much an earned benefit.  ...Certainly moch more earned than the plush plan for congress and some public employee unions.

Ummm, nobody said it wasn't earned,,,i.e. part of the contract as it were.....That's just you spinning. You think running printing presses  just affects 'civilians' costs??. Nope, doesn't work that way.  Fact is, Tricare is a socialized benefit and the costs has gone up--everybody's HC costs have gone up since Reagan dereged and profitized it....Somebody has to pay.....HC corps need to eat, too, and they are ever hungry rapacious... ;)  Still sounds like a bargain compared to private sector, and now many other gov sectors.  Nothing in America will be right untill they figure out this HC boondoggle...until then it will be another 'shackle'......
  Tell me after you have served 25 years..and survived...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2012, 01:21:51 PM »
TM7, comparing Military HC benefits to any other HC is a distraction from the issue presented in this article. My HC is a part of a contract, a covenant if you will, entered in by me with our Nation. Your HC, IG's HC ... Joe the Plumber's HC ... are all the product of whatever arrangement they entered into with their respective employers/providers. For one party to change the terms without the other party's consent is legally a breach of contract - breaking an oath - regardless of how justified the oath breaker may feel. Its also very insulting that some believe that the military, as the last bastion of honor, should be the "better person" and just take the abuse, understanding that times are tough. We weren't give the choice, but we'd somehow be less honorable for questioning the decision. Yet Obama's union labor supporters will go to the streets, damage property, harm people, and break the law for failure to increase their benefits, never mind breaching a contract as indicated in this article. Other companies have sold their souls to keep their HC; interesting the military was not offered that opportunity. I wonder why?

The federal government has become an oath breaker, and they are embarrassed to have oath keepers around - our very presence pricks their conscience. They don't even have the good grace to apologize for raping the troops - that's what its called when its non-consensual according to my federal Equal Opportunity training.
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Re: Obamanites shafting the troops...again..
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2012, 03:55:33 PM »
i don't begrudge anyone the HC they are able to contract for - all employment is optional, is it not? I'm sorry your HC has become so expensive. In a few years I'll be paying that much or more when I retire. I am thankful for my HC levels now, I don't take it for granted ... but it is part of my employment benefits package. Unlike others, however, I am not free to give 2 weeks notice while I seek other employment. We cannot unionize - to strike would be treason. And my hours and work environment are on congressional record as toxic and life shortening, typically producing greater levels of disability with life long medical requirements higher than that of other chosen professions. This is the price to the country of a standing military, like it or not - in for a penny, in for a pound. I suppose you could privatize, buy some actual mercenaries, but then the price would be higher, and you'd lose the moral high ground.
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