Author Topic: Obama praises Islam  (Read 2994 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama praises Islam
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2012, 10:06:03 AM »
  Quote from: ironglow on Today at 06:31:03 AM
you will know them by their fruit (Matt 7:16)  So what is his fruit?  Abortion, pot smoking, infanticide, promoting homosexuality, sowing discord, lading on excessive taxes, facilitating riot (OWS), lying, promoting sin, war on Christianity, praising a false god..just for starters
  So, Yellowtail (reply #70) says my claims above are "pretty much hokum"..  Let's take a look..
 1) Abortion... Is there any doubt at all that when it comes to about half the pre-born boys & girls, he's with the " take no prisoners" gang ?
2) Pot Smoking.. Seems I recall he admitted to drugs & pot smoking and boasted of how he inhaled. Of course, Chris Matthews could be lying a bit.
3) Infanticide..he pushed for it and voted for it !
    BTW; Both Ron Paul & G Bush voted to protect these little babies
4) Promoting homosexuality..  which explains part of his generating chaos in the military.
5) Sowing discord..  He starts with "class warfare"..then pits, environmentalists against the sensible, gays against normal, unbelievers against Christians, parasites against taxpayers, rich against middle class, black against white, women against men, taxes against the successful, etc,etc.
6) Lading on excessive taxes..  Shouldn't be the least doubt here..he calls it "paying your fair share'.
7) Lying.. I can'tagine having to do this, but this video is worth passing on...'nuff said.
 8) Promoting sin..Should be patently obvious.. he's in favor of various sins.. a) drugs (sorcery) see#2, homosexualism,  encourages young women to have extra-marital sex, then facilitates the killing of babies produced in this thoughtless way.
9) War on Christianity..Rather obvious, proof everywhere..
10)  Praising a false god..  Pretty simple, check out the thread starter .  his 20 year "preacher" was doggone handy at the same game.
    BTW:  You missed this Jeremiah Wright video;


If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Dixie Dude

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Re: Obama praises Islam
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2012, 09:18:51 AM »
YT, you need to wake up to what O is doing.  I work in the natural gas industry.  Our NEW REGULATIONS take up about half my time.  It once took only about 10% of my time.  Environmental, OSHA, D.O.T. -Office of pipeline safety, etc. are getting rediculous.  No more common sense whatsoever. 
Have you not heard also the BATF is cracking down on gun dealers for not having tees crossed and i's dotted.  One guy recently marked 1/3/11 on the form instead of 1/3/12.  Stuff like that.  Yet they can do "Operation Fast and Furious". 
He shut down drilling in the Gulf and hasn't restarted it.  He shut down drilling on government lands and on government lands in Alaska, even if they had prior permits to drill.  He shut down the Keystone pipeline.  He doesn't have the national day of prayer anymore, yet has weekly Muslim prays on Fridays at the White House.  He ignores "Freedom of Religion" and MANDATES abortions and birth control for Christian Owned insurance and hospitals.  He wants to KILL American citizens suspected of being terroists, without trial and being innocent until proven guilty.  He has cut back on the military.  Members of my family, my mother, aunt, etc, got a couple hundred dollars a month for being the spouse of a deceased GI from Veterans benefits, not that was cut out, (to cut back on military expense).  My mother went two years on social security without a raise.  Food prices have gone up, for me anyways, by 25% the last year, yet the "OFFICIAL" inflation index is only about 2% since they don't count food and gasoline anymore because it is so volatile.  He has given out millions and billions to crony "green" companies which went bankrupt.  He has declared war on women because they were not going to check women for breast cancer yearly until 70, up from 40, yet makes a big deal about birth control.  Which is needed more?  Birth control is a Choice and is "free" at health clinics.  He has created class warfare attacking the so called 1%.  More people are on food stamps percentage wise and number wise than ever, yet does nothing to help create jobs, just straps them with more regulations and keeps us more dependent on foreign oil.  He lies about the so called 2% of the worlds oil reserves to keep from drilling.  This so called 2% oil reserves is "traditional" reserves, not offshore, Alaska, and in shale formations.  Shale has about a 200 year supply, but most is on government property.  He has forced the military to have openly gay people in the military, which is demoralising to most normal men.  He has allowed women on warships, and 25% of them get pregnant while on duty on the ships.  Babies are being born on aircraft carriers.  The list is endless, and you guys still defend this socialist idiot. 

Offline powderman

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Re: Obama praises Islam
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2012, 09:42:59 AM »
DIXIE DUDE, IRONGLOW. Good posts. Good to see somebody supporting Christian America instead of trashing it. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Obama praises Islam
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2012, 10:07:49 AM »
Please, everybody; for your own enlightenent and edification..check out this thread !  I started it with a video provided by a friend;,253731.msg1099489065.html#msg1099489065
  This Gen Boykin is very knowledgeable and on the level.  I recall seeing him interviewed several times when he was on active duty..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)