Yeah EQ, climate is the major factor in keeping bait alive. I normally use all my bait the day I buy it, but the few times I've bought more than I needed, the heat is what killed them. Here in LA, I have found that bringing the bucket inside where it's cool, and keeping the aerator running constantly is the best way to keep them any length of time. If you're like me, and only buy enough bait for a day's worth of fishing, and don't plan on keeping them more than a couple days at a time, the "cool keeper" and the "bubble box" are the way to go. It will keep them alive at least until the water gets too hot, and EQ's ice in the bucket trick works well if you're out in the hot sun fishing all day. Never been ice fishing, never even walked on any ice... Try that down here, and you'll end up with a cold, wet @$$!