That type of hatred is usually imparted by parents when people are kids; it then becomes a lifelong disability.
Interesting theory could be some truth to it.
Growing up I don't really recall being taught to hate anyone tho clearly my father seemed to hate most of his family and I saw few of them and didn't even know the names of his sisters only his two brothers whom he still talked with occasionally. I suppose in our house blacks weren't particularly well tho of but certainly not hated and one even came and helped mom and granny with the laundry some times.
Many of the boys in the neighborhood who were several years older than me used to go up and fight and generally make war with the blacks who lived not so far away. I recall some of them around my age coming down to the school yard and joining us in ball games from time to time.
I guess in those days I didn't even know muzlims existed. At least I can't say that I recall ever hearing the term until perhaps my college days. Jews I heard of but mostly in the context of "jewing someone down on the price" and that Jews ran the banks. Sure we had history lessons and heard of the holicaust there. I can't say I have any love or hate either for them. I accept that the Bible says they are GOD's chosen so figure they can't be all that bad. Dunno that I've ever had any personal dealings with any Jews to know that much about them other than what I read.
I think it’s time for the open question to Greybeard; is this blog what you envisioned when you created it, do you think it represents the world views of even a small fraction of your forums members, what effect do you think it has on potential members as they stop by GBO to look around and does it bother you that you’ve in essence created a blackboard for a single persons benefit to cut and paste an anti-Semitic fueled alternative reality?
I suppose that would be a fair question except for a couple of points. First I've not seen that Greybeard fellow on line in months. He makes an occasional appearance once or twice a year. Maybe he'll see this and comment on it. As you might notice from my user name I'm Graybeard.
![Shocked :o](
Second I don't reckon I have a blog at least if I do I'm not aware of it. This is a forum discussion site and quite honestly I don't even know what a blog is or how one runs one. Let's assume tho for the sake of argument that's merely semantics.
I didn't start this particular forum and have never really cared for it. This is Matt's baby not mine. He and Heather are the moderators here. I seldom read or post here but your post was reported by someone and as Site Admin and co-owner wit Matt I get an e-mail of every reported post so I dropped by to see what the issue was.
As to the site as a whole I'm not even sure I still remember what I expected when I first told Matt to set me up a site. I don't recall that forums were actually a part of it and perhaps what now passes as a blog was what I actually did have in mind. I wrote some stuff to tell the world who I was and what my interests were and where I hung out when online which back them was: Shooter', Hunt Info, The Coffee Shop and a site called SPAV. In those early days those were about the only shooting/hunting general interest sites I was able to locate. That would have been perhaps late '96 to early '97 time frame.
At some point after that I told Matt I'd like to have some forums on my site so he got us hooked up with a free forum hosting site that only allowed a maximum of 200 posts. After that they pruned them off based on age not on thread but post age so the post that started threads disappeared and left replies to it. I told him that wasn't gonna cut it so he wrote some software and we began using it. We've made two software changes since then and after we left Matt's software everyone had to registeer again and we lost all the threads and posts as the current type format wasn't compatible with the old software. I think that was around 2002 but I don't remember.
Early on I had made a decision that the forums here would not be allowed to degenerate to name calling and personal attacks like happened so often on other sites I visited. I didn't want foul language used and decided our target audience was CHRISTian families and that all posts and threads allowed to remain needed to be suitable reading for all such members to include the children. I've strived to meet that goal ever since.
This forum isn't one I particularly approve of but as I said I didn't set it up Matt did. I do not think his goal had anything to do with the argument of Jews versus muzlims but he will need to address his intentions and he will have to take responsibility for how it is run as he and Heather are in charge of this particular forum on the site.
I'd as soon the hate muzlims/hate Jews posts all ended and I don't as a rule post to them or read them unless someone reports a post and I take a look to see why. That would sure upset the apple cart for some who post here. We do at least allow both the pro muzlim/anti Jew folks and the pro Jew/anti muzlim folks the opportunity to spew their vitrol at each other.
As you say this is a hunting/shooting/fishing site primarily and we have some forums for regular members to post about other things of interest to them while here but the core of the site is hunting/shooting/fishing/trapping and other outdoor related activities.