Author Topic: LIBERALS CAN LIKE GUNS  (Read 1444 times)

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Offline williamlayton

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« on: March 06, 2012, 12:45:27 AM »
My daughter is a liberal.
I have related in the past about her first shooting experience and how much she enjoyed it.
I have been after my daughter to apply and get her CWL. I was on the phone with her Saturday--she had called asking me to take her shooting next week--spring break.
The subject turned to her getting her Concealed carry permit. She has a friend at school (she is a counselor) who just got her Permit and she has been thinking about it---with my help.
I told her that I would spring for the cost and she accepted.
Now, we need to go into training for this event and moveing on towards a more complete training in not only shooting but safety and training to shoot.
I am pleased.

Offline painted horse

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« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2012, 05:01:13 AM »
William, I thought there was a rule against that somewhere in the Liberals "Handbook for Giving Away Other Peoples Stuff"?  ;D   Anyway, good for you, and her, I wish I could convince my daughter to do the same...

Offline jhm

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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2012, 05:21:37 AM »
     I would be willing to bet that the MAJORITY of the liberal actors, actresses, politicians, civil rights groups, and envirolist have CCW, it is OK if they are armed but they just dont thing anyone else should be, as ROSIE once said only her body guard should be able to have a gun to protect her and her or her children.   Jim

Offline IOWA DON

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« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2012, 06:49:31 AM »
I know three liberals who are pretty much against gun rights, but who own pistols, which they inherited and live in areas where they must be registered, However, they have not registered those guns.

Offline zoner

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« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2012, 11:52:59 AM »
my wife is not exactly a liberal, but there was a time when she didn't want anything to do with guns. She discovered the NRA Women on Target program at my local range and has been to three training sessions there. Last week I bought me a nice Smith and Wesson Model 60 38 special,showed it to her, she picked it up, said "gee, that's really nice", loaded it,stuffed it in the purse, and that's the last i saw of it :( . Looks  like i need to find me another j frame snub.....

Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2012, 12:19:34 PM »
I disagree.
A True liberal can not like guns.
A True Liberal believs that Government will protect them (Police, Laws, and Jail)
A True Liberal does not like an armed society as they can not have the government impose its will on people if they will defend themselves.
A True Liberal could never use a gun to defend them selves as the attacker is not attacking them but is a comment on the injustness of our society and other factors that have driven him to a life of crime.
A true Liberal could never use deadly force as they are against the death penilty and how could we be sure that their civil rights would not be violated while they are attacking.
A true Limo Liberal thinks guns are what the hicks in fly over country do to get things to go in oppossum pie.
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Offline Brett

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« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2012, 02:53:56 PM »
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Hmm... possibly, but then again she did get someone else to spring for the cost of getting her CCW.

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Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2012, 03:01:37 PM »
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Hmm... possibly, but then again she did get someone else to spring for the cost of getting her CCW.
It was offerd rather than demanded.  a true liberal thinks everything should be given to them and demand it.
Hey if you want ot see how conservitive she really is.
Tell her you agree with her and that the government is the answer to everyting and that you are going to leave anythng left over after taxes to the state and Federal government to help the poor.  Bet she protests!

Offline flmason

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« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2012, 04:01:50 PM »
I disagree.
A True liberal can not like guns.
A True Liberal believs that Government will protect them (Police, Laws, and Jail)
A True Liberal does not like an armed society as they can not have the government impose its will on people if they will defend themselves.
A True Liberal could never use a gun to defend them selves as the attacker is not attacking them but is a comment on the injustness of our society and other factors that have driven him to a life of crime.
A true Liberal could never use deadly force as they are against the death penilty and how could we be sure that their civil rights would not be violated while they are attacking.
A true Limo Liberal thinks guns are what the hicks in fly over country do to get things to go in oppossum pie.
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Just curious when all this changed. I missed it, for sure. As a kid in the 60's I thought "liberal" meant wanting freedom... which of course you have to defend. Which seems to imply RKBA to me.  When did liberals become communist dictator types? Somehow I missed the shift. Been trying to pin down when this happened.

Offline reliquary

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« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2012, 04:59:10 PM »
Liberals can like guns.  My grandson, age 25, is about as liberal as they come, but loves to shoot.  I'm storing his guns while he finishes college.  We jointly own several and he has two of his own.  The one part of my philosophy that has stuck with him is that they're  another form of tool.  And LOTSA fun.

Offline BUGEYE

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« Reply #10 on: March 07, 2012, 01:34:28 AM »
old William will probably fuss about mouse guns etc.  but my slightly liberal daughter has her walther P22 with her at all times.
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Offline yellowtail3

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« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2012, 03:39:21 AM »
I would say... that most who self-identify as liberals don't shoot, and don't really like guns, and none I know are gun-nuts.

On the other hand, lots of guy like to shoot, hunt, and accumulate more and more guns, but who are called libruls by the the reichwingnuts among us if they don't kowtow to the xenophobic & racist nuttery.
Jesus said we should treat other as we'd want to be treated... and he didn't qualify that by their party affiliation, race, or even if they're of diff religion.

Offline guzzijohn

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« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2012, 05:01:35 AM »
I would guess most on this board would consider me a liberal and I have owned guns since I was six years old when I got my first BB gun. Currently I reload and own 13 powder guns ranging from .22 rimfire to .45 Colt and four pellet/BB guns.

Offline BobJ

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« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2012, 05:22:41 AM »
McWoodduck, love your rant on liberals. Yes, they think police will protect them, and no one respects our law enforcement personnel more than me, but the main function of the police is to make a report after the crime has been committed, sorry but that's how it goes.
Funny, my best friend and dive buddy is a big--huge--lib but has a CCW permit, and he is accumulating weapons, has 3 SBRs, and just purchased a full auto HK 53. (All legally transferred). Just hate to think that if worse comes to worse, I will be the one wearing the gray uniform this time.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2012, 11:44:02 AM »
Well, now---I am assuming that she is a liberal intellectual but has intended to protect her arse cause she knows the Police can't.
Leastwise this is what started this whole road trip.
She is actually better that I thought she would be---the most amazing part is the lack of flinching from sound or recoil.
There is a whole lot that she and  have to do before I will put her in a fireing line or take a test.
It will be fun though.

Offline mechanic

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« Reply #15 on: March 07, 2012, 12:11:09 PM »
At 17 my youngest daughter hated guns...didn't want one around her.  At 34 with two children and a husband out of the country often, she wanted self defense.  A shotgun is under her bed, and she can shoot it.  At 37, she just asked me to go with her to buy a handgun and help with her CCL.
With age comes wisdom.
Molon Labe, (King Leonidas of the Spartan Army)

Offline buck460XVR

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« Reply #16 on: March 07, 2012, 01:14:56 PM »
I disagree.
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

My guess she may have liberal views but is not the extremist or radical liberal that you try to portray. The majority of folks are not radical right or left, they tend to be more in the center with a slight lean to one side or the other depending on the issue. Many hard core gun antis are also hard core anti abortion..............this makes them what? I tend to support and be happy whenever I see someone that enjoys guns, regardless of their  political beliefs. I see no legitimate reason to split folks with similar likes, especially when the like is firearms. I also tend to believe anyone that is pushing conservative values should know how to correctly spell the word. Just sayin'.
"where'd you get the gun....son?"

Offline KIMBER45

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« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2012, 09:46:17 AM »
WOW, it's almost like stereotypes don't fit every stereotype. How stereotypical.
"In the final analysis, it is between you and God.  It was never between you and them anyway."__Mother Theresa
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Hawkeye: My father warned me about you...
Chingachgook, he warned me about people like you. He said "Do not try to understand them".
 "do not try to make them understand you. That is because they are a breed apart and make no sense".


Offline reliquary

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« Reply #18 on: March 13, 2012, 10:34:57 AM »
As I've posted in other places:
My wife, as conservative as she can be, did not like guns when we first married 48 years ago.  She started liking them after someone tried to break in the house one night while I was at work.  She still likes them. 
A LOL from church couldn't see the need for anyone to have a gun...she stated, more than once, "I don't think that anyone but the police and the military should be allowed to have guns, and then only when they're on duty."  Now that she is widowed, she has obtained a handgun and wants me to teach her how to use it, and I've agreed to do so...GLADLY.
It's amazing how one's perspective can change.
 Of course, folks like the Hollywierd hypocrites can hire someone with guns to protect them, and still not want us to have guns.

Offline jimster

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« Reply #19 on: March 13, 2012, 12:55:18 PM »
Of course, folks like the Hollywierd hypocrites can hire someone with guns to protect them, and still not want us to have guns.
Yes, and there have been lots of cases of those socialists having guns while lobbying to outlaw other people's guns as well.  There are tons of cases of the same people in power that won't allow gun permits to anyone else, but they have them themselves.   That's pretty much the way the whole socialist mentality is...just me but not you. Just what I want, not what you want.  It goes a whole lot farther than just guns, it's pretty much everything. 
You can be conservative and not know much about guns, and not knowing much can make you afraid of them, that's pretty normal for lots of things...horses too.  ;)

Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #20 on: March 13, 2012, 03:07:53 PM »
I disagree.
A True liberal can not like guns.
A True Liberal believs that Government will protect them (Police, Laws, and Jail)
A True Liberal does not like an armed society as they can not have the government impose its will on people if they will defend themselves.
A True Liberal could never use a gun to defend them selves as the attacker is not attacking them but is a comment on the injustness of our society and other factors that have driven him to a life of crime.
A true Liberal could never use deadly force as they are against the death penilty and how could we be sure that their civil rights would not be violated while they are attacking.
A true Limo Liberal thinks guns are what the hicks in fly over country do to get things to go in oppossum pie.
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Just curious when all this changed. I missed it, for sure. As a kid in the 60's I thought "liberal" meant wanting freedom... which of course you have to defend. Which seems to imply RKBA to me.  When did liberals become communist dictator types? Somehow I missed the shift. Been trying to pin down when this happened.
I honestly think they have always been the same way.  Your perception of what they have been saying may have changed.
Remember the Republicans were the ones that passed the Civil rights laws and ended Jim Crow laws.
But in the 60's the liberals yelled really silly things that were promoted by true communists.  When they were told to shut up they screamed they had a right ot free speach and changed that to You have to listen to me!  Now that they have taken over the media, the news papers, and schools, are following the Mao and Nazi mantra of take over the Media and indoctranate the young into their way of thinking.  The bigger the lie the more people will believe it.
But what I think you are talking about took place in the late 70's and 90's when people started to look to the government as a benovelent parent that will give them things, not allow them to take oppertunities.

Offline flmason

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« Reply #21 on: March 13, 2012, 04:42:22 PM »
I disagree.
A True liberal can not like guns.
A True Liberal believs that Government will protect them (Police, Laws, and Jail)
A True Liberal does not like an armed society as they can not have the government impose its will on people if they will defend themselves.
A True Liberal could never use a gun to defend them selves as the attacker is not attacking them but is a comment on the injustness of our society and other factors that have driven him to a life of crime.
A true Liberal could never use deadly force as they are against the death penilty and how could we be sure that their civil rights would not be violated while they are attacking.
A true Limo Liberal thinks guns are what the hicks in fly over country do to get things to go in oppossum pie.
My guess is your Daughter is not really a liberal.  She is a Mis guided conservitive.  And just needs to be coaxed into thinking rather than being told waht to think.

Just curious when all this changed. I missed it, for sure. As a kid in the 60's I thought "liberal" meant wanting freedom... which of course you have to defend. Which seems to imply RKBA to me.  When did liberals become communist dictator types? Somehow I missed the shift. Been trying to pin down when this happened.
I honestly think they have always been the same way.  Your perception of what they have been saying may have changed.
Remember the Republicans were the ones that passed the Civil rights laws and ended Jim Crow laws.
But in the 60's the liberals yelled really silly things that were promoted by true communists.  When they were told to shut up they screamed they had a right ot free speach and changed that to You have to listen to me!  Now that they have taken over the media, the news papers, and schools, are following the Mao and Nazi mantra of take over the Media and indoctranate the young into their way of thinking.  The bigger the lie the more people will believe it.
But what I think you are talking about took place in the late 70's and 90's when people started to look to the government as a benovelent parent that will give them things, not allow them to take oppertunities.

Have to admit, despite being 50, I was too young to really evaluate the 70's thing at the time. But that is the shift I'm talking about. Somehow it went from "Do yer own thing man!" to "Hey let's enact laws to tell everyone what to do!"

California strikes me as the essential example. Home of the hippies... most regulated stated in the Union, well expect perhaps one or two in the N.E. and New England, not quite sure.

Also strikes me as interesting how now the conservatives are saying essentially, "Leave me alone to do my own thing, man!". Almost complete role reversals on that point. I seem to recall the conservatives taking aim at long hair, bell bottoms, "Hippie Beads" and all. I.e the conservs were the keepers of conformity. Yet now the libs have somehow managed to legislate conformity to their "own thing man". LOL!

I guess that's the thing I'm grappling to describe. How the roles seemed to have been reversed in many ways.

As you point out. Maybe only my perspective changed. As a kid I'd have, of course picked up on the long hair and the "hippie clothes" and "peace signs" and all that. But can't for the life of me remember if those folks were hard line commie types, though I do recall hearing of communes.

Strange and interesting that the Nazi's where supposedly a workers party and are considered "extreme right"... the Soviet Communists... same deal, at least in name, and are considered extreme left. Same upset worker bees, two different methods. Both seemed to have lost out.

Need to logoff right now, but would be interested in others impressions.

But relating to the topic. I'd have thought the libs would realize the need for guns as defense of their liberty to "do their own thing man".

I took a look at Wikipedia's definition of "Classical Liberal" and well, that's what I thought a conservative was. So seems that somehow it's gotten to be a huge ball of spaghetti logic, with words not meaning what they sound like.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2012, 01:03:32 AM »
William:  good for you and your daughter.  Life just gets better'n better, doesn't it.
Zoner:  Man up, get another j-frame, and keep smilin'. 

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2012, 03:39:30 PM »
Mikey---well, ALL
We did a real test wednesday. I took her to the range--a very preliminary step in her getting her lic.
I want her to qualify with an auto--then (in Texas) she can carry anything.
I took a 9x23, Sig P220, Norinco 1911 gov., a S&W DA revolver (also .45), her M28 .357 (it has bone handles and she calls it white Lightning), a M19 (thinking of the weight thing), Colt Gov., and the PPK.
She liked all--at 7 yards she tore up a pie plate--the Sig was good for her as was White Lightning and she liked the PPK--she said it made more sense for her---bbut she loves the M28 357.
I aint buying her no PPK, she can have my 1975 one, ,,,,,,well, maybe.

Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2012, 03:50:16 PM »
What about the slighly larger Sig P230 or P232 in either Blue or Stainless.

Offline Mikey

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« Reply #25 on: March 16, 2012, 12:41:57 AM »
William:  what about a Walther PK380.  I handled both the PPK and the PK380 the other day and I have to tellya that the PPK felt the same as all the other PPKs, PPKSs and PPs I have ever handled, but that PK380 is just (almost) too much of a good thing.  It is soooo easy to use and manipulate and the felt recoil is about that as the P22.  The PK380 is lighter than the PPK and the recoil system on the PK is a dream. 
I realize the PK380 lacks the classical styling of the 1920s PP and PPK pistols but they remind me of my Beretta - solid chunks of steel; classical styling, heavier, but the PK380 comes with a lifetime warranty/guarantee and has replaceable/changeable grips.  I have had so much fun with my P22 that my wife wants it (or one for herself I hope) and if she likes that then I will get her a PK380 later on.  Both have the same grip, same feel and same controls; lifetime warranties, great customer service and a name that fully means quality. 

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #26 on: March 16, 2012, 06:25:46 AM »
Your as bad as my other "friends", always tryin to get me to sumthin else.
I assume--you know assume--that eventually we will have to let her shop if she is not satisfied----you heard me say "we", how much can I put you down for a contribution?

Offline mcwoodduck

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« Reply #27 on: March 16, 2012, 08:18:42 AM »
In the Blue Book the Sig P 230 in Blue/ Black was about $270 as a 95% gun.
So I guess since I opened my Big fat Keyboard,  I am in for a third.
You, Your daughter, and Me all paying equal shares.
I have had one for years since 93 or so and love mine.
Dad just took it about a year ago as his CCW for NC.

Offline williamlayton

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« Reply #28 on: March 16, 2012, 09:39:01 AM »
Yea--well, when I can catch you. ;)
One of these days I am going to let her shoot the P239 with both .40 and 357 sig barrels.
She has not flinched from trying anything so far.
Most I got out of her was "wow" when she shot the .45 semi's--but then she shot all three of them--a lot.