I have been watching this discussion and purposely not commenting. But I guess I should.
First this board was created for the purpose of discussing the making and shooting of black powder cannons and mortars. When we started this forum, we purposely narrowed this field to Cannons and mortars meeting the antique description
as we, the then moderators, interpreted the ATF regulations.
Very early on we identified discussions of air cannons, hair spray cannons, spud guns and propane cannons as not part of this forum.
We did included toy cannons, firecracker cannons, and model cannons and we were compelled to include punt guns. (I don't know why, they are just big shotguns, but we had to accept them. ) We were able to stave of a move have 37 mm grenade launchers included.
We were never a board for re-enactors, even though, whether blank firer or live firers, they are probably the biggest users of these type guns today. Despite that we welcome historical discussions about the development and shooting of these guns. These historical discussion give us some insight into how these old guns were constructed and how they were shot.
Safety has been foremost in everything we discuss here. When I moderated, I was tenacious in my stance on safety---no compromise. Some say I was anal about it. If my stance prevented one person from being hurt, then I will proudly accept that title.
That position of safety was one of the reasons we put propane of limits here. We lacked the expertise to talk knowledgeably.
Ger42 asked a very specific question.
But my question is with the cost of powder going up, the cost of other items and the hazmat problems is there any reason propane couldn’t used in war between the states to simulate fire from the cannons, it’s both cheaper and safer than Blackpowder.
I find his question very interesting. His question has to do with re -enacting and procedures with in the re-enacting community.
His question is not about making blackpowder cannons and mortars and it is not about shooting blackpowder cannons and mortars.
I contend that his question as interesting as it is, it is outside the intended scope this forum.