Author Topic: Button bucks  (Read 2469 times)

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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2012, 12:25:17 PM »
I don't get it either,thousands of the buck fawns that are killed are no doubt bread by qaulity bucks.


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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #31 on: April 26, 2012, 03:15:22 AM »
Its not that hard to understand really. First you need to wrap your mind around the idea that if you want trophy racks you have to manage your herd for them. It should be easy to see if you get rid of poor bucks and only leave quality bucks to breed you will end up with more quality bucks. If you also cull the poor bucks that come along again you end up with only quality bucks , it seems so simple really. Then you restrict the number of does and buttons to allow the food to be more plentiful for the remaining herd. You restrict the size of quality mature bucks taken and after a few years you will see more trophy size bucks.
The total number of deer will be less ( meat hunters don't like this ) but quality of rack size will be better.
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Offline bubba

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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #32 on: April 27, 2012, 12:06:25 AM »
so randomly shooting button bucks that never get a chance to mature and may well have been some of the best breeding stock is a way to make bigger better bucks?  Sounds pretty skewed to me.  To me shooting fawns is the ruination of the herd.  But what do I know.  And to say eat hunters would not like this.  Who do you think slaughtered the 19 thousand button bucks.  Sure wasn't trophy hunters.  They are loving it.  And if shooting fawns fills your freezer, either you have bigger fawns than I see, or you have to shoot a lot of them. 
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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2012, 02:47:10 AM »
I see you missed the point of DEMAP . There is nothing random about it . It is a controled hunt in every way. It takes alot more dedication to allow quality bucks to mature and cull those who don't show potential than to just kill anything with a rack no matter how small. Skewed , well of course it is that's the point of the exersise to skew the results in favor of quality deer management with trophy bucks and healthy does giving birth to fawns that will grow into more healthy bucks and does . If it were not shewed what would be the point ?
As for the 19000 button bucks why were the allowed to be taken ? over population for the carrying capacity for the area ? high ratio of car accidents involving deer or hunter pressure to be allowed to take more deer ?
As for smaller deer and table quality , does and buttons both taste better to me than big necked bucks in rut but that's just my opinion. As for filling the freezer , we are issued 6 tags when we buy out big game lic. we can buy more doe tags . our fire arms season is 7 weeks in the part of the state where I hunt , ML is two weeks and we can take two deer per day . Trust me filling a freezer is not difficult. In my county we cand take does all season.
Now I don't condem hunters who want areas that allow taking any buck and I will take one in such areas ( we hunt with dogs and killing a deer in front of them is a big part of the hunt) but there is a place also for trophy management also. Its important to understand the needs of the herd and the plans to insure the goals of the managers and hunters. I have seen first hand when hunters refused to work with game departments. The deer suffer and die.
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Offline bubba

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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #34 on: April 30, 2012, 11:23:34 AM »
so since you do not live in this area and are not sure of the deer population, it is hard for me to take what you say to heart.  I do not mean to sound like a jerk, but I get three tags foe the season to include  archery and muzzleloading. I guess I need to be a bit more select.
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Re: Button bucks
« Reply #35 on: May 01, 2012, 05:21:16 AM »
Sorry I don't remember saying that I was from your area. What I said is that game managers have reasons for what they do. Then I mentioned here DEMAP works great when applied. Then I was ask what it was and explained it. So wheather you take it to heart or not is not the point . You can do some real reserch and see for yourself why your area is managed the way it is. But to base complaints on hear say surely will lead to no one taking it to heart.
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