I keep chickens but the real complaint I had about this pair of coyotes was the noise they caused be causing my dogs and the neighbors dogs to bark at all hours of the night, I would get up to check it out and see their eyes in my spotlight. People keep horses all around me so I really couldn't take a shot at night. I got up early one morning because my dogs were making their coyote alert bark. I look out the kitchen window and there one of the pair was walking toward the back of my 5 acres along the fence line. I unlocked the door to the room I keep my 22-250 in and grabbed a shell, loaded it and got on my porch. I shot and this one dropped, I hurried back and got another shell, when I got back on the porch the other coyote had come back looking for it's buddy and I shot it too. It spun in a circle for a bit and went down. Now the buzzards are enjoying my shooting too. I used a load I put together just for this happy day last fall, 16.0 grains of IMR 4227 under a .223 diameter 45 grain Hornet bullet made by Speer. Both hits were solid chest hits and though I did not go look at the coyotes at the time (went back to bed) to check wound damage or to see if the bullets had exited I am pretty sure that the thin jacketed slug didn't do much on the other side of either coyote. Range was around 150 yards. This load and rifle is also the one I use for our 150 yard egg shoots so I knew exactly where that rifle hits.