Seems Justice Kagan should recluse herself from this case, since she was once solitictor general arguing for Obamacare; which is also known as the Gurannteed Profits for Healthcare Corps Act.....
How does a law that is going to put all private helth care companies out of business and drive everything to the government gurantee any profits?
The whole law is written to give your employer the option to pay a cheaper amout and push you to the public policy.
By pushing people off the health care companies they gain NO profit from something they do not sell.
Now with the three payer system that Obama care will end up with costs will rise or the service will fall.
The three payers will be the Obama care for the general public, government healthcare for the politicians (they exemped them selves and made their own plan) and the Military plan. As Obama said in the campain to pass it all Private insurance will be gone in 10 years. The Public option was the only option.
If we just went back to a simple insurance of a catastrophic coverage and paid out of pocket for all other care, Prices would fall, care would get better, Insurance would drop, and you would be healthier. Instead you want the insurance company to cover everything from cat scan to tooth paste. That coverage makes you want more and since you are not really spending your money you opt for more expensive stuff driving the costs for all up.
Forget that the law makes you buy something. If the Government can make you buy one thing they can not only use the Tax laws for social engineering they can use the so called commerce clause to make you buy things.
They can make you buy the atkins diet, go vegan, buy an electric car before you can buy a fossil fueld car,
If you think the prices of something are high now wait till you are forced to buy that good.