Well, if it has to have a basis in biology then I'm gonna try using my sister for bigfoot bait again. That's biology, pure and simple. She used to be a middle eastern dance instructor, which is biology, pure and simple. If I ask her to dance around 1911 Crazy's cookfire while he is cookin' up some of his Limburger cheeseburgers, that is also biology, pure and simple and the t rap will be set.
So, if bigfoot is real and hangs around 1911 Cray's place in norther Vermont or Connecticut, or travels unknowingly through dimentional portals to get there, then the combination of my sister's dancing and the lure of the Limburger cheeseburger cooking smells should get'm, and then we will have biological proof, pure and simple.
Ya see, when Biggie comes in for the burgers, my sister jumps him and that will be the end of his story, pure and simple. I have seen some big men, and I mean some really big seriously large guys who did't stand a chance around my sister... once she takes a liking to ya, your number is up so ya might just as well get used to it......... and she likes big hairy guys too.
Steven Hawking - sorry Scibaer but I always felt he appreciated the notoriety of his disability a bit too much and probably would not have gotten much public attention without it. Top brain - maybe. Theorist but possible crackpot - definately. And, English. Interesting enough is that treatment for his condition was available just after WWII and could have helped him during early onset. jmtcw.