Thanks BB. I'll watch for that.
I've considered reaming to a Maxi, but studying the different loads for the Maxi with 200 gr. bullets and considering the magnum chamber, I'm not convinced the Maxi is that much better. Maybe it is, but that's why I'm testing.
Consider the long throat of the magnum SAAMI chamber. With a standard 1.59" COL the bullet jump is ~3/8" +- depending on bullet profile. I can chamber a magnum case with a bullet seated 1/8" for a ~1.96" COL (140 gr. FTX) and still have a bullet jump of .1". Because of the shape of the 200 gr. FTX, I can go even longer without touching the rifling lands. I won't know how long until my order comes in.
The published (Hodgdon) maximum load for a 200 gr. bullet in the Maxi is 18 gr. of IMR4227 and I can equal that and more (20 gr) in the magnum case with the bullet seated 1/4" or even less. The only difference in the cartridges is the length of the case and the extra length is all wrapped around the bullet.
I'm assuming the reamer does not change the location of the rifling lands, but only lengthens the case area. If that's correct, I can equal or even top the published maximum load for a 200 gr bullet in a magnum case. Of course, to prove it, I'll have to get those 200 gr. FTX bullets and work up the load. I have IMR 4227 on hand, so that's what I'll start with. H110 promises to give higher MV and less pressure, so that's an interesting option, too.
These COL's with the 140 gr. FTX are (L-R) 1.96", 1.86" and 1.60".