Yes, the Democratic party has become the same as the Communist party of the 50's. Look at their platform from 2008 vs the Communist platform from the 50's. The Communists have actually taken over the Democratic party. They believe the big Federal government can solve welfare, healthcare, feed the world, feed all the poor. If they can't get their way, they pass laws that MANDATE things, like FORCED health care. Right after Obamacare was passed, my health insurance went up over $100 per month the first year, only because of the mandates it forced them to pay for. Like keeping grown kids on your insurance until they are 26 whether they are in school or not. 85% of the so called uninsured were young people between 21-30 who had healthcare OFFERED at their jobs, but didn't pay for it. I don't mind helping the TRUELY poor, but IF a woman gets on welfare, she should be REQUIRED to have the inserted birth control pills under the skin that lasts for 3-6 months. NO MORE WELFARE BABIES. ONLY disabled, mental patients, and elderly should qualify for any welfare. ALL able bodied with an IQ above 75-80 should work or go hungry. Not my fault they are poor. In America you choose to be poor, choose to work, choose your life, not live on government handouts. This goes for corporate welfare, and paying landowners not to grow food.