Glad that you are enjoying the thread there
I understand your position. My wife took a long time to convince that having a flock of chickens would be a nice addition to the family. I have been collecting books, buying magazines and reading on the subject for a few years now. What finally pushed her over to a "
yes" position was when my daughter's Fiance' started bringing eggs from his family's home flock. After a few months of these fine quality eggs, she just could not go back to the lower quality of store bought eggs. And with home grown eggs selling for a little over $5.00 a dozen in our area, easy choice.
Another small plus is that I'm going to maintain a
very small flock of 4 chickens, that is how I'm able to get away with a flock under my deck and close to the house. The Buff Orpingtons are more of a utility breed, not bad egg layers and not bad meat birds. There are breeds that will lay far more eggs than the chcken breed that I chose. But these Orpingtons should still provide my family with about 12 to 18 eggs a week.
Predators had me concerned, but I have a yippy little dog that likes to alert the entire house-hold whenever even a squirrel gets in the backyard, or one of the neighbors steps outside to have a cigarett on their back patio. Cheap alarm system I guess.
The Kaki Cambells ducks are a light egg laying breed. This pair should provide 9 to 12 duck eggs per week for my daughter and my wife to use in baking. My wife has a few friends that would like to have a local source for duck eggs, so she can also sell the excess duck eggs to others for use in their baking needs. Duck eggs always bring a small premium.
If I had a flock of a dozen or more birds...I'd have to keep them way away from the house and the mess would be significantly greater. Infact for the sake of my neighbors I probably wouldn't even be considering having the chickens unless we were in teh country and had more room. Course we haven't got there yet, once the chickens are outside and full grown I may find that under the deck may still not work...I'll keep you all posted on that one.
There is such a difference between the eggs from a well raised home flock and store bought eggs. I could have been buying Farm Fresh Home Grown eggs from the most expensive person in my neck of the woods; I should have hit on that years ago. My dear sweet wife loves to save a dime.