My family has a deep and meaningful love and appreciation for the outdoors. I love the outdoors. I love Hunting, Fishing and Camping; and I cherish the memories made and the time spent with family and friends while doing these outdoors activities. My daughter's Fiance', my wife, and I have been doing a little fishing lately at some of the old fishing holes that I used to frequent as a kid. Unfortunately, the weather has not been cooperating very much at all. Seems every time we go there has been a thunderstorm. This last time we sat through a down pour that lasted over an hour...there was no delay between the flash of lightening and the boom of the thunder. It was right on top of us. We've had some very strange weather this summer here in Colorado; Drought, Fires and now's been Biblical.
While we were headed home from fishing, we noticed that the ditch-rider had shut off the water to the irrigation ditch that runs behind may parents' house...this is where I grew up, the home where we had poultry when I was a young kid.
Cajun Boil was on my mind when we hit the canal the next morning, with 5 gallon buckets and seines. My Dad, the Fiance', my Son, and I spent nearly 2 hours wading the shallow waters of the canal collecting Crayfish. The waters were murky and the catch, by hand, was challenging. We probably saw one tenth of the crayfish that were in the areas that we hunted; we caught about a 3rd of what we saw. When we got them home I needed to flush-out the crayfish for a few hours in fresh clean water. I emptied out the duck's water tub, washed it with bleach and in went the crayfish to wash them out before everyone arrived for dinner. We ran a stream of fresh water through the tub for 4 hours to help flush-out the crayfish. Usually I like to do this for 24 hours, but time did not allow.