I'm not touching that one. Good luck, maybe CW will.
Here's my 2 cents worth though. As someone else mentioned, you can always down load the 356 Win to 35 Rem velocities, not the other way though.
Thanks, Dinny
For those of us in Indiana, where 35 is the minimum caliber we can use in a deer-hunting rifle, but 1.800" is the maximum case length allowed, this 35Rem/356Win debate takes on a far greater meaning. Which one of these cartridges, in an H&R, makes the most sense? Well, that depends on what kind of performance you're seeking, how short of a cartridge neck you feel is TOO SHORT, and how much recoil you're willing to deal with to hunt a li'l ol' deer.
Trimming a 35 Remington to 1.800" means cutting off .120" and leaves you with a neck that is .215" long.
Trimming a 356 to 1.800" means cutting off .215" and leaves a neck that is .150" long.
There is a certain symmetry in these two, for Indiana.
Now, both of these have been tried and tested; both work. In a single-shot type of rifle, I don't think the short neck is going to be a limitation. You can't go "wrong" with either, to be honest.
With the strength of the H&R action, you can certainly exceed SAAMI specs a bit on the 35 Remmy, safely pushing a 200gr pointed bullet to ~2,350fps. Presuming a 200 yard zero, this would give you minute-of-deer trajectory out to nearly 250 yards, where you'd only be 5.5" low. Your bullet would still be traveling ~1700fps and carrying ~1400ft/lbs of energy. Plenty for good bullet performance and lethal killing power on a deer.
Add another 30% to all of those numbers for the 356 Winchester. It extends your range out to roughly 300 yards and still has the stuff to ensure a humane kill. It is, in all respects, "more gun" than the 35 Remington...that's indisputable, really.
The question, then, is "how much is enough"? For my shoulder and my deer hunting, 250 yards is enough. I like the longer neck on the shortened 35 Remington and I like the blend of performance and relatively mild recoil that is brings to the table. I have nothing against the 356 Winchester and if someone gifted me one, I would not waste time or money on the 35 Remmy, but for my build, I've decided which one is right for me. YMMV