Well we know all this got started when NBC edited the 911 tapes to make it look like a racial incident. How do we know this? They were caught at it, then NBC fired the guy that did it. NBC has failed to admit any wrong doing, but their actions speak for them selves. Then the news media used pictures of the man from when he was a kid of 12 or 13 to portray a kid being killed to pull on every ones heart strings. He's 17, not a kid. The typical age of a Florida Pot Smoking wanna be Gangbanger. From the things he said on his twitter account he was just looking for a place the bust loose. The news media also used a picture of Zimmerman that had been cropped to make it look like a police mug shot. Almost instantly in the court of public opinion Zimmerman was guilty.
I looked at the fact the police did not arrest him at the spot. In a case like this the police look for any reason the haul the guy in and book him, usually to the point of going overboard. There was a lot of information that was not reported by the news media, that later came out. Two Eye Witnesses have came forth, and both say Zimmerman was being beat up by the man wearing the hoody. The man wearing the hoody was beating Zimmerman's head against the pavement. Having your head pounded against the pavement is a deadly situation, it can kill you. So Zimmerman was justified in shooting the person beating him, he had to stop the pounding of his head against the pavement, or die. That is a case of self defense. Pictures confirm Zimmerman had cuts and bruising on the back of his head.
Now the Media, the Black Racist Radicals have jumped on this and are using it to incite racial tensions. Even our President (who was out of line) has helped incite racial tensions by commenting on this situation against Zimmerman. Our racist Attorney General has refused to do anything about the bounty placed on Zimmerman's head by the New Black Panthers, or the riotous speeches and attempts to incite riots over this. Now a prosecutor has decided to bring Zimmerman up on Second Degree Murder Charges. In my opinion (based on my feeling, not on fact) this Prosecutor was told to bring these charges forth, in the hopes of quelling a race riot. Zimmerman is being cast to the dogs as a sacrifice, to quell the thirst for blood by the public, created by the Pro Gun Control News Media. The very first reports said Zimmerman was hiding behind Florida's "no requirement to retreat law". This is being used by the News Media as another point for more gun control. And it's working, there are calls to reassess Florida's and other states gun laws.
There is conflicting reports that Zimmerman had and had not retreated like he was told by the 911 operator. Zimmerman told the police he had retreated, and was attacked when his back was turned. The 911 tapes that first claimed the Black man wearing the hoody was screaming for help, was later corrected to be Zimmerman screaming for help. As for calling this man a kid, no at 17 he is not a kid. I've been shot at by men 16 and 17 years old. If he is old enough to smoke pot he is not a kid.
Got this from Zimmerman's web site: "People have a right to their own opinions, but not to their own facts. Evidence must be located, not created, and opinions not backed by evidence cannot be given much weight" - James W. Loewen
I for one will donate for Zimmerman's defense.