Specific instructions given to me by neighborhood watch....I cannot follow onto private property other than my own other than to save a life, then it's my discretion. I cannot use deadly force except in the preservation of my own or other's lives. I cannot use force to prevent property crimes. I cannot approach anyone committing a crime, other than to save a life or prevent injury. In other words, I can't stop a man from stealing my neighbor's lawn mower...I can only call the cops for that.
Ben - we have a NW as well. Our rules say pretty much the same as what you have outlined above. I think that is common sense. As far as GZ goes I have a few questions for all who have read and responded to this thread:
When does being an observant member in your own community cross over into "stalking"?
Z was walking in the commons area between two rows of buildings to keep the "suspicious person" in sight. NW is about being observant and reporting.
Z did call 911 and when the operator told him "we don't need you to do that", Z responded "OK".
There has been much speculation that Z continued to follow after that. I don't believe for a second that any of us knows at what point Z turned around and started back towards his vehicle.
In my neighborhood there have been numerous mid day burglaries when most are at work. If I were at home and saw anyone suspicious and walked around to get a better look at them so I can better describe them to LEO, would you consider me a "stalker"?
I think the term stalking is being thrown about to show intent, so as to help bolster the charge of murder 2.