To me, the disadvantages out weight the advantages. If there is an extraction problem, I do not think that the extra grip is going to make a difference to pull the case clear. On an ejector, the case is going to clear anyway, unless there is a problem, like over pressure or a rough chamber. That can be fixed, with out cutting away the chamber. Then there are head spacing issues on rimmed cases like the 22 Hornet and 30-30, where the shoulder is not that sharp and defined. I have already voiced my concerns over the safety aspect. Hopefully, you never have a head separation, but if you do, I think I want as much steel around the head as I can get. I have a mill and could do this modification very easily, but doing this is not going to happen with any of my guns. This is my personal opinion of course, to each their own.
Just one last thought...if it was safer (blowing out to the side in a case head separation) and easier to get out cases, why doesn't H&R, T/C, Rossi, or CVA offer barrels cut like that?
Good Luck and Good Shooting