Author Topic: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."  (Read 4237 times)

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"It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:23:55 AM »
good video
Summary: 911GATE: WTC 217 Controlled Demolition Ultra Proof

\"It was very much like a controlled demolition when you look at it because the building essentially almost fell vertically down as if someone had deliberately set blasts to take place to cause the building to fall vertically. If you\'ve seen many of the managed demolitions where they implode a building and they cause it essentially to fall vertically because they cause all of the vertical columns to fail simultaneously--that\'s exactly what it looked like and that\'s what happened. It was live on television.\"
--Mathys Levy and Leslie Robertson, WTC engineers admitting 9/11 inside job controlled demolition on PBS and Discovery Channel                                     

Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2012, 07:56:28 AM »
The engineering firm responsible for the design of the WTC was Worthington, Skilling, Helle, and Jackson. One of the chief engineers that worked for them and later became a partner was Leslie Earl Robinson. That being said was he actually in the video? Matthys Levy was I believe the voice you hear over and over and over and over repeating the same absurdity that we have been hearing for years. I never saw a face with his name below it or any thing that leads me to believe he was involved. Maybe I missed something.
I particularly enjoyed the way they sped up the action and tried to pass it off as real time. They made a mistake at the 2:38 minute mark and showed a partial view of street level and it appeared pretty clear to me that it was being FFWD. If you have to resort to that kind of trickery to make your point....can your point be that valid.
One saving grace in my opinion was the marked absence of these phrases. "Random fire damage" "freefall collapse" and my personal favorite "pancake debri field"
Also just out of curiosity...where is a building supposed to fall other than down or vertically down? Is there such a thing as horizontally down? That being said they should watch their own altered the time the building were at the halfway point of their collapse the debri was falling over an area far larger than the footprint of the building itself.
Hope everybody is doing well.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2012, 03:27:25 AM »
there WILL be an explosion when floors pancake.  when a building pancaked in Illinois many years ago, my Dad said there was a loud explosion and huge pressure wave as each floor was impacted.
and that was a small building compared to the WTC.
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Offline wncchester

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2012, 08:19:37 AM »
Lord, won't the conspiracy people ever give up?  Thousands of gallons of kerosene poured into elevator shafts that were broken by the impact.  The heat from the roaring up-draft heated the surrounding steel structure until it softened enough to collapse, the collapsing structure fell DOWN, taking in and pulling other stuff along with it.  The combined weight of the unequal collapsing mass overwelmed the strength of the lower floor framing in a chain link effect like falling dominoes.  The nearly straight down and in collapse was no more complex, difficult to understand ... or nefarious ... than that.
My retired Special Forces friend who was working in the next sector over from where the plane hit the Pentagon gets outraged when he hears that some dufus has said it was a missle hit there, not a plane.  He - and hundreds of others who work in the Pentagon - know a little about air crashes.  He would gladly testify that the fire was kerosene and that aircraft parts - and passenger parts - were scattered throughout the impact area he searched for suvivors.
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2012, 09:07:06 AM »
No they never give up! Nor would I hold my breath expecting them to do so any time in the near future.
Good points you made by the way. i have always thought that the source of the explosions heard throughout the buildings right after impact were thousand af amps worth of electrical switchgear shorting phase to phase.
Have a nice day.
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2012, 09:19:27 AM »
Wncchester, like kinslayer said, they never give.  what you said is the truth.
having spent most of my working life around commercial aircraft, I understand you totally.
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2012, 09:22:28 PM »
Lord, won't the conspiracy people ever give up? 

My retired Special Forces friend who was working in the next sector over from where the plane hit the Pentagon gets outraged when he hears that some dufus has said it was a missle hit there, not a plane.  He - and hundreds of others who work in the Pentagon - know a little about air crashes.  He would gladly testify that the fire was kerosene and that aircraft parts - and passenger parts - were scattered throughout the impact area he searched for suvivors.

85 Cameras pointed at the pentagon that day. All tapes confiscated. Not one shows a plane hitting the pentagon. If one was the government would have had the news media play it over and over, like the did the towers falling. But there was this tape.

Then we have a real investigation. Not a government coverup.

No I will never give up, the lives of 6.5 billion people depend on it. 911 was only the beginning of the end. The truth is all we have to fight back with.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 01:40:21 AM »
yep, that WAS an airplane.  there is a side view from a camera near the ground that shows it was not a rocket.
there has been a few conspiracies in washington, watergate etc.
but nobody took a plane full of passengers and crew and murdered them and destroyed the plane.
ALL of the physical evidence proved it was a plane.
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 10:38:41 AM »
Lost Farmboy,
The first video is so laughably fake I cannot believe you posted it!!!! As to the second....nothing says definitive like a Jesse Ventura Video! Nothing but a bunch of the same thing we have been seeing for years. They even rehashed the alleged quote by Rumsfield indicating trillions of dollars missing. That is a deliberate attempt to deceive by splicing his speech to get the desired effect. I wonder if they used the same NBC guy that doctored the 9/11 call for the "Zimmerman and Trayvon" call?
Another thing that bothers me is the claim of 85 cameras pointing at the Pentagon. Where did this number come from? ??? I am guessing it is just another number that popped into some conspiracy enthusiast head and they thought "it will sound so much more authoritative if we say 85 cameras". If someone knows there were 85 then they should be able to list them and tell us where exactly those cameras were located. Not to much to ask of someone who is so worked up about this stuff. List them for us and I will give it some more thought. I don't' are if you use commas or not, but as I know you are particular about that sort of thing, you probably will.
Have a nice day.
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 02:05:32 PM »
  Bugeye you claim this video plainly it shows was not a rocket. It doesn't plainly show anything hitting the pentagon. If there was a plane hitting the pentagon the government would have showed it to us. 85 cameras? One would have to show a plane. This is the best they can find to support their cover story?
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under" -Ronald Reagan

“So this is how liberty dies; with thunderous applause.”  Padme Amidala

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 02:22:40 PM »
Kinslayer,,,just have your friends in DoD show us ANY tape of a plane hitting the Pentacon, because the one that did slip out showed something other than an airline skimming the ground...Then release the Blackbox FDR data....Then release the autopsy reports and explain how the passnegrs were totallly incinerated except for their DNA, but the poor victims working at the DoD weren't incinerated...c'mon...stop peeing on our leg and telling us its raining...
well, since you seem all-knowing, what did the conspirators do with the airplane and all the passengers??
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2012, 04:47:46 AM »
Kinslayer,,,just have your friends in DoD show us ANY tape of a plane hitting the Pentacon, because the one that did slip out showed something other than an airline skimming the ground...Then release the Blackbox FDR data....Then release the autopsy reports and explain how the passnegrs were totallly incinerated except for their DNA, but the poor victims working at the DoD weren't incinerated...c'mon...stop peeing on our leg and telling us its raining...
well, since you seem all-knowing, what did the conspirators do with the airplane and all the passengers??
What airplane and what passengers....??
I expected an absurd answer like this.  it's kinda like my first mother-in-law, she wasn't happy unless there was some kind of crisis in the family, and if necessary, she would make something up.  she was absurd too......
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Offline BUGEYE

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2012, 09:23:39 AM »
no I don't see that.
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2012, 10:21:40 AM »
no I don't see that and neither does anyone else.

That's right bugeye, nobody sees a plane in this video because there is none.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under" -Ronald Reagan

“So this is how liberty dies; with thunderous applause.”  Padme Amidala

Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #14 on: April 20, 2012, 09:10:26 AM »
From USA Today......... these are the passengers.
You can, if you wish, google the names below and find much more info about each person. Hundreds of papers around the country with obituaries and info concerning the flight 77 tragedy seems like a pretty good indicator someone died.
09/25/2001 - Updated 12:46 PM ET
American Flight 77 victims at a glance
Lists of victims

A Boeing 757 en route from Dulles International Airport near Washington to Los Angeles. The plane was carrying 58 passengers, four flight attendants and two pilots. It crashed into the Pentagon about 9:40 a.m. ET.

Paul Ambrose, 32, of Washington, worked with the secretary of Health and Human Services and the surgeon general, addressing racial and ethnic disparities in health. He had gotten engaged to Bianca Angelino a week ago. They planned to marry next fall in Spain, a country where he spent a year studying. A doctor who graduated from Marshall University School of Medicine in his hometown of Huntington, W.Va. Ambrose had completed a masters degree in public health at Harvard University 2 years ago. He was more than halfway through a fellow with the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine and was working directly with the Surgeon General on a number of health issues. "This guy was spectacular," says longtime friend Erin Fuller. "He could've been surgeon general of this country." Ambrose's brother, Kenneth, also was 32 when he died 2 years ago of a congenital health problem. Last year, the 1995 graduate of Marshall University School of Medicine was named the Luther Terry Fellow of the Association of Teachers of Preventative Medicine.

At age 11, Bernard Brown already had style. He dressed sharply and made sure his clothes and accessories were always coordinated. "He was very particular about his looks. He was handsome and had charisma," says Denise Sessoms, assistant principal at Leckie Elementary School in Washington, where Bernard attended sixth grade. He had become an excellent student in the past 2 years, catching the attention of his teacher, Hilda Taylor. That's why she picked him to go on a 4-day National Geographic Society school trip to the Channel Islands off Santa Barbara, Calif. "She felt that this was an opportunity to further encourage him to excel, and he had an interest in marine biology," Sessoms says. Bernard lived in Washington with his parents, Bernard and Sinita Brown.

Charles Burlingame, 51, of Virginia, pilot of American Airlines Flight 77, grew up in Orange County, Calif. Burlingame went on to graduate from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md. He joined the American Airlines team in 1979. He planned to celebrate his 52nd birthday by attending a California Angels baseball game in Anaheim last Wednesday. When he learned he couldn't get a good seat for the game, he told his wife, Sheri, not to join him aboard the ill-fated flight, said his brother, Brad Burlingame. He also leaves a daughter. He is also survived by a daughter, Wendy, and a grandchild.

Suzanne Calley, 42, of San Martin, Calif., an employee of Cisco Systems Inc. Calley, who loved to ski and scuba dive, would have celebrated her 20th wedding anniversary on Wednesday, Sept. 12, and her 43rd birthday on Monday, Sept. 17. In addition to her husband, she is survived by her parents and a brother.


[/t] Sarah Clark, 65, was a beloved sixth-grade teacher at Backus Middle School in Washington. She was accompanying student Asia Cottom, 11, on the National Geographic Society field trip. She and her fiancé had recently gone shopping for wedding rings. "She loved to wear nice clothes — she was a dresser," recalls Brenda Jackson of Washington, who was one of Clark's former students. Clark, who had a master's degree in urban planning from George Washington University, leaves a daughter and son. Jackson ran into Clark a couple of years ago. "We hugged. She was out shopping — her favorite pastime."
Others on the National Geographic Society field trip included James Debeuneure, 58, of Upper Marlboro, Md., a fifth-grade teacher at Ketcham Elementary School in Washington, and Rodney Dickens, 11, a sixth-grader at Ketcham.


[/t] Barbara Edwards, 58, of Las Vegas, was a teacher who taught French and German at Palo Verde High School. Edwards was traveling with Bud and Dee Flagg, of Corona, Calif.

James "Joe" Ferguson, 39, of Washington, D.C., was director of geography education outreach for the National Geographic Society. He was doing what he loved, traveling and teaching. He was accompanying teachers and schoolchildren on an educational field trip to California. He tutored kids at a local school. He'd recently journeyed to Mykonos and London and was already planning his next trip to Australia for his 40th birthday. Ferguson also loved to dance, especially to the music of Janet Jackson and Madonna, and doted on his fox terrier Winston, whom he'd saved from being put to sleep.

Wilson "Bud" and Darlene "Dee" Flagg of Millwood, Va., planned to visit family and friends in Orange County. Wilson Flagg was a retired Navy admiral and current pilot for American Airlines.

Richard Gabriel, 54, of Great Falls, Va., a Marine lieutenant who received a Purple Heart for his duty in Vietnam, was flying to Australia via Los Angeles, on business. Gabriel owned his own firm, Stratin Consulting. He is survived by five children.

Stanley Hall, 68, of Clifton, Va., was "our dean of electronic warfare," said a colleague at Raytheon, a defense contractor. Hall, director of program management for Raytheon Electronics Warfare, helped develop and build anti-radar technology. He was quiet, competent and something of a father figure. "We have a lot of young engineers who looked up to him as a mentor," Raytheon spokesman Ron Colman said. He leaves a wife, a son and two daughters.

[/t] Michelle Heidenberger, 57, of Chevy Chase, Md., was a flight attendant for American Airlines for 25 years. "Michele was a pro," reads a statement issued by family and friends. "She died trying to protect her passengers and crew." She is survived by her husband, Tom, a pilot for U.S. Airways, their 11-year-old son and college-age daughter.


Bryan Jack, 48, was from Alexandria, Va. Jack, who worked at the Pentagon, was headed to California to give a lecture at the Naval Postgraduate School when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Colleagues say Jack, 48, was a brilliant mathematician. As head of programming and fiscal economics in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, he was a top budget analyst. He had worked at the Pentagon 23 years. He was also a devoted son who called his parents every Wednesday and Sunday.

Steven "Jake" Jacoby, 43, of Alexandria, Va., was the chief operating officer of Metrocall, one of the nation's largest paging companies. He was en route to Los Angeles to participate in a wireless industry conference. "The fact that Metrocall's technical operating network continued to function and provide critical communications during this horrific event was a tribute to Jake," said Vince Kelly, the firm's chief financial officer. Jacoby is survived by his wife, Kim, and three children.


[/t] Ann Campana Judge, 49, manager of the National Geographic Society travel office in Washington, was beginning a society-sponsored educational field trip to the Channel Islands. During her 22 years at the society, educational trips supplemented her job of dispatching the society's photographers, writers and executives to all corners of the world.


Karen Kincaid, 40, of Washington, D.C. An Iowa native, she was a partner at the Washington law firm of Wiley Rein & Fielding, which specializes in communications law. She was flying to Los Angeles to attend a wireless industry conference. She was training to run in the Marine Corps Marathon Oct. 28 with her husband of 5 years, Peter Batacan, a lawyer at another firm. "She was very self-effacing," says Richard Wiley, head of the firm. "She was really one of the nicest most genuine individual you would hope to meet."


[/t] Chandler Keller, 29, of Marina del Rey, Calif., was like the television character MacGyver, someone who could do almost anything, his wife, Lisa, said. "He was a rocket scientist. He surfed, he skied, he camped, he could cook gourmet meals. He was a renaissance man." Keller, an engineer at Boeing, and his wife celebrated their first anniversary in July. "We met at H20 at a concert with a band called Common Sense," his wife said, referring to a former nightclub in Manhattan Beach. "We just met on the dance floor."

[/t]Jennifer Gore Lewis, 38, and Kenneth Lewis, 49, both of Culpepper, were a married couple working as flight attendants for 17 and 15 years, respectively. "It's been 20 years, but I still remember her," Jan Stanley, who coached Jennifer Gore in track at West Henderson High School in North Carolina told The Asheville Citizen-Times. "She was such a sweet, bubbly young lady. She was so full of life, always smiling. I enjoyed having her on the team."

[/t]Terry Lynch, was a consultant for the New York consulting firm Booz-Allen & Hamilton and a former longtime staffer for Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. He was attending a meeting at the Pentagon when American Flight 77 smashed into the building. Lynch served as a Shelby aide for 15 years, starting in 1982 when Shelby was a Democrat in the House. He also worked for former Rep. John Buchanan, R-Ala.

[/t]Dora Menchaca, 45, of Santa Monica, Calif. The first in her San Antonio family to graduate from college, she earned a Ph.D. in epidemiology from UCLA, and worked for Amgen, a biotechnology company in Thousand Oaks, Calif. She had flown to North Carolina to watch her college-aged daughter play soccer, then to Washington for business meetings. Besides her daughter, she leaves a husband and a 4-year-old son. "Her children were really her life," brother John Menchaca says. "Most of her spare time was spent attending her daughter's soccer games."

Christopher Newton, 38, of Anaheim, Calif., was president and chief executive for Work Life Benefits of Cypress, Calif. Bill Gurzi, director of marketing at the consulting firm, said colleagues knew Newton as an excellent fiscal manager who kept his personal life to himself. Newton also kept much of the company's financial information to himself, Gurzi said. That information was with Newton on the flight. Newton was on his way back to Orange County to retrieve his family's yellow Labrador, who had been left behind until Newton's family could settle into their new home in Arlington, Va. He is survived by his parents, wife and two children.

Barbara Olson, 45, was a prominent lawyer and frequent political pundit on CNN and other TV channels. She was half of one of Washington's most influential power couples. Her husband, Theodore Olson, is the U.S. Solicitor General. She called her husband twice as the plane was being hijacked and described some details, including that the attackers were using knife-like instruments. Barbara Olson was a chief investigator for the House Government Reform Committee in the mid-1990s. She later became a lawyer on the staff of Senate Minority Whip Don Nickles, before branching out on her own as a TV commentator and private lawyer. Olson was scheduled to fly out of town on Monday but stayed until Tuesday morning to have breakfast with her husband. Tuesday was his birthday.

Ruben Ornedo, 39, of Los Angeles, was a propulsion engineer for Boeing. He was scheduled to board a plane next week but a lull in an extended business trip in Washington, D.C., gave him an opportunity to go home for a day or two. He wanted to see his wife of three months, Sheila, who is pregnant. "He thought it was worth the trip just to see her," said his brother, Dr. Eduardo Ornedo of Los Angeles. Born in the Philippines, he graduated from University of California, Los Angeles and loved to travel. He and his wife had just bought a house in the Eagle Rock section of Los Angeles and one of his favorite hobbies was going to Home Depot, according to his brother.

Robert Penninger, 63, of Poway, Calif., was an electrical engineer who had worked for defense contractor BAE Systems in San Diego since 1990. According to his neighbor, Kit Young, Penninger lived life to the fullest. He and his wife, Janet, often took motorcycle trips and he loved his souped-up, emerald-green Mustang convertible. They have one daughter, Karen Penninger. "He brought a lot of joy to this neighborhood," said Young, who had lived next to Penninger for eight years. "He was a wonderful neighbor. Best we've ever had."

Robert R. Ploger III, 59 and his wife, Zandra Cooper were from Annandale, Va. Ploger worker for 20 years at Lockheed Martin, where he was a manager in the systems and software architecture department, said colleague Matt Kramer. "He was a terrific guy, always upbeat, always had a smile on his face," Kramer said. His daughter, Wendy Chamerblin said, "He was a combination of intellectual and physical intensity and he had a keen sense of humor."

[/t] Lisa Raines, 42, was senior vice president of government relations for Genzyme, a biotechnology firm. She leaves a husband. She loved to travel, especially to California, and they'd just gotten back from a vacation in Santa Barbara. She also loved decorating their house and classical music concerts at the Kennedy Center.[/t][/t]
[/t] Todd Reuben, 40, of Potomac, Md., was a a quick trip west. "We were working on a joint venture to just get the deal done," says Stefan Tucker, his partner at the Washington law firm of Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti. "He was going out on Tuesday and coming back Wednesday. I didn't know what flight he was on." When the Tuesday morning catastrophes of Tuesday morning began playing out on television, Tucker called Reuben's wife, Viv. "I said, 'Tell me he wasn't on that flight.' She said, 'No, he was.' " Reuben also leaves 11-year-old twin boys.


Leonard Taylor[/t][/t]
[/t] John Sammartino of Annandale, Va., was a platinum frequent flier on American Airlines. A technical manager for XonTech, an Arlington, Va., science and technology firm, he was heading to company headquarters in Van Nuys, Calif., with colleague Leonard Taylor. "John and Lennie had very similar personalities," says their boss, Bob D'Alessandro. "They had a tremendous amount of patience. They were soft-spoken and reserved. Just top-drawer guys. ... I depended on them so much." Sammartino leaves a wife and daughter. Taylor is survived by wife Karyn and their two young daughters.


Robert Speisman, 47, of Irvington, N.Y., was an executive vice president of Lazare Kaplan, an international jewelry firm. His brother, teacher Steve Speisman, said the two were "soldiers for peace" in the 1960s. "It's kind of ironic that he died the way he did," Speisman said. "It's no consolation to me, but maybe as a result of his dying, people will stand up and say, 'Enough is enough.'" His father-in-law and business associate is Maurice Tempelsman, longtime companion of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. He had a wife and three daughters. His family remembered his ''immense passion for basketball.''


[/t] Mari-Rae Sopper, 35, was the women's gymnastics coach at UC Santa Barbara. Sopper was hired as coach less than two weeks ago. She graduated from Iowa State in 1988 and received a master's in athletic administration from North Texas in 1993. Three years later, she graduated from the University of Denver College of Law. "She was an incredible person who had done so much in her life," said Lesley Ross, a sophomore gymnast at UCSB. "She had an awesome attitude and was so in love with the sport. She was getting us all pumped up to come back."


[/t] Hilda Taylor of Forestville, Md., worked to broaden educational opportunities for her sixth-graders at Leckie Elementary. The Sierra Leone native planned to accompany her class on a camping trip in November. "She was like the mother, the grandmother, the authoritarian, the disciplinarian. She was fun, and she was no nonsense," Sessoms says. Taylor lived with her two grown sons and her 8-year-old grandson, Reinhardt Stafford. "The last call she made before she got on the plane was to Reinhardt to tell him she loved him," Sessoms says.

Sandra Teague, 31, of Washington, was a physical therapist at Georgetown Hospital. Up to last year, Teague lived and worked Des Moines, Iowa. She was en route to Australia for a dream vacation.

Georgetown University professor Leslie A. Whittington, Charles S. Falkenberg, both 45, and their two daughters, Zoe, 8, and Dana, 3, were headed for Australia where Whittington was going to be a visiting fellow at the Australian National University in Canberra. She was an economist and associate professor of public policy at Georgetown University. She recently published a series of papers on the "marriage tax" and studied the economic role and status of women. She had taught a course entitled "Race, Gender and the Job Market" with 1984 Democratic vice presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro. "Her humor, dynamism in the classroom and passion for teaching made her a favorite professor and a sought-after mentor," says Liza Hetherington, a student at Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute. Falkenberg was a software engineer for ECOlogic. He helped develop software to evaluate the effects of the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill and was working on a project for NASA.

[/t] John Yamnicky, 71, of Waldorf, Md., graduated from the Naval Academy and spent 30 years with the Navy, including a stint flying jets in Vietnam. His passions, said Janet, his wife of 41 years, were "flying and his children and grandchildren and traveling. We live on a farm. He loved riding the tractor and doing farmwork." An aeronautical engineer for Veridian, he also leaves four children. Yamnicky left home for the airport at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday. "He told me goodbye," his wife says.

Vicki Yancey, 43, of Springfield, Va., was headed to Reno on business. She leaves a husband and two daughters. On her Web site, she wrote about her enthusiasm for figure skating, astrology and politics and noted proudly that she testified before Congress in 1991 about the difficulties of being a middle-class working mother. She recently took her first trip to Europe, a visit to Iceland with her brothers during which she marveled at the landscape and rode a pony.

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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2012, 09:24:04 AM »
First things first I rarely if ever "pee on someones leg and tell them it is raining". If I should decide to pee on someone I would wan't them to know I am peeing on them. If they didn't know could I enjoy the whole process?
If you have a moment and don't mind too much I would love to see the article or where ever you got the idea that the passengers were incinerated and only DNA evidence remained. I myself have posted info with detailed information as to where passengers remains were found in the Pentagon. I believe you referred to the post as spamming, but then again you dismissed the large majority of my post as spamming.
Just for giggles....why do you refer to the Pentagon as the Pentacon? The humor escapes me?
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2012, 09:44:33 AM »
kinslayer, thanks for that list.
only an avowed leftist would so casually brush off all those innocent lives.
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #17 on: April 21, 2012, 05:10:14 AM »
You apparently have a very short memory. Lost farmboy changed the topic midstream by posting the Pentagon video, to which Bugeye responded, then you jumped in by I believe asking "what airplane and what passengers". So i believe you owe me an apology for the "deflecture" comment. If you don't want your questions answered ....don't ask them.
I also believe if you will actually read your last post in the quoted area by George Nelson you will find that he identifies the airplane. I wonder if he was related to Anthony Nelson?
I have posted quite a bit of info about the pentagon hit with graphs and charts and all kind of goodies to read but as everyone knows you have deemed this more goverment disinfo. I will not annoy you by reposting it.
Have a great day.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2012, 03:06:32 AM »
So it wasn't until I answered your absurd question "what plane and what passengers" that you took offense to the "deflecture"! Big surprise!
I have found oodles and oodles of info concerning "unified serial codes" for military aircraft from many different countries. The only reference to unified serial codes I have found for civilian aircraft are on guessed it.....a conspiracy sight.
It is the same old issue. Our side can post info and links, cut and paste articles, and quote studies until we are blue in the face and it is always the same response......"disinfo", "junk science", "doesn't pass the drill test" or some other absurdity while we are supposed to OHH and Ahhh over the stuff they post and treat it as gospel.
Their side claims to have a consensus or majority of people believing this nonsense. They don't and if they did it means nothing!! If you walk into a room with 25 people in it and ask the group if green M&Ms works as an aphrodisiac and 19 of them respond with a "yes" you have a consensus. Doesn't mean you have the truth! You have 19 morons who like green M&Ms and are hoping to get lucky. People use the term "consensus" when science fails them.
Have a nice day.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2012, 04:44:17 AM »

Their side claims to have a consensus or majority of people believing this nonsense. They don't and if they did it means nothing!! If you walk into a room with 25 people in it and ask the group if green M&Ms works as an aphrodisiac and 19 of them respond with a "yes" you have a consensus. Doesn't mean you have the truth! You have 19 morons who like green M&Ms and are hoping to get lucky. People use the term "consensus" when science fails them.
Have a nice day.
that right there is the truth..... and funny as well.... ;D
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2012, 12:36:33 PM »

BTW,,,I believe it was not Farmboy, but Winchester that alluded to his special forces friend who wittnessed the Flight 77 -penta incident first,,,which is not born out by close examination or the forensics presented at this time..

Well it's good to see somebody is able to dig deep enough to find the truth.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2012, 01:05:32 PM »

Another thing that bothers me is the claim of 85 cameras pointing at the Pentagon. Where did this number come from? ??? I am guessing it is just another number that popped into some conspiracy enthusiast head and they thought "it will sound so much more authoritative if we say 85 cameras". If someone knows there were 85 then they should be able to list them and tell us where exactly those cameras were located. Not to much to ask of someone who is so worked up about this stuff. List them for us and I will give it some more thought. I don't' are if you use commas or not, but as I know you are particular about that sort of thing, you probably will.
Have a nice day.

That information comes from the FBI that confiscated the 85 video tapes. If one of the showed a plane hitting the pentagon we would have seen it by now. If you want the list get it from the FBI.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2012, 04:35:02 AM »

Another thing that bothers me is the claim of 85 cameras pointing at the Pentagon. Where did this number come from? ??? I am guessing it is just another number that popped into some conspiracy enthusiast head and they thought "it will sound so much more authoritative if we say 85 cameras". If someone knows there were 85 then they should be able to list them and tell us where exactly those cameras were located. Not to much to ask of someone who is so worked up about this stuff. List them for us and I will give it some more thought. I don't' are if you use commas or not, but as I know you are particular about that sort of thing, you probably will.
Have a nice day.

That information comes from the FBI that confiscated the 85 video tapes. If one of the showed a plane hitting the pentagon we would have seen it by now. If you want the list get it from the FBI.

OK so now I get it. I need to get the list from the FBI  :o ::) ;D  You make the claim that 85 videos were confiscated and have no interest in proving your claim. Did the FBI take out an ad in a local paper and state they confiscated 85 videos? My guess is it is just another unsubstantiated claim by your side that gets repeated so much that you guys start to believe it as gospel. In fact if you look back in some of your own post the number is not even constant. You guys need to get your stories straight.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #23 on: April 24, 2012, 09:55:59 AM »
What Chevron gas station video and what witnesses?
I believe that was the tact used earlier in this thread. Seems to work well.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #24 on: April 24, 2012, 07:06:42 PM »

It was common knowledge at the time that the FBI quickly confiscated every video from every security camera in the area. It was widely reported in print and every form of media at the time. Trying to argue about the number is a silly attempt to distract the jury from the fact that none of them show a plane even close to the pentagon. If one of them showed a 757 we would have seen it many times by now. Just to shut up people like me and our numbers are growing every day.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under" -Ronald Reagan

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2012, 01:48:30 AM »
let's see now,  a few secret service agents got'em some prostitutes and got caught.
the federal government hijacked two airplanes and somehow made them and their passengers disappear, while at the same time attacking the pentagon and a Pennsylvania farm field with rockets, while coordinating with muslim hijackers to crash into the twin towers, while at the same time setting off explosions on every floor of the twin towers, except those floors above where the planes hit.  whew!!  those government dudes were some busy boys that day.

could I interest anyone in some oceanfront property in Phoenix??
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #26 on: April 25, 2012, 01:49:33 AM »
Lost Farmboy
Then it should not be hard for you to find and post a link to one of the "widely reported in print and every form of media" articles. My guess is you will come up with some reason not to provide that snippet of info. And TM7 says I pee on people's legs and tell them it is raining ;D ;D
Here are some names you might find interesting. Allen Cleveland, Frank Probst, Joel Sucher,Mike Walter, Fred Gaskin, Aydan Kizildrigli, Omar Campo, Tim Timmerman, Steve Eiden, Henry Ticknor, John Okeef and Steve Anderson. They are all eye witnesses to flight 77 crashing into the Pentagon. Look commas and everything. I really hope you ask me to post some info about these people. For now though I am just going to use the other sides MO and just post the info and assume everybody will believe it.
Have a nice day.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2012, 02:07:58 PM »
Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread, but I only today managed to read this drivel.  The 9/11 "truthers" are a hilarious lot!  My son was one for awhile - then he turned 18, graduated from high-school, and began to grow up and think with an adult mind (for the most part).
Thousands of people would have been involved in such a vast conspiracy, and not a single one has come forward, turned whistle -blower, or leaked the details?  Sure!
Maybe they were all 33rd degree Freemasons and sworn to secrecy.  Then again, maybe I'm the Emperor of Mars!
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2012, 03:17:28 PM »
I don't believe the collapse is everything as reported.
However, A controlled demolition theory is ludicrous. It takes demolition experts weeks to rig a normal building. They spend untold hours exposing steel, using cutting torches, stringing detonator wires. This was not your average size project either, X 2 remember.
Yes it was "very much like" , but I find it impossible to believe it was.
The Tesla Death Ray is a far more plausible explaination, and much more sexy. One is impossible the other is improbable.
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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #29 on: June 16, 2012, 08:12:27 PM »
what about the people that actually saw planes hit the buildings. are they government  plants   also