Author Topic: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."  (Read 4236 times)

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Offline Nuke41

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #30 on: June 17, 2012, 05:47:21 AM »
Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread, but I only today managed to read this drivel.  The 9/11 "truthers" are a hilarious lot! 

9/11 was an ink blot test for allot of people, they looked at it and saw what they wanted or needed to see, they didn’t see what actually happened.  Now that you’ve come on line protesting the lunacy posted here you can look forward to having the resident fans boys call you an “agent”, “troll” and be accused of being part of the secret Jewish cabal that was responsible for 9/11 and that secretly runs the planet.

Offline BCarp

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #31 on: June 17, 2012, 12:01:25 PM »
Sorry to resurrect an oldish thread, but I only today managed to read this drivel.  The 9/11 "truthers" are a hilarious lot! 

9/11 was an ink blot test for allot of people, they looked at it and saw what they wanted or needed to see, they didn’t see what actually happened.  Now that you’ve come on line protesting the lunacy posted here you can look forward to having the resident fans boys call you an “agent”, “troll” and be accused of being part of the secret Jewish cabal that was responsible for 9/11 and that secretly runs the planet.
Well, if the shoe fits..... ::)
EQ....the had plenty of time to rig the buildings with proprietary materials since the last explosions several years before and thru the ongoing asbestos abatement was provided by an isreali firm head up by a Bush cousin,,,,sevral blackouts and shutdowns leading up to the event.  A couple of weeks before all bombing sniffing dogs were removed from the buildings WTC #7 was not hit by any aircraft.
srussel...some people saw aircraft hit the buildings, but not as many as you think, and the aircraft were never identified....more people rewport seeing and hearing explosions. Random damage and fast fires don't produce freefall SYMETRICAL DEMOILTIONS and dustification_ _never had and never will.   WTC # 7 was not hit by any aircraft at all, yet all 47 stories collapsed in seconds like a controlled demolition.
As Nuke says....this is an inkblot test of sorts...either you believe what your eyes, experience and common sense tell you...or you believe what gov agents like Nukle tell you to believe...!!

...and I AM the Emperor of Mars...!  (and I'm due back on Earth now....)
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2012, 08:06:41 AM »
Everyone know that there are Klingons in quadrant four.......Romulans are on the other side of the neutral zone........
I have heard it said that "common sense" in nothing more than the prejudices you acquire by the time you turn 18. That being said I believe "common sense" is still on our side.
I would say more but I have to take Jennifer to Sonny's BBQ and we need to pick up a bag of green M&Ms on the way.
Have a nice day.
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Offline srussell

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2012, 03:27:36 PM »
the subject line says it all. it was very much like a controlled demolition. not that it was just that it was like one

Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2012, 03:33:41 AM »
Everyone know that there are Klingons in quadrant four.......Romulans are on the other side of the neutral zone........
I have heard it said that "common sense" in nothing more than the prejudices you acquire by the time you turn 18. That being said I believe "common sense" is still on our side.
I would say more but I have to take Jennifer to Sonny's BBQ and we need to pick up a bag of green M&Ms on the way.
Have a nice day.

This looks like an attack from someone who ran out of ammunition.
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2012, 09:31:58 AM »
Everyone know that there are Klingons in quadrant four.......Romulans are on the other side of the neutral zone........
I have heard it said that "common sense" in nothing more than the prejudices you acquire by the time you turn 18. That being said I believe "common sense" is still on our side.
I would say more but I have to take Jennifer to Sonny's BBQ and we need to pick up a bag of green M&Ms on the way.
Have a nice day.

This looks like an attack from someone who ran out of ammunition.
Hmmmmm "attack" hmmm "out of ammunition" .........since understanding my post for what they are does not fall within your wheelhouse maybe you should stop trying and spend more time on line locating those confiscated video reports you yack about incessantly. Just an idea not an attack. For future reference I find Star Trek stuff funny and I also find the way people use the term "common sense" funny. So I replied with a little humor.
TM7, she always likes hearing from you........... ;D

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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2012, 11:22:19 AM »
Everyone know that there are Klingons in quadrant four.......Romulans are on the other side of the neutral zone........
I have heard it said that "common sense" in nothing more than the prejudices you acquire by the time you turn 18. That being said I believe "common sense" is still on our side.
I would say more but I have to take Jennifer to Sonny's BBQ and we need to pick up a bag of green M&Ms on the way.
Have a nice day.

This looks like an attack from someone who ran out of ammunition.
Hmmmmm "attack" hmmm "out of ammunition" .........since understanding my post for what they are does not fall within your wheelhouse maybe you should stop trying and spend more time on line locating those confiscated video reports you yack about incessantly. Just an idea not an attack. For future reference I find Star Trek stuff funny and I also find the way people use the term "common sense" funny. So I replied with a little humor.
TM7, she always likes hearing from you........... ;D

Nothing in your post pertains to the subject of the OP.
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2012, 11:46:52 PM »
  I am and always have been a big fan of Star Trek! I consider Star Trek to be just as much fiction as the government's story of what happened on Earth date September 11, 2001. Now for the first time on this board you explained why you believe this work of fiction. You boldly proclaimed your preteen, prejudices as common sense and believe those preteen prejudices when face with evidence.

Exhibit #1. Large pools of molten metal at the base of the towers 3 weeks after Earth date September 11, 2001. Widely reported by every major network the story disappear the next day. Why? The fiction put out by the MSM and the government states that the fires weakened the steel causing the collapse. Firemen on the seen reported molten metal running down I beams like in a foundry. If the jet fuel and paper fires only weakened the steel, what caused the large pools of molten metal that had not cooled down three weeks later?

Exhibit #2. Building 7. The government fiction claims that falling debris from the towers knocked out a single beam causing the collapse of building 7. The fiction also states that no body died in building 7. Barry Jennings reported being trapped by explosions in the building that happened before the first tower fell. This alone proves the government story to be fiction. Then when led out by the firemen he reported stepping over dead bodies and the lobby was so destroyed by an explosion that he did not recognize it. Such things are easily explained away by preteen prejudices.

Exhibit #3. The flight path of the plane the government claims hit the pentagon is fiction. The government fiction path is constant with the damage to the building. The path traced by eye witness testimony is not. There is no need to produce the video tapes the government confiscated. The fact that they never produced them is proof enough they are hiding something. Logic dictates that if the tapes proved their fictitious story, they would have shown the tapes as many times as the planes hitting the towers or the towers collapsing. Why does one when faced with evidence and logic hang tight to preteen prejudices?

Where is the DNA test on that Jennifer you are dating?
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under" -Ronald Reagan

“So this is how liberty dies; with thunderous applause.”  Padme Amidala

Offline josiah712

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2012, 01:08:31 AM »
Good post, Farmboy.  Very sensible points you made, and I completely concur.
All your own words, no cut and paste.
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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2012, 02:05:33 AM »
Lost Farmboy
Wow you are worked up! Glad you enjoy Star Trek. There is however a difference between enjoying a fictionalized glimpse intothe future and believing a conspiracy theory about what happened in the past. As to my comment on "common sense" I was trying to point out that what is common sense to one person may seem utter drivel to another. Sorry you misunderstood.
Now to your points
#1 & #2  are kind of intertwined as far as my response goes so pay attention. There are a number of sites you can go to and find the NYFDs reports on their investigation concerning the events of 9/11. I provided a link to one such report wherein the first fireman into building 7 after the fall of the towers stated it was obvious to him that the building was going to come down and steps needed to be taken to get everyone clear. This came directly from an official investigative report. You can go on line and find it yourself any time you want. Now could you please provide some backup from any official NYFD investigation reports that allude to "molten metal running down Ibeams like a foundry. Good luck in your search. No second hand she said he said stuff please. I don't mind cut and paste so knock yourself out.
#3 Post the information with the eyewitness reports of the flightpath not jiving with the "official story" Names would be nice as well. Speaking of names the ones I listed earlier in this forum (4/25/2012 @ 07:49:33) are easily found with a search engine. They are eyewitnessed that state the flight path was exactly as it has been reported. They saw the plane strike the building. Enjoy your search.
I have asked Jenn for DNA. I have also asked her to sign a prenup but she seems hesitant.
There is one striking difference between my post about Jenn and your post about the conspiracy..........can you figure out what it is? I recognize fiction....especially when I am producing it!
Another person with a cut and paste least when it comes from the other side of the argument. You have apparently missed all of LFboys contributions. Surely you saw some of the videos he has posted, or any of the other information he has posted concerning everything from the pentagon hit to the skull and bones taking over the world. You don't think he produced all that stuff himself do you?
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Offline josiah712

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2012, 02:28:03 AM »
No, I don't have a cut and paste allergy.  Links and pictures and videos, are helpful, and often necessary.
My only problem is when people post them as stand alones, or with just a short remark.  I would like to hear more from the poster as to what they got out of the add on.  At least a few sentences.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2012, 07:33:31 AM »

I see why you keep asking me to investigate things for you. You are not very good at it. Start with that list of names of people saying they saw the plane hit the pentagon. I checked them out back when you posted them. If you had checked them out for yourself you might have found they were in a place that had no view of the pentagon or their story was inconsistent with the evidence at the seen. Not one was creditable.

The flight path of the plane at the pentagon has been posted here with names several times by myself and TM7. I see no reason to post it again. It is already here on several threads.

Quote from Kinslayer

Now could you please provide some backup from any official NYFD investigation reports that allude to "molten metal running down I beams like a foundry. Good luck in your search. No second hand she said he said stuff please. I don't mind cut and paste so knock yourself out.

Not too hard. On 911.

6 weeks later.


I do not see how your link to a fireman say the building would fall explains why Barry Jennings was trapped by explosions that happened before the towers fell. Explain stepping over dead bodies when the government fiction says nobody died in building 7.

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Offline kinslayer1965

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2012, 09:28:07 AM »
Lost Farmboy,
Perhaps we just spend time on different webb sites. I did not ask you to investigate anything for me. I only ask you to back up the assertions you make in your post. You make statements and I ask you to back them up and your response is look it up yourself. Still waiting for one of the many reports of confiscated videos.
Your assertion that none of the witnesses were in a place where they had a view of the pentagon is ludicrious. The idea that you would have checked them out back when I posted them and not pointed out they were wrong is also laughable.
Your videos that you posted while entertaining are not examples of official anything. They are more of the same he said she said stuff that you have been posting all along. The last video with the guy "stepping over dead bodies" is particularly unbelievable.
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Offline Lost Farmboy

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2012, 12:20:29 PM »
Lost Farmboy,
Perhaps we just spend time on different webb sites. I did not ask you to investigate anything for me. I only ask you to back up the assertions you make in your post. You make statements and I ask you to back them up and your response is look it up yourself. Still waiting for one of the many reports of confiscated videos.
You never backup stuff you post, why expect me too?

Are you trying to display ignorance or use diversion tactics? Because it was reported on all the news stations on 911 and the day after that the FBI collected all security videos in the area it is common knowledge that they did it. That would show ignorance. It would be completely incompetent for the FBI not too confiscate every tape in the area. Are you trying to say the FBI is incompetent? If one of the confiscated tapes backed up the government's fictitious story, it would have been released. Just to prove to you the FBI is not incompetent here is one of the confiscated tapes.

Your assertion that none of the witnesses were in a place where they had a view of the pentagon is ludicrious. The idea that you would have checked them out back when I posted them and not pointed out they were wrong is also laughable.
I didn't say none of the witnesses were in a place where they had a view of the pentagon. I said they were in a place that had no view of the pentagon or their story was inconsistent with the evidence at the seen. Now I have to question your reading comprehension. The ones at the train station had no view of the pentagon. They saw the plane. They did not see it hit because the view was obstructed. The military guy that had an apartment overlooking the pentagon. He was looking real creditable until he said something stupid. He said he saw the plane hit the ground first then bounce into the pentagon. You would think he could come up with a better lie than that. He did seem intelligent. If the plane would have hit the ground first it would have left a mark. The guy on the grounds said he hit the deck because the plane was so low it was going to hit his head. He also said he saw the plane hit the ground first. Unless the pentagon really has that Pentalawn 2000 stuff TM7 was advertizing, they are both lying.

Now for some of the reasons I didn't respond to these witnesses before. I do not have much time for you childish diversions. You never face evidence that does not agree with your preteen prejudices. Proof of that comes later in this post. Now back to that time thing. I have a full time job. Because the food in the stores is not safe I have to raise my own. The yard and garden take a lot of time as do the bees. I am writing a book and trying to get it published. My wife and I are trying to find a place with more land because we cannot raise enough food here. We are also starting a business. You may have noticed I have not been around much lately. That trend will continue. I will stop in from time to time to see if TM7 has found an immediate threat. I will not respond to many of your post, because all you do is respond with childish diversions.

Your videos that you posted while entertaining are not examples of official anything. They are more of the same he said she said stuff that you have been posting all along. The last video with the guy "stepping over dead bodies" is particularly unbelievable.

Proof you can't face evidence not agreeing with your preteen prejudices. Just what you asked for. Real firemen who were in the building. They saw the molten metal flowing like lava! What is not creditable about that? Then the workers cleaning up the mess. May of them died of cancer because of lies the government you blindly defend. 6 weeks later they were digging up metal that was red hot. He said she said stuff? An example of your childish diversions. Is that really the best you can do?

Barry Jennings was part of Giuliani's emergency management team. He got to the meeting late. The explosions that trapped him in the building happened before the towers fell. You choose not to believe him because his story will not agree with your preteen prejudices. He died for telling the truth.

A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.   John F. Kennedy

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Offline josiah712

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Re: "It was very much like a controlled demolition..."
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2012, 01:16:09 AM »
And how can anyone deny that Larry Silverstein said of building 7 "We made the decision to pull the building".  It takes at least six weeks to set up a building like that so that it can be "pulled".  Larry just flat out screwed up and put his foot in his mouth.
Building seven was prepared way ahead of time, to be "pulled", and so were the others.
"It is when the people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains"

                                   Patrick Henry