yt3, its en vogue for the left to call the right "nazi" its en vogue for the right to call the left "socialist"
however one feels about it, the right is actually using the correct terminology as socialism is rooted in the redistribution of wealth - to each as they have need, and so on. The Nazi party of Germany were not economic conservatives (capitalists) or even moral conservatives, they were socialists. They redistributed the wealth of the Jews, who were the greedy robber barons and corporate fat cats of the early 20th century Germany, to the people. I have doubts it was ideaology really, I think it was simply money - the Jews had the most money per capita in Germany, and Adolf felt they needed to eat their peas. White supremacy was a handy tool to rally the people to support the cause. The National Socialist party demonized those who thought differently from them, accused them of being mentally deficient (like a certain professor in Oregon said of those who doubt manmade global warming), and blocked their speech. Eventually they called for the blood of the wealthy - suited up and booted up as they say down in Florida.
The Congressional Progressive Caucus refer to themselves as "progressives" and are the liberal end of the Democrat party, typically butting heads with the Blue Dog Democrats (i.e. moderates or conservative Democrats). They are also vocally socialist in their agenda, and its from their ranks that the term nazi is used in reference to Republicans. The irony is that they are nearly identical in political social economic ideals with the National Socialist Party (Nazi), but instead of white supremacy, its intellectual elitism which labels its opponents as buffons, rednecks, illiterate bible thumpers, gun owners, and tea baggers. Now you might agree that there is no supremacy in fact of whites over Jews - that was all a big lie to divide the people, and give them a common enemy, and fill the coffers of the ruling party. Just as their is no supremacy of intellect on the part of the Democrats, there being plenty of highly intelligent and educated members of the Tea Party and conservative caucus, but unless we demonize them, we can't get the people to support raising their taxes which is the only way we know how to get money.
The President isn't a communist, but he is a socialist - it's the only term that fits his stated agenda - and he is a progressive by his own admission, indicating he comes from the left end of the left end on the spectrum. The President isn't a muslim anymore than he's a christian; or you could say he's as horrible a muslim as he is a christian - again, applying the appropriate label to his stated beliefs, he is at best a moral universalist. As to him being anti-American, I don't know. He doesn't seem to be proud of much about our country, which is sad.